, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2014 Hardcover, 176 pagina's, NL, 245 x 205 mm, in zeer goede staat, met foto's / illustraties in kleur en z/w, Smakelijk !. ISBN 9789057184031.
Reference : 59787
Vijf jaar geleden werd het eerste Cookbook voorgesteld aan het grote publiek. Het was meteen het eerste Cookbook door en voor studenten van de Universiteit Antwerpen. Ondertussen werden er vijf thematische Cookbooks uitgebracht. Gerechten met een geringe ecologische voetafdruk, mediterrane gerechten, koken met afrodisiaca, Antwerpse gerechten en slow food kwamen aan bod. Voor dit Cookbook selecteerde de Cookbook-redactie een 40-tal recepten uit al de heerlijke inzendingen van de vorige jaren, en vulde ze aan met een tiental nieuwe recepten op basis van 'vergeten groenten'. Het resultaat is dit mooie en praktische kookboek, waarin Aaron De Ceuster, chef van de Universiteitsclub Antwerpen, stap voor stap uitlegt hoe zo'n gerecht wordt gepresenteerd. De foto's werden gemaakt door Vincent Jauniaux; Natacha Hoevenagel zorgde voor de vormgeving. Dit boek werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door de steun van de Provincie Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen en AP Hogeschool.
Kloosterstraat 48
2000 Antwerpen
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Paris, Charles de Sercy, 1691. Small 8vo. Contemporary full mottled calf with five raised bands to richly gilt spine. All edges of boards gilt. Spine worn, especially at top and bottom, which lack pieces of leather (conserved). Outer hinges worn and weak, so capital bands are showing, but inner hinges are fine and tight. First ab. 10 leaves with a mostly light damp stain. Last 17¤ of leaves with small worm-holes, almost solely marginal, not affecting text, and mostly single holes. All in all internally very nice and clean. [20], 505, [46] pp.
Exceedingly scarce first edition of one of the most important cookbooks ever printed, being the first to contain alphabetized recipes. In this masterpiece in the history of cookery, we find the first printed recipe for crème brulee, the first printed recipe for meringue and the first known food recipes to contain chocolate. Furthermore, Massialot’s magnum opus includes the “Macreuse en ragout au chocolate”, which is possibly the first known Aztec recipe in a European cookbook. “Massialot, who lived from 1660 to 1733, served as chef de cuisine for various high-ranking Frenchmen, including Philippe I, Duke of Orléans. He’s best known for his “Nouveau cuisinier royal et bourgeois”... In the book he not only laid out recipes for the meals he prepared for royals, but he was also the first to alphabetize recipes, and both meringues and crème brûlée made their first appearances in the book.” (Dan Meyers in The Daily Meal: 10 Chefs Who Changed the Way We Eat). “Le cuisinier royal et bourgeois” consists of two parts, the first consisting in descriptions of menus for a whole year. Many of these had been prepared at court and both dates and hosts are mentioned in the book. The second part consists in the actual cookbook and constitututes the first cookbook in which the recipes are alphabetically ordered. They are ordered to the chief ingredient and there are often variations for flesh- and fishdays. The book is now worldwide-famous for the invention of crème brulée, for the first recipe of meringue and for the novel recipes containing chocolate: one in a sauce for wigeon or scoter, the other in a sweet custard. Up until then, chocolate had been consumed solely as a drink. Another of Massialot’s innovations presented in the present work is that of adding a glass of white wine to fish stock. The “Macreuse en ragoût au chocolate” (duck stewed in chocolate)-recipe, which also appears here for the first time and is thought to be the first known Aztec recipe in a European cookbook, was reproduced by Alexandre Dumas in his dictionary of cookery in 1872, where he calls it a “masterpiece.” Massialot was extremely influential, both in France and abroad. The recipes in the present work were initially intended for nobility, but they eventually made their way to public restaurants founded by former cooks of the court after the French Revolution. The book is one of the key foundation stones for restaurants as we know them today. The work was extremely popular and kept appearing throughout several centuries. A second edition appeared in 1693, a third in 1698, and then it appeared again in 1705 and 1709. In 1712 it was expanded to two volumes and in 1733-34 it was revised and expanded to three. The work was translated into English as early as 1702 as “The Court and the Country Cook” and had an enormous influence on English cooking as well. François Massialot (1660, in Limoges– 1733, in Paris) served as chef de cuisine (officier de bouche) to various illustrious personages, including Phillipe I, Duke of Orléans, the brother of Louis XIV, and his son Philippe II, Duke of Orléans. In his preface, Massialot describes himself as ""a cook who dares to qualify himself royal, and it is not without cause, for the meals which he describes...have all been served at court or in the houses of princes, and of people of the first rank."" Serving banquets at places like the Versailles, this can hardly be said to be an overstatement. The first edition of this milestone of cookery is of the utmost scarcity. According to OCLC, merely five copies are located worldwide (two in the US and three in Europe) and not a single copy is traceable at actions. Vicaire: 573 (“Première edition, très rare”).
Reference : bd-7a74962c14467435
Levshin V. Russian Cookbook Reissue of the Legendary Russian Cookbook/Levshin V. Russkaya povarnya pereizdanie legendarnoy russkoy kulinarnoy knigi Moscow 2017. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-7a74962c14467435.
Reference : bd-7d05a27a908fec09
Gifts of the Atlantic. Atlas. Cookbook. Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad Book Publishing House, 1972, 118, 2 p., il., 17x22 sm./Dary Atlantiki. Atlas. Kulinarnaya kniga. Kaliningrad: Kaliningradskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1972 g. 118, 2 s., il., 17x22 sm. Gifts of the Atlantic. Atlas. Cookbook. Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad Book Publishing House, 1972, 118, 2 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-7d05a27a908fec09.
Short description: Full Russian Housewife Cookbook or Guide to Reducing Household Costs. In Russian/Polnaya povarennaya kniga russkoy opytnoy khozyayki ili Rukovodstvo k umen'sheniyu raskhodov v domashnem khozyaystve.. In Russian. Avdeeva, Ekaterina Alekseevna. The Complete Cookbook of a Russian Experienced Housewife or a Guide to Reducing Household Expenses. St. Petersburg: 1875, D.F. Fedorov The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU4533997
Reference : alb879c580d59ac69a9
Fisher John. The Alice in Wonderland Cookbook. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Fisher John. The Alice in Wonderland Cookbook.A Culinary Diversion. With illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. 1st edition. In English. New York. Clarkson N. Potter Inc. 1976. 120 p.. SKUalb879c580d59ac69a9.