‎Marilyn Stokstad‎
‎Medieval art‎

‎, Harper & Row 1986-1988, 1986-88 Paperback, 446 pages, ENG, 235 x 185 mm, book is in fine order, dozens of illustrations in b/w and some in colour, . ISBN 9780064301329.‎

Reference : 58726

‎This survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture, from ancient Rome to the age of exploration, introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent. The monumental arts of architecture and sculpture and the diverse minor arts of the Middle Ages are presented here within social, religious, political, and intellectual framework of lands as varied as France and Denmark, Spain and Germany. Medieval Art covers all the major monuments, describing each important work clearly and in detail. Marilyn Stokstad's descriptions are sensitive and articulate, giving the reader a sense of the beauty of the work. They also teach the reader how to look at medieval artwhich aspects of architecture, sculpture, or painting are important and for what reasons. Stylistic and iconographic issues and themes are dealt with clearly, and the author presents medieval art in an aesthetic and social context so that it can be fully understood and appreciated. The book consists of twelve chapters and covers the period from the second to the fifteenth centuries‎

€22.50 (€22.50 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Charlotte Deno l, Larisa Dryansky, Erik Verhagen, Isabelle Marchesin (eds)‎

Reference : 64422

‎art m di val est-il contemporain ? Is Medieval Art Contemporary?‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 247 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 66 col., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503599731.‎

‎Summary This publication brings together essays by scholars of both medieval and contemporary art, offering a cross-disciplinary approach of both periods. It investigates how contemporary artists and contemporary art historians perceive medieval art, and, reciprocally, how medieval art historians envisage the echoes of medieval artforms and esthetics in contemporary art. The volume follows on from the symposium organized in conjunction with the exhibition "Make it New: Carte Blanche Jan Dibbets" that was held at the Biblioth que Nationale de France (Paris) in 2019, and which presented side by side Hrabanus Maurus's De Laudibus Sanctae Crucis (In Praise of the Holy Cross), a masterpiece of Carolingian art, with works by artists associated with conceptual art, mininimal art, and land art. How and why has medieval art, and particularly early medieval art, inspired contemporary artists since the 1950s? What has medieval art contributed to contemporary art? How has medieval art's treatment of figures, color, space, geometry, and rhythm provided inspiration for contemporary artists' experiments with form? In what way does contemporary artists' engagement with the topics of formatting, writing, semiosis, mimesis, and ornamentation draw inspiration from medieval models? To what extent and in what sense are the notions of authorship and performativity relevant for understanding conceptions of artmaking in both periods? Rather than focusing on medievalism and citational practices, or on the theory of images?both approaches having already produced an important body of comparative readings of medieval and contemporary art?the essays in this volume address the question of medieval art's contemporaneity thematically, through three trans-chronological topics: authorship, semiosis and mathematics, and performance. Engaging the artists' works as well as their writings, these studies conflate conceptual and esthetic perspectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pr face Charlotte Deno l, Larisa Dryansky, Isabelle Marchesin et Erik Verhagen Partie 1. Introduction Au-del des p riodisations : Parcours pass s et futurs potentiels Nancy Thebaut Partie 2. Auctoritas/authorship Qui tait Jean Fouquet pour Fran ois Robertet ? Une question d'auctorialit dans l'art de la fin du Moyen ge Elliot Adam L'artiste conceptuel son pupitre Val rie Mavridorakis Art conceptuel et scolastique : le Ch ne de Michael Craig-Martin est-il thomiste ? Benjamin Riado Partie 3. Signe et math matiques ?All form is a process of notation?: Hrabanus Maurus's ?exemplativist? art Aden Kumler' Les nombres de la forme et les formes du nombre. Essai sur les carolingiens et l'abstraction. Isabelle Marchesin Abstraction in Medieval Art: The Chiasm in Hagia Sophia Bissera Pentcheva Hollis Frampton, m di val Larisa Dryansky Partie 4. Performance La conversion du pr cieux sang : Gina Pane et la mystique m di vale Janig B goc Automata, Kineticism, and Automation: An Oblique History of Animacy in the Art of the Long 1960s Roland Betancourt Coda Zoe Leonard's Suitcases Amy Knight Powell Liste des contributeurs‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Rapha le Preisinger (ed)‎

Reference : 65072

‎Medieval Art at the Intersection of Visuality and Material Culture. Studies in the 'Semantics of Vision'‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 247 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:25 b/w, 7 col., 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503581538.‎

‎Summary Over the last two decades the historiography of medieval art has been defined by two seemingly contradictory trends: a focus on questions of visuality, and more recently an emphasis on materiality. The latter, which has encouraged multi-sensorial approaches to medieval art, has come to be perceived as a counterpoint to the study of visuality as defined in ocularcentric terms. Bringing together specialists from different areas of art history, this book grapples with this dialectic and poses new avenues for reconciling these two opposing tendencies. The essays in this volume demonstrate the necessity of returning to questions of visuality, taking into account the insights gained from the 'material turn'. They highlight conceptions of vision that attribute a haptic quality to the act of seeing and draw on bodily perception to shed new light on visuality in the Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations Colour Plates Introduction: A Return to Medieval Visuality after the Material Turn ? RAPHA LE PREISINGER 'Visual Piety' and Visual Theory: Was There a Paradigm Shift? ? BERTHOLD HUB Fortress of Form, Robber of Consciousness: Theorizing Visuality in Islam ? WENDY M. K. SHAW De spiritu et anima: The Cistercians, the Image, and Imagination ? JENS R FFER The Liveliness of the Methexic Image ? BISSERA V. PENTCHEVA Radiance and Image on the Breast: Seeing Medieval Jewellery ? SILKE TAMMEN Reliquaries and the Boundaries of Vision: Relics, Crystals, Mirrors and the 'Vision Effect' ? CYNTHIA HAHN Channelling the Gaze: Squints in Late Medieval Screens ? TINA BAWDEN Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Christine Beier, Tim Juckes, Assaf Pinkus (eds)‎

