, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, xviii + 338 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:182 b/w, 28 col., 19 tables b/w., 14 maps b/w, 7 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503606736.
Reference : 64176
Summary This thematic volume focuses on the demise of the Kura-Araxes culture and the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age, a period between about 2600 and 2000 cal BC that saw the gradual disappearance of millennia-long traditions in the region. Specialists reassess the chrono-cultural attribution of several complexes in the region, together with the absolute chronology of the whole sequence. Through this approach, the volume offers a nuanced insight into the changes and continuities of a crucial period between the Early and Middle Bronze Age. The chapters gathered together here also explore the abandonment of long-established settlements, the production of lavishly endowed funerary complexes, testament to the emergence of growing inequalities in society, and the adoption of a far more mobile way of life as revealed by archaeology. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations 1. For a Reassessment of the EB/MB Transition in the Kura-Araxes oikumene: The Chrono- Cultural Aspect RUBEN BADALYAN & BÉRENGÈRE PERELLO 2. Understanding the End of the Kura-Araxes Phenomenon: The Radiocarbon Perspective ANNA PAOLA PASSERINI 3. Archaeology at the Frontiers : Investigations at Rabati, Southern Caucasus and Evidence of Cultural Memory GIORGI BEDIANASHVILI, ANDREW JAMIESON & CLAUDIA SAGONA 4. The Post-Kura-Araxes Period in the Southern Caucasus : Reflections on Definitions and Terminology, and a View from Shida Kartli ELENA ROVA 5. The Final Stage of the Kura-Araxes Culture from Kvemo Kartli NINO SHANSHASHVILI & GODERDZI NARIMANISHVILI 6. The Eastern Shores of Lake Sevan during the Early Bronze Age : Preliminary Reflections MARIAM AMIRYAN, RENÉ KUNZE, ARSHAVIR HOVHANNISYAN, HAYK MELIKADAMYAN, ROMAN HOVSEPYAN & ARSEN BOBOKHYAN 7. Late Kura-Araxes Sub-Complexes of Armenia : Synchronization Problems in the Light of New Data RUBEN BADALYAN, PAVEL AVETISYAN, BÉRENGÈRE PERELLO, ANNAPAOLA PASSERINI, ARMINE HARUTYUNYAN, ARSEN BOBOKHYAN & LEVON AGHIKYAN 8. The Chronology of the Archaeological Complexes of Armenia of the Last Quarter of the Third and the First Half of the Second Millennium bce in the Context of Transformation and Fragmentation of the Archaeocultural Environment PAVEL AVETISYAN & RUBEN BADALYAN 9. Shengavit from Kura-Araxes to Early Kurgan Periods HAKOB SIMONYAN & MITCHELL S. ROTHMAN 10. Preliminary Results of the Excavations at Qaraçinar (Azerbaijan) and New Data on the 'Kura- Araxes-Early Kurgans' Transition on the Eastern Piedmont of the Lesser Caucasus GIULIO PALUMBI, BAKHTIYAR JALILOV, MUZAFFAR HUSEYNOV, ALEXIA DECAIX, MODWENE POULMARC'H & ANDREA RICCI 11. Metamorphism of the End : A Close Look at the Final Phases of the Kura-Araxes Cultural Tradition SEPIDEH MAZIAR 12. The Later Phases of the Early Trans-Caucasian: A View from Yanik Tepe in North-West Iran GEOFFREY D. SUMMERS 13. Notes on the End of the Kura-Araxes ('Khirbet Kerak') Presence in the Southern Levant RAPHAEL GREENBERG Index
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