1998 Interantionaal studiecentrum voor de middeleeuwse schilderkunst in het schelde- en maasbekken Soft cover
Reference : 013357
Early Netherlandish painting (1400-1500) a bibliography (1984-1998) soft cover, 29,5 x 21 cm, 385 p, contribution to fithteenth-century painting in hte southern Netherlands and the principality of LIège 8 as new, almost mint condition
Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Walter Van den Bergh
Van Vaerenberghstraat 53
2600 Berchem
+32(0)496 80 81 92
Brussels, Centre international d'étude de la peinture médiévale des bassins de l'Escaut et de la Meuse 1998 385pp., 30cm., softcover, in the series "Contributions to fifteenth-century painting in the Southern Netherlands and the Principality of Liège" volume 8, good condition, S84472
.: Brussels, Centre d'Etude de la Peinture médiévale etc., 1998, in-8°, 385 pp, index, sewn, orig.wrapper.