, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 268 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 5 col., Language(s):English, Spanish, Italian. ISBN 9782503605418.
Reference : 65274
Summary The four-volume sub-series 'Petrifying Wealth' explores the sudden ubiquity of masonry construction between 1050 and 1300 in Southern Europe and its profound effect on the European landscape. New questions about wealth, society, and medieval building are explored, which highlight the link between construction in durable materials and the shaping of individual, collective, and territorial identities: the birth of a new, long-lasting panorama, epitomising the way we see the space and territory of Europe nowadays. Volume 2 of the 'Petrifying Wealth' series focuses on economic growth in Southern Europe between 1050 and 1300, discussing investments on buildings connected with production and trade. It examines buildings that served a primarily economic purpose, in various aspects: agricultural activity and the conservation and processing of its products, crafts, and exchanges and their material infrastructures. The growth in this period resulted in a multiplication of material structures closely linked with economic activity, such as mills, barns, canals, workshops, and arsenals. Focusing on the dynamics connected with these buildings thus offers a vantage point to better understand the contexts and characteristics of the 'economic take-off' in Southern Europe in this period. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Building Economic Growth in Southern Europe ALESSIO FIORE Part I. Farming Storing for the Economy? Landed Estates and their Buildings in Northern and Central Italy, Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries LORENZO TABARRINI El mansus de la Catalu a Vieja medieval. La implantaci n de un se or o constructivo VICTOR FAR AS ZURITA Reflections on the Archaeology of Cereal Storage in Medieval Italy GIOVANNA BIANCHI Extrahere cequiam: Irrigation Canal Building and Agricultural Hydraulics in the Crown of Aragon (1170-1300) JOSEP TORR Canal-Digging in the Age of Economic Expansion (Northern Italy, Eleventh-Thirteenth Centuries) FABRIZIO PAGNONI Part II. Manufacturing La expansi n de la moliner a hidr ulica en Catalu a (siglos XI-XIII): acerca de la construcci n de molinos y sus promotores JORDI MORELL BAGET Productive Buildings and Economic Growth: Iron-Working in Central and Northern Italy (Eleventh-Thirteenth Centuries) ELENA MARIA CORTESE Building for the Market: Residential Real Estate in Medieval Italy (c. 1070-1250) ALESSIO FIORE Part III. Connecting Petrified Nodes: Bridges and Economic Growth (Tuscany, 1050-1200) PAOLO TOMEI Porti, cantieri e arsenali PINUCCIA F. SIMBULA *** Conclusions SANDRO CAROCCI Index
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