Joseph de La Port. The World Traveler or knowledge of the old and the new world that is: a description of all the known lands in the four parts of the world containing in each side a brief history the position of the city rivers mountains rule laws military power revenues In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Zhozef de La Port. Vsemirnyy puteshestvovatel' ili poznanie starogo i novogo sveta to-est': opisanie vsekh po sie vremya izvestnykh zemel' v chetyrekh chastyakh sveta soderzhashchee kazhdyya storony kratkuyu istoriyu polozhenie goroda reki gory pravlenie zakony voennuyu silu dokhody Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).L. I. Glazunov's printing of 1783. Joseph de La Port (1713-1779) priest Jesuit fruitful French writer publisher. He worked in a wide variety of areas of the epistolary genre: from literary criticism to drama We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb33601560f4ef4672
Reference : alb33601560f4ef4672
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Reference : alb28c46f5245ce2fab
La Port Joseph de. The World Traveler or Knowledge of the Old and New World That is: a description of all known lands in four parts of the world containing for each country a brief history position cities rivers mountains. governance laws military power revenues In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/La Port Zhozef de. Vsemirnyy puteshestvovatel ili Poznanie Starogo i Novogo sveta To est: opisanie vsekh po sie vremya izvestnykh zemel v chetyrekh chastyakh sveta soderzhashchee kazhdoy strany kratkuyu istoriyu polozhenie goroda reki gory. pravlenie zakony voennuyu silu dokhody 1st edition in St. Petersburg. Printed in freestyle. Veitbrecht. 1783. 4 384 1 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb28c46f5245ce2fab
Reference : albf95085f6f5bb93f2
La Port Joseph. A World Traveler or knowledge of the Old and New World that is a description of all known lands in four parts of the world containing Volume XIII. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/La Port Zhozef. Vsemirnyy puteshestvovatel ili poznanie Starogo i Novogo sveta t. e. opisanie vsekh po sie vremya izvestnykh zemel v 4-kh chastyakh sveta soderzhashchee Tom XIII.1 edit. Translation from French by Y.I. Bulgakov. St. Petersburg In freestyle Type. Veitbrecht. 1783. 3 342 p. SKUalbf95085f6f5bb93f2.