Reference : 64952

‎How Do Images Work? Strategies of Visual Communication in Medieval Art‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, iv + 244 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:31 b/w, 140 col., Language(s):English, German, Italian. ISBN 9782503595870.‎

‎Summary How did historical images work and interact with their beholders and users? Drawing on the results of an international conference held in Vienna in 2018, this volume offers new perspectives on a central question for contemporary art history. The fourteen authors approach working imagery from the medieval and early modern periods in terms of its production, usage, and reception. They address wide-ranging media?architecture, sculpture, painting, metalwork, stained glass?in similarly wide-ranging contexts: from monumental installations in the most public zones of urban churches to exquisite devotional objects and illuminated books reserved for more exclusive settings. While including research from West European and American institutions, the project also engages with the distinctive scholarly traditions of Eastern Europe and Israel. In all these ways, it reflects the interests of the dedicatee Michael Viktor Schwarz, whose introductory interview lays out the parameters of the subject. TABLE OF CONTENTS How Do Images Work? An Interview with Michael Viktor Schwarz Editors' Introduction PART I: VISUAL ELOQUENCE Can We Grasp Wordless Images? ? Milena Bartlov Gothic Art, Realism and magniloquentia: Thoughts on Erich Auerbach ? Paul Binski The Scaling Turn: Experiencing Late Medieval Artifacts? Assaf Pinkus and Einat Klafter ?Where the Wild Things Are?. Die Wilden Leute des sp ten Mittelalters und der fr hen Neuzeit im Raum des Dekorativen ? Hans K rner Das Kultbild und sein Rahmen: Zur Funktion von Stildifferenzen (zwei schlesische Beispiele aus dem Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts) ? Romuald Kaczmarek PART II: IMAGERY IN BOOKS In cerchio: Illuminating the Trojan Legend and the Commedia between the Veneto and Naples (with some conjectures on Madrid, BNE, MS 10057) ? Rosa M. Rodr guez Porto Wie die Bilder im Roman d'Alexandre en prose die dubiose Herkunft des Helden diskutieren ? Lieselotte E. Saurma-Jeltsch Bonaventure and Monastic Images of St Elizabeth ? Ivan Ger t PART III: IMAGERY IN SPACE In Praise of the Pigeon: Interpretive Adventures in Naumburg Cathedral ? Jacqueline E. Jung Bilder und Kult als Ausdruck bisch flicher Macht: Berthold von Buchegg und die Katharinenkapelle im Stra burger M nster? Marc Carel Schurr Eye of the Donkey: Visual Strategies on the Choir Threshold of St Laurence's in Nuremberg ? Tim Juckes Bildkonzepte im Widerstreit. Donatellos Judith als ?naturalisierte Allegorie?? Ulrich Pfisterer Inhaltliche Vielfalt durch motivische Zur ckhaltung. Zur Wandmalerei in der camera pape im Papstpalast von Avignon ? Tanja Hinterholz Storia, mito e allegoria: I portali del Santo Sepolcro a Brindisi ? Valentino Pace‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎F. Botana;‎

Reference : 39717

‎Works of Mercy in Italian Medieval Art (c.1050-c.1400),‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, XL+256 p., 110 b/w ill. + 12 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503536231.‎

‎This book rediscovers a forgotten theme in medieval art, providing a vivid and original account of medieval society. This is the first monograph on the medieval Italian representations of the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy, the fourteen basic categories of almsdeeds conceived by the scholastics. This is a genuinely interdisciplinary study: Federico Botana has painstakingly dissected frescoes, panel paintings, miniatures, and sculptures of the Works of Mercy to shed new light on fundamental aspects of medieval society. These depictions reveal how communities took care of their needy, in some instances beyond what can be gleaned in written sources. Most of all, they contribute to our understanding of medieval confraternal piety. For Church reformers and the Mendicant Orders, the Works of Mercy served to rally Christians against heresy. For Christians, performing the Works was a means of communion with Christ, opening the door to salvation. Botana?s discoveries demonstrate the essential importance of the Works of Mercy in the late Middle Ages, and suggest that depictions of the theme would have been far more common than previously thought. Languages : English, Italian, Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR121.00 (€121.00 )

‎Entwistle, Chris ed.‎

Reference : 078789


ISBN : 1842170902

‎Through a Glass Brightly: Studies in Byzantine and Medieval Art and Archaeology Presented to David Buckton‎

‎Entwistle, Chris ed.: Through a Glass Brightly: Studies in Byzantine and Medieval Art and Archaeology Presented to David Buckton. Oxford: 2003. 235pp with 13 colour plates and 24 monochrome illustrations. Boards. 28.6x22cms. The 25 papers in this volume cover diverse aspects of the material culture of the late Roman, Byzantine and Medieval periods, with particular emphasis on the metalwork and enamel of these times. Individual papers include major reinterpretations of objects in the British Museum's Byzantine collections as well as essays devoted to the Museum's recent acquisitions in this field.‎

‎The 25 papers in this volume cover diverse aspects of the material culture of the late Roman, Byzantine and Medieval periods, with particular emphasis on the metalwork and enamel of these times. Individual papers include major reinterpretations of objects in the British Museum's Byzantine collections as well as essays devoted to the Museum's recent acquisitions in this field. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP35.00 (€38.75 )
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