, Brepols, 2010 softcover, VI 319 p., 74 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm,Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503529844.
Reference : 31279
In 2006, 500 years after his death, the Royal Library of Belgium organised an exhibition revealing treasures from the era of Philip the Fair (1478-1506), last duke of Burgundy. This volume reunites most of the papers delivered at a conference held during the exhibition, increased with four new chapters. Ten specialists from Belgium, the Netherlands and the United States discuss the book market and its place in society in this transitional period when manuscripts and printed books were produced and used next to one another. The contributions are organised in pairs around five topics, whereby in each case one author treats manuscripts and the other printed books: Philip the Fair and his books, art in books, music in books, politics in books, the book market. Contributions by: Renaud Adam, Jean-Marie Cauchies, Marieke van Delft, Lieve De Kesel, Samuel Mareel, Zoe Saunders, Susie Speakman Sutch, Herman Pleij, Rob Wegman, and Hanno Wijsman.
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2000 Antwerpen
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Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Paperback, VI+319 p., 74 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503529844.
In 2006, 500 years after his death, the Royal Library of Belgium organised an exhibition revealing treasures from the era of Philip the Fair (1478-1506), last duke of Burgundy. This volume reunites most of the papers delivered at a conference held during the exhibition, increased with four new chapters. Ten specialists from Belgium, the Netherlands and the United States discuss the book market and its place in society in this transitional period when manuscripts and printed books were produced and used next to one another. The contributions are organised in pairs around five topics, whereby in each case one author treats manuscripts and the other printed books: Philip the Fair and his books, art in books, music in books, politics in books, the book market. Contributions by: Renaud Adam, Jean-Marie Cauchies, Marieke van Delft, Lieve De Kesel, Samuel Mareel, Zoe Saunders, Susie Speakman Sutch, Herman Pleij, Rob Wegman, and Hanno Wijsman. Languages: English, French.