‎Molesworth Helen, Koerner Joseph, Leo Rugoff, Ralph Horrigan, Bill Grynsztejn, Madeleine Moles,worth Helen‎
‎Luc Tuymans.‎

‎, Ludion, 2011 HARDCOVER originele stofomslag, 29.2x24.7x2.7 cm , 228pp, geillustreerd z/w. ISBN 9789461300041.‎

Reference : 27674

‎De Belgische kunstenaar Luc Tuymans is een van de belangrijkste actieve schilders van dit ogenblik. Zijn unieke schilderstijl en benadering van historische thema's hebben een hele generatie jongere kunstenaars beinvloed. Tuymans houdt zich bezig met de nawerking van de meest traumatische gebeurtenissen van de afgelopen eeuw en gebruikt een gedempt palet om beelden uit films, tv-programma's en gedrukte bronnen uit te werken tot doeken die tegelijk somptueus en subtiel zijn, raadselachtig en ontwapenend sober. Als verre herinneringen balanceren zijn schilderijen tussen logische samenhang en onbegrijpelijkheid en stellen ze onze zekerheden op de proef, niet alleen over wat we zien maar ook over hoe we ernaar moeten kijken. Tuymans is vooral beroemd geworden om zijn vroege werk over de Holocaust; daarna heeft hij zich beziggehouden met onderwerpen als de postkoloniale geschiedenis van Congo, de Amerikaanse reactie op de aanslagen van 11 september, en de rol van de geinstitutionaliseerde godsdienst in een steeds verder geseculariseerde samenleving. Daarbij is hij altijd blijven streven naar het weergeven van het onvoorstelbare om ons zo te wijzen op onze rol als toeschouwers ? en vaak medeplichtigen tegen wil en dank ? van de geschiedenis. ‎

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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Tommy Simoens, Donna Wingate (ed.).‎

Reference : 47713

‎Luc Tuymans: l'oeuvre graphique 1989-2012‎

‎, Ludion, 2012 Couverture souple, 278pp., 29x24.5cm., ills en coul. col., neuf. Edition francaise ISBN 978949181926.‎

‎Overzicht van meer dan 20 jaar grafisch werk, met diverse technieken: van fotokopie over steendruk tot in-situprojecten en installaties. Luc Tuymans is zonder twijfel op internationaal vlak de bekendste levende Belgische kunstenaar. Net zoals bij zijn geschilderd oeuvre is de jaarlijkse productie van zijn grafisch werk eerder beperkt. En net zoals voor zijn schilderijen is kwaliteit primordiaal. Dankzij de samenwerking met gerenommeerde uitgevers en meester-drukkers heeft Tuymans een aanzienlijk grafisch oeuvre kunnen uitbouwen. <br>Luc Tuymans. Graphic Works 1989-2012 biedt een overzicht van meer dan twintig jaar grafisch werk, dat diverse technieken omvat, van fotokopie tot zeefdruk over monotype, steendruk, aquatint, heliogravure, in-situprojecten en installaties. Enkele casestudies werpen een licht op de voorbereiding en de totstandkoming van Tuymans' drukwerk. Aan de hand van nooit eerder gepubliceerd bronnenmateriaal en proeven, polaroids en aquarellen - onder meer uit de archieven van meester-drukker Roger Vandaele en van de studio van Luc Tuymans - wordt het proces van de analyse en vertaling van beelden, van kleurscheidingen en proefdrukken ten gronde uitgediept. Een gellustreerd overzicht van Tuymans' volledige grafische oeuvre tussen 1989 en 2012 sluit het boek af, gaande van een gefotokopieerde portfolio met een selectie van Tuymans' vroege tekenwerk over suites zoals The Spiritual Exercises tot het meesterwerk The Rumour, een ruimtelijke installatie die een reeks monotypes en een maquette samenbrengt in n editie.Een tentoonstelling met een selectie van Tuymans' belangrijkste grafisch werk is in voorbereiding. Graphic Works 1989?2012 offers a retrospective of graphic work by Luc Tuymans (born 1958), arguably the most celebrated Belgian artist working today, whose recreations of historically saturated imagery examine themes of memory and trauma. Using unpublished source material and proofs, Polaroids and watercolors--some from the archives of master printer Roger Vandaele and the artist?s own studio--this book offers in-depth insight into Tuymans? variety of graphic techniques and his process of analysis and translation of images, color separations and proofs. The volume concludes with an illustrated survey of the artist?s complete graphic work from 1989 to 2012, ranging from a photocopied portfolio with a selection of Tuymans? early drawings through suites such as The Spiritual Exercises to his masterpiece The Rumor, an installation combining a series of monotypes and a scale model in a single edition.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR24.99 (€24.99 )

