‎Gary Tinterow‎
‎Modern Europe‎

‎, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987 Hardcover, 158 pages, ENG, 310 x 240 x 25 mm, in good condition !, dustjacket, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780870994579.‎

Reference : 62100

‎"This volume presents a selection from the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art of the best examples of Impressionism and its heritage, from the classically influenced but radically new works of Manet and Degas to the high Impressionism of Monet and Pissaro; from the work of Cezanne, who attempted to return to painting the weight and solidity abandoned by his colleagues, to the emotive distortions of Van Gogh's portraits and landscapes; from the exoticism of Gauguin, Redon, and Rousseau to the Expressionist visions of Soutine, Munch, Grosz, and Beckmann. Cubism- in which conventional representation began to disappear- is seen in masterpieces by Picasso, Braque, and Villon, and the emerging abstraction of the early twentieth century in works by Kandinsky and Kupka. In addition to reproducing the work of these influential artists, Modern Europe shows the continuing dialogue between the fine and applied arts, presenting an unusually broad picture of the artists and craftsmen of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in some one hundred and forty works of art in every genre and medium."‎

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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Lorenzo Pericolo, Elisabeth Oy-Marra (eds)‎

Reference : 65938

‎Perfection: The Essence of Art and Architecture in Early Modern Europe‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 335 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:75 b/w, 75 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503579795.‎

‎Summary Whether a painting, a sculpture, or a building, works of art in early modern Europe must achieve the highest degree of perfection. If in the Middle Ages perfection is mostly perceived as a technical quality inherent in craftsmanship-a quality that can be judged according to often unspoken criteria agreed upon by the members of a guild-from the fifteenth century onwards perfection comes to incorporate a set of rhetorical and literary qualities originally extraneous to art making. Furthermore, perfection becomes a transcendent quality: something that cannot be measured only in terms of craftsmanship. In the Baroque period, perfection turns into obsession as a result of the emergence of historical models of artistic evolution in which perfection is already historically embodied-in the first place, Vasari's investiture of Michelangelo as a universal canon for painting, sculpture, and architecture. This book aims to define, analyze, and reassess the concept of perfection in the arts and architecture of early modern Europe. What is perfection? What makes a work of art unique, emblematic, or irreplaceable? Does perfection necessarily relate to individuality? Is the perfect work connate with or independent from its author? Can perfection be reproduced or represented? How do artists react to perfection? How do post-Vasarian models of art history come to terms with perfection? To what extent perfection in early modern Europe is the matter of rhetoric, literary theories, theology, and even scientific observation? TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Measure, Number and Weight: Perfection in Medieval Art and Thought Benjamin Zweig Perfection as Rhetorical Techne and Aesthetic Ideal in the Renaissance Discourse on Art Valeska von Rosen Crafting Perfection: Leon Battista Alberti, Language, and the Art of Building Dario Donetti The Palindromic Logic of D rer's Double-Sided Gift Shira Brisman Michelangelo and la cosa mirabile Victor I. Stoichita Bronzino's Beauty Stuart Lingo The Perfection of Pictorial Evidence Klaus Kr ger The Renaissance Masterpiece: Giorgio Vasari on Perfection Lorenzo Pericolo Seeking Perfection: Scamozzi in Theory, Practice, and Posterity Andrew Hopkins Metaprints in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp Caroline Fowler "Per natura capaci di ogni ornamento e perfezzione": Nicolas Poussin and Perfection Henry Keazor The Limits of Perfection: Giovan Pietro Bellori on Celerit and Facilit Elisabeth Oy-Marra Passeri's Prologue, the Paragone, and the Hardness of Sculpture Estelle Lingo‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎K.A. Ottenheym, K. De Jonge, M. Chatenet (eds.);‎

Reference : 33583

‎Public Buildings in Early Modern Europe,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Paperback, XIV+408 pages ., 300 b/w ill., 220 x 280 mm. FINE ISBN 9782503533544.‎

