‎Judith A. Lerner, Annette L. Juliano (eds)‎
‎New Research on Central Asian, Buddhist and Far Eastern Art and Archaeology‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 346 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:86 b/w, 185 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584508.‎

Reference : 65958

‎Summary This second volume of the series offers a broad range of subject matter from an equally broad range of regions. Michael Shenkar compares a particular type of deity from the Parthian West (Palmyra, Hatra) with the colossal image of a divinity from Akchakhan-kala in ancient Choresmia (part of modern-day Uzbekistan). Careful iconographic analysis of a sealing showing the god Mithra, found at Kafir Qala near Samarkand, allows Fabrizio Sinisi to suggest a Kushan origin for the seal that made the impression. Several contributions on Sogdiana concern its archaeology and early history (Bi Bo on Kangju and Sogdiana); the iconography of one of the major wall painting cycles at Panjikent (Matteo Compareti) as well as the city's temples and deities worshipped (Markus Mode). By drawing on archaeological, ethnological and historical data, S ren Stark offers an extensive discussion of mountain pastoralism and seasonal occupation in northern Tajikistan, north of the Zerafshan River in what were borderlands for Sogdiana. Rounding out the first part of this volume is Suzanne G. Valentine's publication of a Bactrian camel clay sculpture, excavated in the Sui-Tang capital of Xi'an, its saddlebags decorated with an unusual motif. The second and last part is guest-edited by John Clarke, convener of a Buddhist conference in 2010. This section contains updated or new papers by some of the participants-Naman P. Ahuja on Buddhist imagery in Bengal; Amy Heller on the impact of Kashmiri art on Guge and Ladakh; Deborah Klimburg-Salter on Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Afghanistan; and Michael Willis on sculpture from Sarnath in the British Museum-along with that of Chiara Bellini on the restoration of the Alchi Sumtsek and the dating of the Ladakhi temple. TABLE OF CONTENTS On Central Asian Art and Archaeology Michael SHENKAR - "The Chorasmian Gad: On the "Colossal" Figure from Akchakhan-kala" Fabrizio SINISI - "A Kushan Investiture Scene with Mithra on a Seal Impression from Kafir Qala, Samarkand" BI Bo - "Recent Archaeological Discoveries Regarding Kangju and Sogdiana" Matteo COMPARETI - "Simurgh or Farr? On the Representation of Fantastic Creatures in the Sogdian 'Rustam Cycle' at Panjikent" Markus MODE - "In the Heart of the City: On Sogdian Temples and Deities at Panjikent" ? ? On Buddhist Sculpture: Papers from a Symposium held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, November 8 and 9, 2010, and Papers Inspired by the Symposium John CLARKE (Guest Editor) - "Introduction" Naman P. AHUJA - "A Buddhist Interpretation of Small Finds in the Early Historic Period" Michael WILLIS - "Markham Kittoe and Sculpture from Sarnath in the British Museum" Deborah KLIMBURG-SALTER - "Buddhist Pilgrimage to India: Bamiyan, Kapisa -Kabul, and Mes Aynak" Amy HELLER - "Tracing the Impact of Kashmiri Art in Guge and Ladakh, Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries" Chiara BELLINI - "Some Other Pieces of the Puzzle: The Restoration of the Alchi Sumtsek by Tashi Namgyal and Other Considerations on the Dating of the Ladakhi Temple" On Far Eastern Art and Archaeology Bonnie CHENG - "The Underground Silk Road - Pictorial Affinities in Fifth-century Cave Temples and Tombs" Heather D. CLYDESDALE - "Buried Towers: Artistic Innovation on China's Frontier" Suzanne G. VALENSTEIN with Annette L. JULIANO and Judith A. LERNER - "Hellenism in Sui-Tang Chang'an: Dionysiac Imagery on Mortuary Camels" Young-pil KWON - "Note on Border Patterns Dividing the Earthly and Heavenly Realms in Goguryeo Tomb Paintings"‎

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