Gand/ New York, Ludion/ Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995 Gebonden in linnen met stofomslag, 245 x 310mm., 232pp., illustr. ISBN 9789055440542.
Reference : 22805
Nederlandstalige catalogus Petrus Christus: Renaissance Master of Bruges, paru a l'occasion de l'exposition organisee au Metropolitan Museum of Art a New York ( 14 avril-31 juillet 1994 ). Etat excellent. prima staat ! Petrus Christus als een kunstenaar met heel eigen gevoeligheden. Anders dan Van Eyck, die in dienst van de Bourgondische hertogen werkte, vond Christus zijn client le onder de burgers en de rijke buitenlandse kooplieden die zich in Brugge hadden gevestigd. Om die reden weerspiegelt zijn werk in menig opzicht de artistieke normen van zijn tijd op een veelomvattender wijze dan de kunst van Van Eyck, en is de studie van zijn leven en werk van bijzonder belang voor een beter begrip van de vroege kunst in de Nederlanden.
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, Brepols, Paperback, V+221 pages ., 210 x 297 mm, 1995. ISBN 9782503504445.
An interdisciplinary approach to the works of Petrus Christus incorporating the papers of the 1994 Petrus Christus Symposium at The Metropolitan Museum in New York. During the past few decades, admirers of Petrus Christus have been astonishingly fortunate. Unknown or forgotten paintings in the style of Christus have turned up with surprising regularity: in the 1950s, the wonderful Kansas City Holy Family; in the 1960s the Birmingham Christ and the Bruges Isabella of Portugal Presented by Saint Elisabeth in the 1980s, the Cleveland Baptist and the problematic Bruges panels of the Annunciation and the Nativity. Nothing, of course, can compensate for the loss, during World War II, of the Dessau Crucifixion, and the Berlin wing panels of the Baptist and Saint Catherine. We had to wait until 1974 for the first monograph devoted to Christus, but since then two more books on Christus have been published and important discoveries have been made about his career in Bruges. Thanks to Maryan Ainsworth and her colleagues, we had a truly marvellous exhibition, where we had the privilige of studying more of Chrsitus' paintings than he himself can ever have seen gathered in one place. The exhibition itself initiated a new phase in Christus studies and it is the ideal beginning. If problems of attribution and chronology are ever to be settled, they had to be settled during the exhibition. This publication offers the papers of the 1994 Petrus Christus Symposium at The Metropolitan Museum in New York. L. Campbell, Approaches to Petrus Christus, W. Blockmans, The Creative Environment: Inventions and Functions of Bruges Art Production, C. Harbison, Fact, Symbol, Ideal, Roles for Realism in Early Netherlandish Painting, G.B. Canfield, The Reception of Flemish Art in Renaissance Florence and Naples, M.P.J. Martens, Discussion, J. Upton, PETRUS.XPI.ME.FECIT, The Transformation of a Legacy, S. Buck, Petrus Christus' Berlin Wings and the Metropolitan Museum's Eyckian Diptych, S. Jones, The Virgin of Nicholas van Maelbeke and the Followers of Jan Van Eyck, C. Eisler, Discussion, L. Gellman, Two Lost Portraits by Petrus Christus.
Ludion/the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gand/New York, 1995. In-4, reliure pleine toile éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleur, xi-232 pp. Préface à l'exposition - Remerciements - Avis au lecteur - Bruges au temps de Petrus Christus, par Maximiliaan P. J. Martens. - Petrus Christus : biographie culturelle - L'art de Petrus Christus, par Maryan W. Ainsworth - Catalogue, par M. ...
Abondante iconographie en noir et en couleur. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
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Upton, Joel M.: Petrus Christus: His Place in Fifteenth-Century Flemish Painting. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990. 130 pages of text. 4 colour plates. 91 black and white illustrations. Hardback. 29x22cms.
Text in English
.: Ludion (Aalst, Belgium) & The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994, lg in-4°, 30,5 x 24 cm, publisher's cloth with d.w., 228 pp + numerous col. & b/w ill.index,bibliography. Dutch edition of the American study ''Petrus Christus Renaissance Master of Bruges'' published on the occasion of an exhibition with the same name in New York.
AINSWORTH Maryan W. - Maximiliaan P.J. MARTENS (authors ) - [ ] Petrus CHRISTUS :
Reference : 48112
.: Ludion (Aalst, Belgium) & The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995, lg in-4°, 30,5 x 24 cm, publisher's cloth with d.w., 232 pp + numerous col. & b/w ill.index,bibliography. French translation of the American study ''Petrus Christus Renaissance Master of Bruges'' published on the occasion of an exhibition with the same name in New York. Livre en français..