, Walter Koenig Verlag, 2019 HB, 270 x 220 mm, 176 p, 63 illustrations ENG / German edition. ISBN 9783960983552.
Reference : 52323
David Claerbout's large-scale film projections are characterized by their extremely slow-motion image sequences that are created using computer-generated methods. Moving images freeze into still images. The themes of transience and stasis, and above all the majestic, unwavering nature of time, take on their own aesthetic in Claerbout's visual language. Based on this, the American art historian Russell Ferguson analyzes David Claerbout's relationship to contemporary photography in his essay and explains his extremely precise working process, which often takes years. In a conversation with Thomas D. Trummer, David Claerbout talks about his philosophy and his perception of the world and the present, in particular against the background of the installations shown at the Kunsthaus Bregenz.
Kloosterstraat 48
2000 Antwerpen
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, Hannibal Books, 2022 Hardcover 300 x 243 mm, 320 pages, ENG/ FR. edition, Fine!. ISBN 9789464366358.
David Claerbout is bekend om zijn video-installaties die hij wereldwijd tentoonstelt. Sinds zijn eerste videowerken midden jaren negentig won zijn werk snel aan complexiteit. De virtuele fotografie deed zijn werk en denken evolueren naar een verregaande synthetische beeldpraktijk die hem op het voorplan van de nieuwe mediakunst heeft geplaatst. Van daaruit ontwikkelde Claerbout een kritiek over de impact van de desintegratie van het vertrouwde fotografische beeld op het niveau van de waarneming en de (zintuiglijke) cognitie en de verregaande sociale en politieke gevolgen. Deze rijk ge llustreerde publicatie presenteert een selectie van werken van de afgelopen tien jaar. In een interview met Jonathan Pouthier, filmcurator voor het Centre Pompidou in Parijs, spreekt David Claerbout voor het eerst in de diepte over deze werken in relatie tot actuele discussies over fotografie, film en het virtuele. De publicatie valt samen met de Bi nnale van Veneti 2022 en solotentoonstellingen in onder meer M nchen, Berlijn, Boedapest en New York. //// Long-awaited monumental monograph on the work of David Claerbout In a conversation with Jonathan Pouthier, curator of the cinema programme of the Mus e National d?Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou (Paris, France), video artist David Claerbout reflects for the first time in depth on his work of the past decade in relation to current discussions about photography, film and the virtual. The Silence of the Lens offers a unique insight into the creative process behind such recent video works as The Close, Aircraft (F.A.L.), Wildfire (meditation on fire), The Confetti Piece and The Pure Necessity. The publication coincides with the Venice Biennale 2022 and solo exhibitions in various cities including Munich, Berlin, Budapest and New York. //// David Claerbout is known for his video installations, which he exhibits worldwide. From the time of his first video works in the mid-1990s, his work rapidly gained in complexity. Virtual photography pushed his work and thinking towards a far-reaching synthetic visual practice that placed him at the forefront of the new media art. From that position, Claerbout developed a critique of the impact of the disintegration of the familiar photographic image at the level of perception and (sensory) cognition and its profound social and political consequences. This richly illustrated publication presents a selection of works from the past ten years. In an interview with Jonathan Pouthier, film curator at the Pompidou Centre in Paris, David Claerbout speaks in depth for the first time about these works in relation to current discussions about photography, film and the virtual. The publication coincides with the Venice Biennale 2022 and solo exhibitions in various cities including Munich, Berlin, Budapest and New York.
, Hatje Cantz, 2015 English. 168 Seiten, 313 Abb. 24.9 x 30 cm. 1,2 kg. Hardcover, fine!. ISBN 9783775740265.
Belgian artist David Claerbout is known for investigating the conceptual impact of the passage of time through his use of video and digital photography. His work skillfully interrogates both moving and still imagery to suggest an otherworldly level of existence, something that might refer to a specific place or event, but the timeline of which is not clear, oscillating between both past and present. His oeuvre is characterized by a meticulous attention to production details, painstakingly created, often over a period of years. With each of his projects Claerbout creates a small number of drawings, which help him to reflect upon and comprehend his concepts more thoroughly. Up to now, these works have not been afforded the attention they deserve. This publication addresses that oversight in a striking way, presenting, to a larger public for the first time, a comprehensive overview of Claerbout?s drawings created over a period of two decades.
Nicolas Chaudun - Collection “Noème” 12, 2013, 176 p.
Ouvrage vendu au prix éditeur -20%. Résumé — Né en 1969, en Belgique, David Claerbout est familier des techniques digitales et numériques, de la photographie et du cinéma. À la croisée de l’histoire et de la mémoire, son travail contribue à réévaluer en profondeur le statut de l’image contemporaine.
Nicolas Chaudun 2013 176 pages 21x15x2cm. 2013. Broché. 176 pages.
idéal pour offrir Envoi rapide et soigné dans enveloppe à bulles depuis France