‎Luc Tuymans, Su Wui‎

Reference : 54549


‎, David Zwirner , 2020 hardcover, dusjacket, 241 x 171 mm, 76 pages, 30 colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9781644230336.‎

‎Widely credited with having contributed to the revival of painting in the 1990s, Belgian painter Luc Tuymans continues to expand our understanding of the medium. Sourcing imagery from books, magazines, films, the internet, and increasingly his own iPhone photos, Tuymans's unique selection of subject matter reveals his fascination with moral complexities. Exploring diverse and sensitive topics, many of which include historic references from World War II to more contemporary events such as 9/11, Tuymans presents imagery that at first seems innocuous or approachable but upon deeper inspection can be entirely unsettling. Achieved through his masterful handling of paint, his works are often suggestive of memories or familiar people, places, and things. The latest in the Spotlight Series, which focuses on new bodies of work by contemporary artists, Tuymans continues to take on increasingly complex subject matters in his primarily muted palette. Published on the occasion of the artist's 2020 solo exhibition at David Zwirner Hong Kong, this book features an essay by art critic Su Wei, who approaches Tuymans's newest paintings and how they expand his oeuvre. Luc Tuymans (b. 1958) is known for a distinctive style of painting that demonstrates images' power to simultaneously communicate and withhold. Emerging in the 1980s, Tuymans pioneered a decidedly non-narrative approach to figurative painting, instead exploring how information can be layered and embedded within certain scenes and signifiers. Based on preexisting imagery culled from a variety of sources, his works are rendered in a muted palette that is suggestive of a blurry recollection or a fading memory. Their quiet and restrained appearance, however, belies an underlying moral complexity. They engage equally with questions of history and its representation as they do with quotidian subject matter. Tuymans's canvases, which are typically executed on a large scale, both undermine and reinvent traditional notions of monumentality through their insistence on the ambiguity of meaning. Su Wei is a curator and art critic based in Beijing. He is the senior curator of Inside-Out Art Museum (IOAM), Beijing. His curatorial projects include the 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale, China (2012)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎SIMOENS, Jan Avgikos / Nick Cullinan / Donna Wingate‎

Reference : 53074

‎Luc Tuymans: Intolerance. ‎

‎Antwerpen , ludion, 2015 Hardcover, 528 pages, illustrations color, Text in English, New / fine condition !. ISBN 9789491819353.‎

‎Uitgegeven naar aanleiding van de monumentale overzichtstentoonstelling Intolerance van Luc Tuymans die plaatsvindt in de Qatarese hoofdstad Doha (20.10.2015-30.01.2016). Het gelijknamige boek biedt nieuwe inzichten in Tuymans' oeuvre van de voorbije vijfentwintig jaar. Het bevat een aantal wetenschappelijke essays van de hand van vooraanstaande kunstcritici, alsook een interview met de kunstenaar. Met meer dan achthonderd beelden is Intolerance rijkelijk ge llustreerd. Naast zo'n honderd schilderijen en een zestig tekeningen vind je in deze ambitieuze publicatie studies, archiefmateriaal en installatiefoto's van de belangrijkste tentoonstellingen uit de carri re van de kunstenaar. De werken worden belicht aan de hand van verhelderende commentaren. De curator van de tentoonstelling, Lynne Cooke (National Gallery of Art, Washington), bevraagt Luc Tuymans over het belang van tentoonstellingen en hun totstandkoming. De Amerikaanse kunsthistorica Jan Avgikos onderzoekt de rol van fotografie, film en digitale media in het oeuvre van de kunstenaar. //// Published in response to the monumental Intolerance retrospective exhibition by Luc Tuymans that takes place in the Qatari capital Doha (20.10.2015-30.01.2016). The eponymous book offers new insights into Tuymans' oeuvre of the past twenty-five years. It contains a number of scientific essays by leading art critics, as well as an interview with the artist. With more than eight hundred images, Intolerance is richly illustrated. In addition to around a hundred paintings and sixty drawings, this ambitious publication contains studies, archive material and installation photos of the most important exhibitions in the artist's career. The works are highlighted on the basis of enlightening comments. The curator of the exhibition, Lynne Cooke (National Gallery of Art, Washington), questions Luc Tuymans about the importance of exhibitions and their realization. The American art historian Jan Avgikos investigates the role of photography, film and digital media in the oeuvre of the artist.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR225.00 (€225.00 )

