Leiden 1962 Lugduni Batavorum - E. J. Brill Hardcover
Reference : 026906
Studies in the history of religions Hardcover, 25 x 17 cm, 479 pp., English / German/French, book condition: Very Good.
Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Walter Van den Bergh
Van Vaerenberghstraat 53
2600 Berchem
+32(0)496 80 81 92
Leiden 1962 Lugduni Batavorum - E. J. Brill Hardcover
Studies in the history of religions Hardcover, 25 x 17 cm, 464 pp., English / German/French, book condition: Very Good.
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden], Brill 1972 2 vols.: vii,479 + vii,464pp. + frontispice, 25cm., in the series "Studies in the history of religions (Supplements to Numen)" vol.21-22, cloth, very good condition [Vol.1 contains the following chapters: I. Studia ex proximo oriente antiquo. II. Studia judaica et christiana antiqua. III. Studia graeca et romana antiqua. IV: Studia hellenistica syncretistica. V. Studia gnostica. Vol.2 contains the following chapters: I.Studia indica et buddhaica. II.Studia iranica. III.Studia islamica. IV.Studia septentrionalia antiqua. V.Studia ex culturis illiteratis. VI.Studia phaenomenologica. VII.Studia psychologica. VIII. Geo Widengren: Bibliographica], X76011