Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, 184 p., 280 b/w ill., 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503515632.
Reference : 38444
Language : English.
Kloosterstraat 48
2000 Antwerpen
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Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Hardback, 152 p., 8 colour ill. + + ill., 14 colour tables, 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503513065.
The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition is a fully integrated and cross-referenced edition of all the extant work-books compiled by Joyce after the completion of Ulysses. It will be published as a series of fascicles, one per authorial notebook, three per scribal notebook, fifty-five in all. This will make individual notebooks available to scholars as they appear and allow critical feedback, laying the foundations for an electronic edition that will be prepared simultaneously. The editorial aim is to bring together all of the information relevant to each note in as concise and simple a way as possible. The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition will provide a reference library of comprehensively quoted source material-in effect an annotated digest of Joyce's working library-which will serve as a new star-ting point not just for exegesis of Finnegans Wake, but also for biographical, textual, and literary criticism of Joyce. Furthermore, the Edition will allow for a reconstruction of Joyce's intellectual concerns and compositional habits during the drafting of Work in Progress / Finnegans Wake. Language : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Hardback, 174 p., 16 colour ill., 31 colour tables, + ill., 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503509594.
The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition is a fully integrated and cross-referenced edition of all the extant work-books compiled by Joyce after the completion of Ulysses. It will be published as a series of fascicles, one per authorial notebook, three per scribal notebook, fifty-five in all. This will make individual notebooks available to scholars as they appear and allow critical feedback, laying the foundations for an electronic edition that will be prepared simultaneously. The editorial aim is to bring together all of the information relevant to each note in as concise and simple a way as possible. The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition will provide a reference library of comprehensively quoted source material-in effect an annotated digest of Joyce's working library-which will serve as a new star-ting point not just for exegesis of Finnegans Wake, but also for biographical, textual, and literary criticism of Joyce. Furthermore, the Edition will allow for a reconstruction of Joyce's intellectual concerns and compositional habits during the drafting of Work in Progress / Finnegans Wake. Language : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Hardback, 230 p., 4 colour ill. + + ill., 8 colour tables, 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503513072.
The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition is a fully integrated and cross-referenced edition of all the extant work-books compiled by Joyce after the completion of Ulysses. It will be published as a series of fascicles, one per authorial notebook, three per scribal notebook, fifty-five in all. This will make individual notebooks available to scholars as they appear and allow critical feedback, laying the foundations for an electronic edition that will be prepared simultaneously. The editorial aim is to bring together all of the information relevant to each note in as concise and simple a way as possible. The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition will provide a reference library of comprehensively quoted source material-in effect an annotated digest of Joyce's working library-which will serve as a new star-ting point not just for exegesis of Finnegans Wake, but also for biographical, textual, and literary criticism of Joyce. Furthermore, the Edition will allow for a reconstruction of Joyce's intellectual concerns and compositional habits during the drafting of Work in Progress / Finnegans Wake. Language : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Hardback, II+238 p., 6 colour ill., 31 colour tables, + ill., 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503514956.
The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition is a fully integrated and cross-referenced edition of all the extant work-books compiled by Joyce after the completion of Ulysses. It will be published as a series of fascicles, one per authorial notebook, three per scribal notebook, fifty-five in all. This will make individual notebooks available to scholars as they appear and allow critical feedback, laying the foundations for an electronic edition that will be prepared simultaneously. The editorial aim is to bring together all of the information relevant to each note in as concise and simple a way as possible. The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition will provide a reference library of comprehensively quoted source material-in effect an annotated digest of Joyce's working library-which will serve as a new star-ting point not just for exegesis of Finnegans Wake, but also for biographical, textual, and literary criticism of Joyce. Furthermore, the Edition will allow for a reconstruction of Joyce's intellectual concerns and compositional habits during the drafting of Work in Progress / Finnegans Wake. Language : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Hardback, 192 p., 6 colour ill., 31 colour tables, + ill., 225 x 295 mm. ISBN 9782503514963.
The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition is a fully integrated and cross-referenced edition of all the extant work-books compiled by Joyce after the completion of Ulysses. It will be published as a series of fascicles, one per authorial notebook, three per scribal notebook, fifty-five in all. This will make individual notebooks available to scholars as they appear and allow critical feedback, laying the foundations for an electronic edition that will be prepared simultaneously. The editorial aim is to bring together all of the information relevant to each note in as concise and simple a way as possible. The Finnegans Wake Notebook Edition will provide a reference library of comprehensively quoted source material-in effect an annotated digest of Joyce's working library-which will serve as a new star-ting point not just for exegesis of Finnegans Wake, but also for biographical, textual, and literary criticism of Joyce. Furthermore, the Edition will allow for a reconstruction of Joyce's intellectual concerns and compositional habits during the drafting of Work in Progress / Finnegans Wake. Language : English.