‎ Jos Chab s, Marie-Madeleine Saby‎
‎Tables of 1322 by John of Lign res. An Edition with Commentary‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 159 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:4 col., 32 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596099.‎

Reference : 64482

‎Summary Medieval astronomers used tables to solve most of the problems they faced. These tables were generally assembled in sets, which constituted genuine tool-boxes aimed at facilitating the task of practitioners of astronomy. In the early fourteenth century, the set of tables compiled by the astronomers at the service of King Alfonso X of Castile and Le n (d. 1284), reached Paris, where several scholars linked to the university recast them and generated new tables. John of Lign res, one of the earliest Alfonsine astronomers, assembled his own set of astronomical tables, mainly building on the work of previous Muslim and Jewish astronomers in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Toledo. Two major sets had been compiled in this town: one in Arabic, the Toledan Tables, during the second half of the eleventh century, and the Castilian Alfonsine Tables, under the patronage of King Alfonso. This monograph provides for the first time an edition of the Tables of 1322 by John of Lign res. It is the earliest major set of astronomical tables to be compiled in Latin astronomy. It was widely distributed and is found in about fifty manuscripts. A great number of the tables were borrowed directly from the work of the Toledan astronomers, while others were adapted to the meridian of Paris, and many were later transferred to the standard version of the Parisian Alfonsine Tables. Therefore, John of Lign res' set can be considered as an intermediary work between the Toledan Tables and the Parisian Alfonsine Tables. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface John of Lign res: Iberian Astronomy settles in Paris 1. John of Lign res' works 2. Works attributed to John of Lign res 3. The set of tables 4. An edition 5. Commentaries to the tables Edition of the Tables with Comments 1. Sine 2. Shadow 3. Solar declination 4. Ascensional difference 5. Right ascension 6. Oblique ascension 7. Equation of time 8. Planetary latitudes 9. Lunar latitude 10. Daily unequal motion of the planets 11. Retrogradation of the planets 12. Planetary stations 13. Planetary phases 14. Mean syzygies for collected years 15. Mean syzygies for expanded years 16. Mean syzygies for months in a year 17. Mean motion in elongation 18. Corrections of the hourly lunar motion 19. Equations and hourly velocities of the Sun and the Moon 20. Velocities of the Sun and the Moon in a minute of a day 21. Velocities of the Sun and the Moon at intervals of 6 22. Parallax 23. Proportions for correcting lunar parallax 24. Solar eclipses with argument of lunar latitude as argument 25. Solar eclipses with lunar latitude as argument 26. Lunar eclipses with argument of lunar latitude as argument 27. Lunar eclipses with lunar latitude as argument 28. Eclipsed parts of the solar and lunar discs 29. Finding lunar latitude from the argument of latitude 30. Corrections 31. Tabula reflexionis tenebrarum 32. Proportions at intervals of 2 List of manuscripts Bibliography‎

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