‎Arnold Jacobshagen (ed)‎
‎Rossini after Rossini. Musical and Social Legacy‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 436 pages, Size:210 x 260 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, Languages: English, Italian, French. ISBN 9782503588209.‎

Reference : 65691

‎Summary This volume reflects on Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) and the international reception of his work 150 years after his death. Rossini was the most influential opera composer of the first half of the 19th century. His exceptional position in contemporary cultural life and the international success of his works meant that monuments were erected during his lifetime and biographies, novels and plays about him appeared. The volume explores his literary reception and the dissemination of his operas in the 19th and 20th centuries in various countries, focusing in particular on stylistic and compositional legacy, the theory and practice of operatic singing, treatises and biographical memoires, and Rossini's position in politics, society and public opinion. Translations and adaptations of Rossini's libretti are analyzed with regard to their functions within in the performances in different cultures and languages. Several chapters address the influence of Rossini and his music on other composers such as Giacomo Meyerbeer, Ottorino Respighi and Ferruccio Busoni. The fame that once surrounded Rossini, however, has been lost in the course of time, and many of his works fell into oblivion. The last section of the volume sheds new light on the so-called 'Rossini Renaissance', the revival of his works in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Arnold Jacobshagen, Preface Rossini's literary reception Jehoash Hirshberg, The Appreciation of Rossini: Two Phases Arnold Jacobshagen, Final Curtain: Commemorating Gioachino Rossini Matthieu Cailliez, Ricezione di Rossini nella stampa musicale internazionale tra il 1868 e il 1918 Renato Ricco, «Dominio del genio» versus «agilità dell'estro»: Giuseppe Rovani di fronte a Gioachino Rossini Stéphane Lelièvre, «Rossini» de René Fauchois (1920), ou quand le compositeur monte sur scène Rossini on the International Stage Paolo Fabbri, «Zelmira», un'opera da esportazione? Marco Beghelli, Singing Bodies: The Visual Metamorphosis of Rossini's Arnold from «Canto di grazia» to «Belting» Vesa Kurkela - Markus Mantere, Rossini in the Grand Duchy of Finland: A Review of Public Reception in the 19th Century Agnieszka Muszy?ska-Andrejczyk, Rossini and Poland: Libretto Translations and Presence in Polish Theatres in the Past and Today Vjera Katalinic, Rossini on the Musical Stage in Zagreb (1850-1880): Repertoire and Reception Miguel Angel Ríos Mun?oz, Rossini en español, la transformación de ópera en zarzuela Víctor Sánchez Sánchez, «Resilience» rossiniana nel furore wagneriano a Madrid (1875-1910) Rossinian Influence on Other Musicians Tom Me?barki, Rossini: un (post)moderno? Dal classicismo al neoclassicismo. Il potenziale rossiniano nell'estetica musicale neoclassica: il potenziale neoclassico nell'opera buffa rossiniana Maria Birbili, Rossini in Meyerbeer Federico Gon, «Oh! It's a Great Thing to be Rossini»: Verdi from the «Sinfonia in Do» to «Un giorno di regno» John Lam Chun-fai, «Gamme chinoise» as Rossinian Notion Roberto Scoccimarro, «Hovering Above Profundity with Smiling Lightness»: Lines of Affinity between the Aesthetics of Ferruccio Busoni and the Comic Theatre of Rossini Rossini Renaissance Zoila Martínez Beltrán, «Rossini's Rosina Resists the Test of Time»: A 20th-century Spanish Soprano Generation Focused on «Il barbiere di Siviglia» Olga Jesurum, La riscoperta del «Turco in Italia». Dal Teatro Eliseo al Teatro alla Scala Marco Pollaci, The Revival of Rossini and His Critical Reception in Italy between 1950 and 1960 Reto Müller, «Il viaggio a Reims»: The Cult Opera of the Rossini Renaissance Arnold Jacobshagen, Beyond the Renaissance: Rossini Today‎

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