, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 320 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:200 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503586182.
Reference : 65440
Summary The fourteenth century in Italy, the age of Giotto, Dante, and Boccaccio, widely known as the trecento, was a pivotal moment in art history and in European culture. The studies in this volume present new approaches to art in this important but often neglected period of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Scholars at various stages in their careers discuss a wide range of topics including architecture, cultural exchange, materiality, politics, patronage, and devotion, contributing to a new understanding of how art was made and experienced in this nodal century. These papers were originally presented at the Andrew Ladis Trecento Conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston in November of 2018. TABLE OF CONTENTS Some Reflections - Judith Steinhoff Introduction - Bryan C. Keene and Karl Whittington I. Matter and Material Stone, Paint, Flesh: Fictive Porphyry Exteriors in a Group of Multipart Panel Paintings from Angevin Naples - Sarah K. Kozlowski The Altar as Stage: Visual and Material Conditions of the Dramatized Nativity - Patricia Simons Jacopo, Niccolò, and Paintings in Books for Santa Maria degli Angeli - George R. Bent II. Narrative and Response Painted Wood Caskets for Saints in Trecento Venice - Ana Munk The Reliquary of the Column of the Flagellation: A Case for Narrative Reliquaries - Claire Jensen Fragmented Narrative in the Chapter House of San Francesco in Pistoia - Laura Leeker Seeing and Sensing Compassion: Giotto's Naturalism in the Arena Chapel and Pietro d'Abano's Theory of Sympathetic Response - Theresa Flanigan III. Prototypes: Local and Global Locating the Duomo of Milan in the European Trecento - Erik Gustafson The Ilkhanid-Italian Relationship during the Trecento: Medieval Persian Prototypes for Brunelleschi's Dome in Florence - Lorenzo Vigotti IV. Art and Identity A Tribute to Dante: The Giottesque Portrait in the Palazzo del Podestà in Florence - Sonia Chiodo Visual Representation of Women's Legal Duties in Medieval Siena - Elena Brizio V. Time and Knowledge Towards a New Reading of the Fifteenth-Century Astrological Cycle at the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua - Anna Majeski Giotto and Time - Luca Palozzi Diagramming Triumph in Trecento Painting: Augustine and Thomas from Page to Wall - Karl Whittington VI. Local Sanctities Art of an Emblematic King: Robert I of Naples as King of Jerusalem in the Fourteenth Century - Cathleen A. Fleck The Lignum Crucis and the Veneration of the Cross in the contado of Siena: Unmasking Some Neglected Images in the Cathedral of Massa Marittima - Sandra Cardarelli The Bodies and Blood of Christ and the Virgin at Santa Maria Novella, Florence - Amber McAlister VII. The Trecento in the Present Rising from the Rubble of World War II: The High Altarpiece of Impruneta - Cathleen Hoeniger Engaging with the Trecento - Caroline Campbell Afterword - William Underwood Eiland
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