, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 280 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581514.
Reference : 66023
Summary The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) was groundbreaking for having introduced to medieval Europe a series of canons that sought to regulate encounters between Christians and Jews and Muslims. Its canon 68 demanded that Jews and Muslims wear distinguishing dress, in order to prevent Christians from entering into illicit sexual relations with them, restricted the movement of Jews in public spaces during Holy Week, and exhorted secular authorities to punish Jews who in any way "insult" or blaspheme against Christ himself. Other canons sought to exercise greater control over moneylending, to provide relief to Christian borrowers, to extract tithes from Jews who held Christian properties as pledges, and prohibited Jews from exercising power as public officials over Christians. The canons condemned converts who preserved elements from their former religion, promoted a fifth Crusade to the East, exempted Crusaders from taxes and from interest payments to Jewish moneylenders, restricted trade with Muslims or Saracens, and condemned Christians who provided arms or assistance to Saracens. The Council's canons affected the missionary efforts of the late medieval Church and its attempts to convert Jewish and Muslim minorities, and established essential guidance on minority relations not to be surpassed until Vatican II in the 1960s. TABLE OF CONTENTS John Tolan, Introduction Part I-Jews under the Fourth Lateran Council Valerie Ramseyer, Wellesley College, Rethinking Boundaries between Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Communities in Pre-Lateran IV, Southern Italy Alex Novikoff, Kenyon College, Performance and the Audio-Visual Jew in the Age of Pope Innocent III Irven Resnick, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, The Jews' Badge Anna Sapir Abulafia, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, The Fourth Lateran Council through the Lens of Jewish Service Rebecca Rist, University of Reading, From a Jewish Text: Anti-Jewish Papal Policy of the Lateran IV Decrees Part II-Muslims under the Fourth Lateran Council Ryan Szpiech, University of Michigan, Saracens and Church Councils, from Nablus (1120) to Vienne (1313-1314) Giulio Cipollone, Pontificia Universit Gregoriana, Christian and Muslim Captives Taken in Crusades and Jih?d: Not a Single Word Spoken at the Fourth Lateran Council Yvonne Friedman, Bar-Ilan University, The Crusade/Peacemaking Dichotomy: A Nuanced Approach Clara Almagro Vidal, Universidade de vora/CIDEHUS, Military Orders, Muslims, and the Fourth Lateran Council in Castile Ana Echevarria, Universidad Nacional de Educaci n a Distancia, The Marks of the Other: The Impact of Lateran IV in the Regulations Governing Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula Josep Hernando Delgado, Universitat de Barcelona, From Islam to Christianity: Preaching, Conversion, and the Religious Practices of Muslim Slaves from the Fourth Lateran Council through the Fifteenth Century Appendix Bibliography Index
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