‎Alexandra Dardenay, Nicolas Laubry (eds)‎
‎Anthropology of Roman Housing‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 324 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:47 b/w, 10 col., 30 tables b/w., 5 tables col., 26 maps b/w, 10 maps color, Languages: English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503588605.‎

Reference : 65660

‎Summary At a time when we reflect intensively on the issue of social cohesion, on the influence of architecture in lifestyles, and on relationships between neighbourhoods within large modern cities, this book aims to approach the study of "inhabiting modes" in Roman urban dwellings. Drawing on concepts common to historical anthropology and incorporating evidence from multiple lines of research (archaeological, iconographic, textual, and others), this volume aims to contribute to the invigoration of a social history of ancient housing through new research projects, publications, and digital tools from both individual and collaborative efforts. This field of study is currently undergoing a period of disciplinary revitalization and this volume is an opportunity to present the most recent work and to conduct a dialogue in an interdisciplinary perspective. TABLE OF CONTENTS Toward an anthropological approach to the Roman living space (Alexandra Dardenay & Nicolas Laubry) L'arch ologie des espaces domestiques Pomp i : un point sur la question (Sandra Zanella) Lucrum facere? Strategie d'uso degli spazi domestici nell'ultima Pompei (Antonella Coralini) Rooms with a view: status, spatial hierarchy, and seasonality in the upper floors of houses at Herculaneum (James N. Andrews) Tra domus e villa. Spazio e societ nelle abitazioni lungo le mura di Pompei (Anna Anguissola) With all mod cons? Latrines in domestic settings (Alain Bouet) Sanctuaires et marges de l'habitat : perception et d limitation de l'espace domestique (Marin Mauger) Locating the use and storage of female toiletry items in Pompeian Houses (Ria Berg) Where are the women? Approaching domestic space through graffiti (Polly Lohmann) Between public and private: the Italian houses of late Hellenistic / Roman Delos (Mantha Zarmakoupi) House form and household structure: the social analysis of urban domestic architecture in Roman Celtiberia (Jes s Bermejo Tirado) Des morts chez les vivants ? Les enfants en bas ge inhum s dans les espaces domestiques de Gaule romaine (Nathalie Baills-Barr & M lissa Tirel) Place index Source index‎

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1 book(s) with the same title

‎Alexandra Dardenay, Laurent Bricault (eds)‎

Reference : 64416

‎Gods in the House. Anthropology of Roman Housing - II‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 368 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:39 b/w, 80 col., 4 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503601694.‎

‎Summary The archaeological excavations conducted from one end of the Mediterranean zone to the other have illuminated the place of gods in the ritual practices in the dwellings of the Graeco-Roman era. The discovery of multiple artefacts, dedicated spaces, and figurative paintings support new avenues of historical, anthropological, and social reflection with the aim of better understanding domestic religious practices in the polytheistic contexts of antiquity. This collective volume organizes those reflections around three axes. The first axis centres on identifying the deities that were favoured in domestic sanctuaries. Which gods are represented and which are not? The second axis concerns the interrelationships evident within domestic ritual spaces and sanctuaries. The third axis is dedicated to the anthropology of rituals. Lines of inquiry informed by anthropological, social, and phenomenological approaches are assuming ever-greater importance in scholarship on Antiquity. It is from this perspective that the authors explore the role that domestic ritual spaces play in shaping the lived environment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Gods in the House: An Anthropological Approach to Ancient Divinities and Domestic Cults (Alexandra Dardenay & Laurent Bricault) I. Gods of the House Domestic Aphrodite, Goddess of Desire and Seduction (Heather F. Sharpe) D doublements de divinit s dans les laraires romains : polymorphie des images et multiplicit des champs d'action (Nicolas Amoroso) Honorer Mithra en contexte r sidentiel. R flexions partire des exemples de Rome et d'Ostie (Fran oise Van Haeperen) Divine Guests: Religious Identities and Groups of Deities in Roman Domestic Shrines (Carla Sfameni) II. Gods in the House Sacraria ou 'chapelles' religieuses Pomp i : culte domestique ou v n ration publique ? (Eric M. Moormann) Morphologies of sacra privata in the Roman House: Architecture, Furnishings, Cults (Maddalena Bassani) Herculaneum's Insula V Domestic Cult Places: Reflections on Typology, Locations and Fields of Action (Alexandra Dardenay) III. Towards an Anthropological Analysis of Spaces and Rituals Domestic Religion and the Anthropology of Space in the Entrance to the Roman House (Marin Mauger) From Routines to Rituals in Pompeian Houses - How Layout and Image-Objects of Household Shrines Shape Religious Knowledge (Anna-Katharina Rieger) Les pratiques cultuelles dans les villas gallo-romaines du Haut-Empire (Emmanuel Pui) R flexion sur le devenir et la propri t des sacraria en contexte domestique (Aude Durand) Index rerum Index deorum Index locorum‎


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