, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, approx. 328 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503598925.
Reference : 64251
Summary Epidemics, pandemics, contagion, immunity, social distance, zoonosis are just a few of the concepts that have become commonplace in the academic community and in everyday conversation since the outbreak of the Covid-19. This book aims to provide the reader with a philosophical guide to this conceptual vocabulary by investigating the meanings, implications, and history of words related to the current emergency of Covid-19. This book addresses the fundamental anthropological, ethical, and political issues that have come under the spotlight of the public debate (life and death, freedom and authority, fear and protection, poverty and access to medical care). In this context, particular attention is given to the conflict between the scientific discourse on the one hand, and irrational bias, misinformation and fake news on the other. The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak is only the latest episode in a long history of pandemics and epidemics that have constellated human history since its very beginning. Authoritative accounts have made some of these contagious plagues famous (Thucydides' pages immortalizing the Athenian epidemic of the 5th century B.C.; Boccaccio's description of the Black Death; Manzoni's depiction of the Plague ravaging 17th-century Milan). Because a full understanding of the present is not possible without historical inquiry, several contributions in the book explore debates about calamitous phenomena as documented in philosophical literature from Antiquity to 20th-century philosophy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Naomi Zack, Epidemics and Pandemics: Philosophical Perspectives. What's Philosophy Got to Do with It? Michele Nicoletti, Alessandro Palazzo, Introduction Part I. History of a Problem Mauro Bonazzi, Thucydides and the Politics of the Plague Marco Di Branco, Between Religion and Science. The Debate on the Concept of Contagion in the Medieval Islamic World and its Western Parallels Alessandro Palazzo, Pestilences and Contagious Diseases in the Middle Ages. Albert the Great and the Fourteenth-Century Plague Treatises Diana Di Segni, Latin-into-Hebrew Treatises on the Black Death Concetta Pennuto, Contagion and Pandemics. Plague in Early Modern Medical Thought Mariangela Priarolo, New Sciences and Old Diseases. Seventeenth-Century Readings of the Causes of the Plague Fabrizio Meroi, Contagion and Epidemics in Twentieth-Century Thought. A Hypothesis about Bergson Part II. Concepts and Theories Carlo Brentari, Zoonosis Michele Nicoletti, Fear and Dispossession Nidesh Lawtoo, The Mimetic Faculty Reloaded: Contagion, Immunization, Conspiracies in the Age of Viral Reproduction L'udmila Lackov , Crisis of the Subject in Mediated Communication Federico Laudisa, The Epistemology of Models in the Era of Pandemic Pejman Abdolmohammadi, The COVID-19 Pandemic. An Exogenous Shock into Political Systems in the Middle East and North Africa? Michele Nicoletti, Alessandro Palazzo, Conclusion
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