Antverpiae 1620 ex Officina Hieronymi Verdussi Full-Leather (Hardcover) 1st Edition
Reference : 027374
Full-Leather (Hardcover), 30 x 19 cm, 332 pp., Latin, 1st Edition, book condition: Good. Clarissimi Jcti. Petri Gudelini Antecessoris Academiae Lovaniensis Commentariorum de Ivre Novissimo Libri Sex, Optima methodo, accurate ac erudite conscripti, additis harum vicinarumque regionum moribus. Opus ut diu avideque expetitum, ita Scholis pprnFull leather, 30,5 x 19,5 cm, binding is stil strong, the leather is used and damaged, 24 + 342 +28rnPetrus Gudelinus or Pierre Goudelin (Aat, 8 August 1550 - Leuven, 18 October 1619) was a professor of law and rector of the University of Leuven. rnIn 1590, having turned forty, Gudelinus thought the time had come to marry. As a wealthy citizen, he was spoilt for choice and chose Marie van der Stegen, daughter of a councillor to the States of Brabant. They had three sons and four daughters. rnAfter his death (1619), his sons published 10 books written by him. These were mainly his written-out lecture notes, in Latin. They appeared mainly in Leuven and Antwerp. Reprints took place in Leiden, Cologne, Arnhem and Frankfurtrn
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