, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 321 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503581828.
Reference : 66033
Summary In the first two decades of the fifteenth century, the Hussite religious reform movement emerged in Bohemia; it used one of the realm's vernacular languages, Czech, both to disseminate its reform ideas, and to establish strong foundations for the reform. The vernacular became a significant strategy for identification, capable of binding together disconnected religious, ethnic, political and regional identities and generating a very potent aggregate of identifications. This volume considers material from the second half of the fourteenth century to the first half of the sixteenth, beginning with the so-called Hussite 'forerunners' and ending with the early German reformation. Individual essays discuss the various functions of the vernaculars in different text types, social situations and religious and political contexts. Together, they correct former assumptions about the topic and provide a basis for further study of Hussite vernacular theology and contribute to the transformation of scholarly narratives about the Hussite movement by including works of vernacular religious education among the most important source material. It offers a basis for the comparative research on the role of the vernaculars in late medieval European religious reform movements. TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes About the Contributors Introduction David C. MENGEL (College of Arts and Sciences, Xavier University of Cincinnati): Plures lingwas in Praga nescimus: Conrad Waldhauser on Czech and German in Fourteenth-Century Prague Martin DEKARLI (Institute for History, University of Hradec Kr lov ): Translating Political Theology into Vernacular: R criture Of John Wyclif's Oeuvre in Late- Medieval Bohemia Pavel SOUKUP (Centre for Medieval Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences): The Puncta of Jan Hus: The Latin Transmission of Vernacular Preaching Petra MUTLOV (Institute of Classical Studies, Masaryk University Brno): Religious Cross-Currents at the End of the Middle Ages: Remarks on the Textual Transmission of Nicholas of Dresden's Tabule veteris et novi coloris Jan ODSTR?IL K (Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences): Translation and Transformation of Jan Hus's Czech Sunday Postil Pawe? KRAS (Department of History, Catholic University Lublin): The Vernacular Eulogy of John Wyclif by Master Andrzej of Dobczyn: Textual Transmission of Dissident Ideas in Fifteenth-Century Poland Jakub SICH LEK (Institute for Czech Literature, Charles University Prague): Vernacular Vitaspatrum in the Religious Polemic between Catholics and Utraquists in Bohemia around the year 1500 Ji? ?ERN (Institute for German Studies, University Olomouc): The Nikolsburg Anabaptists and their German-Language Apologias Bibliography Index of Authors and Anonymous Texts
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