‎In the early modern European city, public buildings were the main pillars of the political, mercantile and social infrastructure. In a first attempt to create a preliminary overview of current knowledge in various European countries, the IIIe and Ve Rencontres d'Architecture Europeenne, held in 2006 and 2008 at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, in cooperation with the Centre Andre Chastel, Paris, were dedicated to this subject. In these two meetings, architectural historians from all over Europe discussed the results of their research on the development of various types of public building in the various European regions between the late fifteenth and mid-eighteenth century. New.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR112.00 (€112.00 )

‎T. J. Tomasik, J. M. Vitullo (eds.);‎

Reference : 33665

‎At the Table. Metaphorical and Material Cultures of Food in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, XX+228 p., 1 b/w ill., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503523989.‎

‎This volume surveys recent studies of the metaphorical and material facets of food in medieval and early modern Europe. Ranging from literary, historical, and political analyses to archaeological and botanical ones, this collection explores food as a nexus of pre-modern European culture. Food and feasting are understood not simply as the consumption of material goods but also as the figurative and symbolic representations of culture, which Mauss has termed a 'total social fact'. To understand the myriad ways in which discourses about food and feasting are mobilized during this period is to better understand the fundamental role food and feasting played in the development of Europeans' habitual patterns of behaviour and of thought. New.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR71.50 (€71.50 )

‎Magdalena E. Naum, Jette Linaa, Sergio Escribano-Ruiz (eds)‎

Reference : 65102

‎Material Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Archaeological Perspectives‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 264 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:26 b/w, 17 col., 2 tables b/w., 15 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503593999.‎

‎Summary The study of the movement of 'things' - the exchange of objects as gifts or through trade, the itineraries that they followed when on the move, and their changing importance from location to location - can offer unique insights into our understanding of past societies; and archaeology plays a vital role in allowing such movements to be traced. Nonetheless the circulation of objects across time, and between peoples and places, has long been neglected as a field of research in its own right. This volume aims to address this gap in scholarship by drawing on recent archaeological research to provide a detailed study of the moment of objects across Europe in the late medieval and early modern period. The contributions gathered here trace the interactions between peoples, ideas, and objects in order to explore the impact of movement both on the material things themselves, and on the people who manufactured, exchanged, or used such goods. The volume draws on a wide range of archaeological evidence to explore subjects as varied as production and transport, modes of trade, the connections between trade and religion, and the emotional connections between things and people. Together, they offer a pioneering approach to our understanding of objects and their movement in the past. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction - SERGIO ESCRIBANO-RUIZ, MAGDALENA E. NAUM, JETTE LINAA The Same, but Different: Reflections on Some Medieval Stoneware Vessels Found in Norway - VOLKER DEMUTH On How to Keep the Monopoly of Diversity: Itineraries of Foreign Pottery in the Basque Country, AD 1300-1700 - SERGIO ESCRIBANO-RUIZ Memorable, Modern or Mundane? Investigating the Place of Porcelain and Majolica in the Homes and the Hearts in Early Modern Denmark - JETTE LINAA A Mandatory Stop: The Trade of Imported Pottery in Asturias (NW Iberian Peninsula) during the Early Modern Period - MIGUEL BUSTO ZAPICO Pilgrim Badges and the Magical Middle Ages: Aspects of the Cult of Saints, Magical Thinking, and Religious Identity - RACHEL FACIUS ANDERSEN Producers, Intermediaries, and Consumers: The Role of Adriatic Ports in the Venetian Glass Trade - SAMANTHA GARWOOD Clothing Cultures in the Seventeenth-Century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: The Male Footwear from Elblag as an Example of Western-Type Fashion - ALEKSANDRA KULESZ Kilian Stob us and his Fossil Collections: Science, Aesthetics, and Emotions - MAGDALENA E. NAUM, CAJSA SJ BERG, H KAN H KANSSON, ANDERS LINDSKOG, MATS E. ERIKSSON AND PER AHLBERG‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

Reference : bd-b0ce552c6cf01cf5

‎Modern Europe series. Marcinsky, G. The method of expressionism in painting./Se‎

‎Modern Europe series. Marcinsky, G. The method of expressionism in painting./Seriya Sovremennoy Evropy. Martsinskiy, G. Metod ekspressionizma v zhivopisi. Modern Europe series. Marcinsky, G. Method of Expressionism in painting. Pb.: Academia, 1923. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-b0ce552c6cf01cf5.‎

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