, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 346 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:17 b/w, 19 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Greek, Hebrew. ISBN 9782503598062.
Reference : 64767
Summary The detailed study of the Septuagint opens new avenues of interpretation of the biblical text and enables new advancements in exegetical studies. The Greek version can be studied through several different approaches and the application of exegetical methods, old and new, contributes to a better understanding of numerous literary, historical and theological aspects of the Bible. The present volume collects the contributions written by renowned scholars who address the issue of the role and impact of Septuagint studies on biblical exegesis and theology. The papers range from more methodological discussions to exegetical studies applying various approaches to the Septuagint text. The wide variety of methods applied reveals numerous aspects of the Septuagint and the biblical text in general, such as their composition, history, textual transmission, literary scope and shape, and theology. The diversity of methods and analyses of the Septuagint represented in this book have, nevertheless, a common denominator: Biblical exegesis would benefit greatly from a deeper knowledge of the Septuagint. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface (Leonardo Pessoa & Daniela Scialabba) 'Bringing forth from the Treasure New and Old': Septuagint Studies and Exegetical Methods (Siegfried Kreuzer) Non-Israelites and the God of Israel: The Vocabulary of 'Conversion' in the Septuagint and Greek Jewish Literature against its Greek-Hellenistic Background (Daniela Scialabba) The Use of the Septuagint in Critical Commentaries (Emanuel Tov) Elisha's Posthumous Miracle in Textual History (II Kings 13. 20-21): What does This Story Teach Us about the Textual History of the Books of Kings? (Adrian Schenker) The Septuagint's Faculty of Putting Things in Their Right Place: Challenges of a Critical Edition of IV Kingdoms / II Kings 10. 30-31; 13. 14-21 (Julio Trebolle, Pablo Torijano & Andr s Piquer) Can We Understand the Pillars of the First Temple without the LXX? Textual and Iconographic Perspective (Daniel Prokop) Haman through the Looking Glass: The Refraction of Genre in Greek Esther (Cameron Boyd-Taylor) Rhetoric of Solomon's Speech in I Kings 8. 12-13 and III Kingdoms 8. 53a (Peter Dubovsk ) Lost in Translation: LXX-Jeremiah through the Lens of Pragmatics (Benedetta Rossi) Narratological Approaches to the LXX of the Books of Samuel (Leonardo Pessoa da Silva Pinto) Septuagint and New Testament in Papyri and Pandects: Texts, Intertextuality and Criteria of Edition (Martin Karrer) The Litter of Solomon: Textual and Exegetical Problems in Canticles 3. 6-11 (Luciano Bossina) Reading 'According to the Revelation Shown to Moses': A Study of the Influence of the LXX Text on Patristic Biblical Interpretation (Georg G bel) The Importance of the LXX for Biblical Theology: Some Notes on Method (Luca Mazzinghi) Biblical Index
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