, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, iv + 471 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600819.
Reference : 63432
Summary The present volume, the continuation of volume CCSA 21, comprises further editions, by several of the major scholars now working in the field of medieval Irish apocrypha, of a selection of important eschatological texts. The first of these, Br th, n ba bec a breisim, edited by Erich Poppe, concerns the events which will occur on the Day of Judgement. Caitr ona Dochartaigh provides edition, translation and a commentary of Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann, an independent eschatological composition. Prof. U it ar Mac Gearailt publishes a study and a commented edition of Sc la La Br tha, Tidings of the Day of Judgement. Prof. Caoimh n Breatnach publishes Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha, Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday, as well as two short Irish texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday. Prof. P draig A. Breatnach provides the edition of A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday. Fr Martin McNamara MSC publishes two short studies in Appendices: the first one on the duration of the Day of Doom (The Day of Doom a Thousand Years, in Appendix 1); the second one concerns a quotation in the Fifteen Signs text edited by Caoimh n Breatnach from the 15th-century Latin theologian Pelbartus (Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV: Appendix 2). Fr McNamara also introduces the collection with a discussion of ?The Signs before Doomsday?. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction: The Signs before Doomsday Martin McNamara Br th, n ba bec a breisim - A Poem on the Day of Judgement Erich Poppe Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann Caitr ona Dochartaigh Sc la La Br tha - Tidings of the Day of Judgement U it ar Mac Gearailt Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha - Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday approach Caoimh n Breatnach Texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday Caoimh n Breatnach A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday with Account of Hells Torments and the Joys of Heaven P draig A. Breatnach Appendix 1: The Day of Doom a Thousand Years Martin McNamara Appendix 2: Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV Martin McNamara Indexes for volumes CC SA 21-22 (Apocrypha Hiberniae II, 2-3: Apocalyptica) Index of Biblical References Index of Persons and Places Index of Authors and Texts Index of Themes Index of Manuscripts Index of Noteworthy Words and Phrases
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Martin McNamara MSC, Caoimh n Breatnach, P draig A. Breatnach, John Carey, U it ar Mac Gearailt, M ire Herbert, Caitr ona Dochartaigh, Erich Poppe, Charles D. Wright (eds)
Reference : 65916
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxiv + 589 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 3 tables b/w., Languages: Latin, English. ISBN 9782503585352.
Summary The present volume comprises editions, by several of the major scholars now working in the field of medieval Irish apocrypha, of a selection of important eschatological texts. Two of these, edited by John Carey, are works original to Ireland: The Vision of Adomn n, an account of the afterworld notable for its vividness and complexity; and The Two Sorrows of the Kingdom of Heaven, a shorter text which describes the judgement of souls and the end of the world with reference to the destinies of Enoch and Elijah. Caoimh n Breatnach provides editions of the Irish versions of some of the fundamental texts of Christian apocalyptic: The Assumption of Mary (supplemented by a closely related Latin variant, edited by Joseph Flahive), and one of the Redactions of The Vision of Saint Paul. Professor Breatnach also contributes a series of accounts of Antichrist: these belong to a type that has long been regarded as typically Irish, but for which Charles D. Wright here supplies a broader context in an innovative and important study. Fr Martin McNamara MSC introduces the collection with a discussion of "Some Aspects of Medieval Irish Eschatology". This is the first volume of a two-part collection: the texts edited in the sequel (CCSA 22) are concerned with the events of the end time, and in particular with the theme of the signs before the Day of Judgement. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction: Some Aspects of Medieval Irish Eschatology by Martin McNamara F s Adomn in - The Vision of Adomn n Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary John Carey D Br n Flatha Nime - The Two Sorrows of the Kingdom of Heaven Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary John Carey TRANSITUS MARIAE General Introduction Martin McNamara Udhacht Mhuire - The Testament of Mary Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Caoimh n Breatnach Trinity College Latin Version Introduction by Martin McNamara and Joseph Flahive Edition and Translation by Joseph Flahive VISIO SANCTI PAULI Introduction Martin McNamara Aisling Ph il - Recension IV of The Vision of Paul Introduction, Edition and Translation Caoimh n Breatnach THE IRISH LEGENDS OF ANTICHRIST Introduction Martin McNamara A Revelation of John about Antichrist Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Charles D. Wright Three Irish Texts of A Revelation of John about Antichrist: "Sg l Ainntecr sd" - The Story of Antichrist Do thoighiocht an bhreitheamhnais d anaidh - Concerning the Coming of the Final Judgement Do theacht Anticr osd - Concerning the Coming of Antichrist Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Caoimh n Breatnach
Turnhout, Brepols 2009 534pp., 26cm., in the series "Corpus Christianorum. Series apocryphorum" vol.16, editor's cloth with gilt lettering, fine condition, bilingual: Irish-English, ISBN 978-2-503-53075-8, R69759
Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, 534 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503530758.
The present publication presents the edition of an Irish treatise on the universe, composed in the ninth or tenth century. This work, which purportedly records a revelation of the mysteries of the cosmos uttered in angelic language by the soul of the apostle Philip, is characterized by the vividness of its imagery and the rich diversity of its content. Besides providing the most conservative version of the text, preserved in the Book of Lismore, the book supplies on facing pages a full critical edition of the second recension, found in four further manuscripts. Both versions are accompanied by translation. An introduction traces the text's transmission from the time of its composition down to the final flowering of the Irish scribal tradition in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; undertakes to identify its sources in earlier apocalyptic and cosmological literature; and subjects it to an in-depth linguistic analysis in order to place the question of its date in a clearer light. Individual aspects of the work's content are discussed in an extended commentary, while matters of specifically philological interest are covered in a section of textual notes. Languages: English.