, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 296 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 32 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503594163.
Reference : 65289
Summary From bread and wine to holy water, and from oils and incense to the relics of saints, the material objects of religion stood at the heart of medieval Christian practice, bridging the gap between the profane and the divine. While theoretical debates around the importance of physicality and materiality have animated scholarship in recent years, however, little attention has been paid to finding solid, empirical evidence upon which to base such discussions. Taking medieval Denmark as its case study, this volume draws on a wide range of different fields to explore and investigate material objects, spaces, and bodies that were employed to make the sacred tangible in the religious experience and practice of medieval people. The contributions gathered here explore subjects as diverse as saints' relics, sculptures, liturgical vessels and implements, items used for personal devotion, gospel books, and the materiality of Christian burials to explore the significance of objects that moved the souls, bodies, hearts, and minds of the faithful. In doing so, they also open new insights into religion and belief in medieval Denmark. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction: Materiality and Religious Practice in Medieval Denmark - MADS VEDEL HEILSKOV AND SARAH CROIX Research History - Materiality and Medieval Religious Practice in Danish Research - MORTEN LARSEN Materiality in Medieval Episcopal Rites: Some Examples - BERTIL NILSSON The Liturgical Use of the Gospel Book in the Middle Ages and Notions of Sacramentality? - NILS HOLGER PETERSEN Making the Liturgy Manifest: Objects and Materials in Late Medieval Church Rites - MARTIN WANGSGAARD J RGENSEN Holy Heads: Pope Lucius's Skull in Roskilde and the Role of Relics in Medieval Spirituality - LENA LIEPE Living Matter in Medieval Denmark - MADS VEDEL HEILSKOV Objects of Personal Devotion - Outer Markers and Inner Meanings - METTE H JMARK S VS AND MARIA KNUDSEN Materiality of Memory: The Use and Significance of Wax in Late Medieval Devotion - LAURA KATRINE SKINNEBACH Materiality in Medieval Burials - JAKOB TUE CHRISTENSEN AND MIKAEL MAN E BJERREGAARD Future Perspectives: An Epilogue from the Views of an Archaeologist and Art Historian - METTE SVART KRISTIANSEN AND MERCEDES P REZ VIDAL
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