Bergamo, Instituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, w.d. Illustrated cardboard cover ( worn ), 185 x 255mm., 74pp. illustrations.
Reference : 39630
Collezione di Monografie Illustrate Seria Ia - Italia Artistica 1. Con 165 illustrazioni e 2 tavole. Italian text. Handwritten message of former owner.
Kloosterstraat 48
2000 Antwerpen
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, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 208 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:100 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503583990.
Summary It is clear that Renaissance artists and their patrons were interested in Ravenna's buildings and their decorations, both before Vasari's negative pronouncements and after them. Contemporary European travelers and diarists have left descriptions of the city's heritage, by then in ruinous condition. What happens if we reinsert this corpus of Ravenna's treasures and their multiple imbrications into our histories of Renaissance art? How can our narratives change if we trace and study an almost forgotten, albeit rich and articulated series of intersections between Ravenna's splendors and ambitious works of art and architecture from early modern Italy? We have ignored a series of visual engagements and imaginative plays with Ravenna's forms, materials, and iconographies, folding the past into the present and the present into the past. These instances of creative imitations and recreations can best be recovered if we focus on the Renaissance production and humanists' accounts of the city's treasures, that is, works in various media and size, to map out an extended dimension of early modern visual culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Alexander Nagel, Giancarla Periti, Introduction 2. Sarah McHam, Byzantine Sources in Ravenna Influence Venetian Renaissance Sculpture 3. Nicholas Herman, Reframing the Past: Viewing Mosaics in Renaissance Ravenna 4. Linda A. Koch, Creating the Legitimate Prince at the Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini: Ravenna and the Continuity of Imperial Tradition 5. Giancarla Periti, Ravenna, Vasari, and the Problem of the Late Antique Heritage 6. Debra Pincus, Ravenna's Unlikely Monument: The Tomb of Dante at the Church of San Francesco 7. Silvia Foschi, San Vitale in Ravenna: the Renaissance Interpretation of a Church between East and West 8. Claudio Franzoni, Art or History? The Mosaics of San Vitale in Ravenna between the Middle Ages and Avantgardes
Ravenna 1955 in8. 1955. Broché. iconographie en noir et blanc
Bon Etat de conservation cependant agrafe oxydées et page titre abîmé au niveau de la charnière intérieur propre bonne tenue par ailleurs
Ravenna, Antonio Rovere, 1783. 8vo. Cont. hcalf, gilt and titlelabel in leather with gilt lettering. Marbled papers on covers. Corners bumped and slightly rubbed. Engraved titlevignette (view of Ravenna), 1 engraved plate with coat of arms. XX,252 pp., 1 folded engraved plate and 1 large folded engraved plan of Ravenna (Pianta della Citta di Ravenna, Sulinus Contarini sculp. 1781). A large copy with broad margins. Faint dampstaing to a few margins, a few brownspots.
Scarce first edition.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Paperback, 343 p., 82 b/w ill. + 16 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN 9782503541150.
The provincial town of Ravenna in Northern Italy is famous for its Early Christian cultural heritage: churches and chapels, decorated with mosaics, which seem to have survived in their original state. However, these religious buildings, with famous examples like San Vitale, Sant'Apollinare in Classe and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, underwent many changes in the course of fifteen centuries of continuous use. This study takes the transformations of the monuments of Ravenna as a starting point to explore the city's attitude towards its religious cultural heritage throughout the centuries. Together with the local historiographical sources, dating from Medieval and the Early Modern times, they provide a picture of the manner in which Ravenna experienced, appropriated and imagined its past. The findings are elaborated in seven chapters, addressing respectively the cult of saints; the relationship with Rome and with Constantinople; the alleged controversy between Orthodoxy and Arianism; the post-Tridentine period; the lost monuments and the restorations at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. By considering Early Christian Ravenna from the context of cultural memory, involving both material and written sources, new insights are yielded on a frequently researched subject. New.
E le sue grandi memorie. Ravenna Felix. Loescher, Roma, 1912. In-8 p., p. pergam. edit., piatto anter. figur. a colori, pp. VI,407,(2), con una notevole documentaz. iconografica in b.n. nel t. e 54 tavv. f.t. di cui 3 facsimili. Storia di Ravenna attraverso i grandi personaggi che la predilessero: da Cesare a Galla Placidia, a Teodorico, Dante, Napoleone, fino a Byron e Garibaldi. Prima edizione di quest'opera dello storico e uomo politico ravennate (1844-1920). Cfr. CLIO,II, p. 311. Con fiorit. ma certam. un buon esemplare.