‎Meyer-Hermann, Eva‎

Reference : 64470

‎Luc Tuymans: Catalogue Raisonne of Paintings Volume 2. 1995 -2006 ‎

‎, David Zwirner , 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket, 456 pages 253 x 334 x 67 . fine ISBN 9781941701959.‎

‎The second volume of a catalogue raisonn of Luc Tuymans's paintings, Over the course of four decades, Belgian painter Luc Tuymans has created his own distinctive vernacular, a new visual vocabulary. The second volume in a catalogue raisonn of Tuymans?s paintings surveys nearly two hundred works, including some of his most iconic canvases. Between the years 1995 and 2006, Tuymans?s work trended toward ideas of national and collective memory. In 1996, the artist created a group of ten paintings entitled The Heritage, for which he transformed familiar images of American life, such as Mount Rushmore, baseball caps, and the United States flag, into unsettling visions, addressing the country?s perceived vulnerability, both physical and psychological, following the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Paintings from Mwana Kitoko: Beautiful White Man, his seminal body of work that was first shown at David Zwirner, New York, in 2000, after which he expanded the series for his presentation for the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2001, depict imagery derived from the fraught history of Belgian colonial rule of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Also included is one of Tuymans?s best-known paintings, The Secretary of State (2005), a powerful yet seemingly vulnerable portrayal of Condoleezza Rice, which conjures the long history of racial and sexual prejudice in the United States, not as something that has been overcome, but as an active force shaping our reality. This volume includes an editor?s note by Eva Meyer-Hermann and an illustrated chronology with archival images and installation views of the featured works. It also presents brilliant color reproductions of each painting from this period. This publication is a testament to Tuymans?s persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting? a conviction that he maintains even in today?s digital world, when his work continues to be a touchstone for artists and scholars.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎Meyer-Hermann, Eva‎

Reference : 64469

‎Luc Tuymans: Catalogue Raisonne of Paintings Volume 3. 2007?2018 ‎

‎, David Zwirner , 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket, 456 pages 253 x 334 x 67 . fine ISBN 9781941701959.‎

‎The third volume of a catalogue raisonn of Luc Tuymans?s paintings, surveying nearly two hundred works, charts the artist?s investigation into painting?s relationship to history and technology. Tuymans is widely credited with having contributed to the revival of painting in the 1990s. His sparsely colored, figurative works speak in a quiet, restrained, and at times unsettling voice and are typically painted from preexisting imagery that includes photographs and video stills. The works in this volume, made between 2007 to 2018, show Tuymans at his most virtuosic, subtly but provocatively addressing a range of topics including religion, corporatization, and cultural memory, in addition to modernism and the history of painting. The Internet, in particular, is central to these works as well as the screen?leading to a new style of contemporary image. The works are mediatized to the nth degree, despite the artist?s continuous use of the traditional medium of painting. There is a certain kind of light that comes out of a screen, which can be found in Tuymans?s recent paintings. This volume includes an editor?s note by Eva Meyer-Hermann and an illustrated chronology with archival images and installation views of the featured works. It also presents brilliant color reproductions of each painting from this period. This publication is a testament to Tuymans?s persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting?a conviction that he maintains even in today?s digital world, when his work continues to be a touchstone for artists and scholars.‎


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