, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, vi + 560 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 7 col., Languages: English, French, Spanish. ISBN 9782503583549.
Reference : 65987
Summary Nineteen scholars join forces to pay tribute to one of the leading scholars in Byzantine studies, Father Joseph A. Munitiz. As one of the founders of the Series Graeca of the Corpus Christianorum and because of his own exemplary work, Joe Munitiz had and has a lasting impact on the development of Byzantine studies. There is no better way to honour him and his work than to offer him a Festschrift with contributions that mimic his quality, passion, and curiosity. The Festschrift contains several "firsts": the first English translation of Eustathius' Letter concerning the Two Natures against Severus, and the first critical editions (and studies) of an anonymous iambic canon on St John Chrysostom, of letter Z of the Etymologicum Symeonis, of some additions to letter A in the Florilegium Coislinianum, of a possible credo of Metrophanes of Smyrna, of a letter by Nicholas Pepagomenos to Gregory Palamas, and of Maximus Confessor's Tomos to Stephen of Dor against the Ekthesis. The innovative studies in this volume deal with the Slavonic and Greek catenae on the Song of Songs, with Athanasius' Letter to Marcelinus, with an ascetic miscellany in a thirteenth-century Atheniensis, with the so-called 'First Chapter Titles' in the second recension of the Florilegium Coislinianum, with the date of composition of the Maximian Corpus, with Raimundus Lullus' knowledge of Byzantium, with the reception of the Catalogue of Inventors in Gregory of Nazianzus' fourth oratio, and with Titus of Bostra's polemic against the Manicheans. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication by Charalambos Dendrinos Joseph A. Munitiz, Autobiographical tesserae List of publications of Joseph A. Munitiz Pauline Allen, Eustathius, Letter concerning the Two Natures against Severus (CPG 6810): An English Translation Theodora Antonopoulou, An Anonymous Iambic Canon on St John Chrysostom Davide Baldi, Etymologicum Symeonis ? Reinhart Ceulemans - Margaret Dimitrova, The Slavonic Catena also known as the "Commentary of Philo" and the Greek Catena Hauniensis on the Song of Songs Barbara Crostini, Athanasius' Letter to Marcellinus as Psalter Preface Jos H. Declerck, La prise de J rusalem en 614 : les autorit s, le peuple, les d mes et le clerg Eva De Ridder, An Ascetic Miscellany from the Late Thirteenth Century: the Atheniensis, Bibliothecae Nationalis 322 Tom s Fern ndez, El florilegio de los mss. F H en la letra Alfa del Florilegio Coisliniano Jos Maksimczuk, The Transmission of the so-called 'First Chapter Titles' in the Second Recension of the Florilegium Coislinianum Basile Markesinis, La date de la composition du "Corpus de S. Maxime le Confesseur" : nouvelles donn es Juan Nadal Ca ellas (?), Ramon Llull y el mundo Bizantino Stefaan Neirynck - Peter Van Deun, Est-ce qu'on a d couvert la profession de foi de M trophane de Smyrne ? Jennifer Nimmo Smith, The Reception of the "Catalogue of Inventors" in Gregory of Nazianzus' Sermon 4, 107-109 in Pseudo-Nonnus' Commentary on Sermon 4 and Beyond: An end or a beginning? Paul-Hubert Poirier, Pol mique antimanich enne et controverse th ologique : les combats d'un v que du IVe si cle, Titus de Bostra Antonio Rigo, La lettre de Nicolas P pagom nos Gr goire Palamas Bram Roosen, A Dyothelite Florilegium in the Run-up to the Lateran Council (a. 649). Maximus the Confessor's Tomos to Stephen of Dor Against the Ekthesis [CPG 7697.15] Index of Authors Index of Scholars Index of Manuscripts Tabula gratulatoria
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