, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 268 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:12 b/w, 17 col., 14 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503592879.
Reference : 64700
Summary Readers and Hearers is a broad, multi-disciplinary treatment of the chanting of the Scriptures (epistle and gospel) at Mass in the Middle Ages. This form of chanting followed a procedure that continued to be used in the western Latin liturgy until the mid-twentieth century and in the traditional Latin Mass today. The readings were not simply spoken, but chanted to formulae that stood halfway between heightened speech and song (cantillation). Specific clerics (lectors, subdeacons, deacons), distinctively vested, were commissioned to chant the Scriptures, employing a ritual that came to be surrounded by an elaborate ceremonial. For the gospel this involved acolytes, processional movement, and the employment of ecclesiastical 'furniture' (pulpit, ambo, and choir screen). While the laity attending Mass could generally see all of the ritual actions, what did they understand of the Latin text they were hearing? In areas where Latin was spoken in Antiquity the ability to comprehend Latin passively as it morphed into the Romance vernaculars survived longer than generally assumed. Naturally, in Germanic lands, christianized in the early Middle Ages, that capability never existed. Several manuals were created to guide layfolk to engage in devotions suitable to the various parts of the Mass. How all of these elements ? ceremony and devotional aids ? united 'readers' with 'hearers' at Mass is the theme of the present volume, which also covers Martin Luther's guidelines for the chanting of the Scriptures in German TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations, Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1. 'Lay Folkes' and the Mass Chapter 2. Readers of the Word: Lectors, Subdeacons, Deacons Chapter 3. Reading, Writing, and Punctuating the Word Chapter 4. Cantillating the Epistle and the Gospel Chapter 5. Hearers of the Word Chapter 6. Direction of Prayer, Siting of Churches, and Chanting of the Gospel Chapter 7. Places for the Readings Chapter 8. Vestments Chapter 9. Sacralizing the Word Appendix 1. Isidore of Seville, De ecclesiasticis officiis 2. 11 Appendix 2. Bilingual (Latin/Greek) Readings Appendix 3. Amerus, Practica artis musice, cap. 26 Appendix 4. Ceremonial of Cardinal Giacopo Stefaneschi, cap. 28 Bibliography Index
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