Gent, Snoeck Publishers , 2006 Hardcover, 280x220mm, 120p, Dutch (NL) edition ISBN-10: 905349507X ISBN-13: 9789053495070 geillustreerd. ISBN 905349507X.
Reference : 19755
Het hart, centrum van het lichaam. Bij vreugde en verdriet houden we ons hart vast. We verpanden ons hart, er moet iets van ons hart, we laten ons leiden door ons hart. Hoe verschillend is er in de loop der tijden niet over het hart gedacht. Nu staan hartziekten bovenaan de lijst van doodsoorzaken / Teylersmuseum / Museum Guislain Expo: Teylersmuseum: March-Sept 2004; Gent: 13/11/2004-01/05/2005
Kloosterstraat 48
2000 Antwerpen
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Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953. 8vo. Uncut in the original printed wrappers. Faint fading to extremities of wrappers. Near mint. 28 pp.
First printing of Hart's famous inaugural lecture. In this lecture ""Hart suggested that fundamental legal notions could be elucidated by methods properly adapted to their special character. Hart opposed the quest for definitions of expressions such as ""law"", ""state"", ""right"" and ""corporation"". It is futile, he claimed, to search for a counterpart to such notions in the ""real world"" or to apply the method of definition 'per genus et differentiam': positioning the notion within a glass or generic groups of which it is perceived to be a member, then listing the features which differentiate it from other notions within the same class. A definition of ""law"" as a member of the general class of rules of behavior was rejected in 'The Concept of Law' because the concept of ""rule"" is itself problematic as that of ""law"", in Hart's view."" (Ross, Law as a Social Institution"", Pp. 39-40).The legal philosopher Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992) is famous for his immensely influential contributions to legal philosophy, including his theory of legal positivism, which is developed on the basis of analytic philosophy. By using the tools of analytic philosophy and philosophy of language, clearly inspired by philosophers like Wittgenstein, in his attempts to solve the problems of legal theory, Hart came to revolutionize the way that jurisprudence and philosophy of law is conducted in especially America and Great Britain, and as such, his work is considered the main reason why English-language theory of law is now accepted as a natural part of philosophy.
Alken, Bode van het H. Hart 1929 71pp., 19cm., R47357
Reference : RO60124225
ISBN : 0719542464
John Murray. 1985. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 443 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Edited and Intro. by Rupert HART-DAVIS. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
1989 Kansas-city, the Nelson - Atkins Museum of Art ,1989, 18 x 29 cm ,24 cm , souple, good condition,
exhibition catalog,curated by Henry Adams.
Reference : alb817b6c3cb4ff65d7
Abbott Jacob Baker George Hart Basil Liddell Hutton Edward Lamb Harold Douglas David Grant Michael and Dr Nomen est Omen-series-28 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ebbot Dzhekob Beyker Dzhordzh Khart Bezil Liddel Khatton Edvard Lemb GarAbbott Jacob Baker George Hart Basil Liddell Hutton Edward Lamb Harold Douglas David Grant Michael and Dr Nomen est Omen-series-28 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ebbot Dzhekob Beyker Dzhordzh Khart Bezil Liddel Khatton Edvard Lemb Garold Duglas Devid Grant Maykl i d Nomen est Omen-seriya-28 tomov.1. Abbott D. Romulus. Founder of the Eternal City. 2. Abbott D. Pirr. King of Epirus. 3. Hart B. Scipio of Africa. Winner of Hannibal. 4. Baker D. Tiberius. Successor of Augustus. 5. Hutton E. Attila. Leader of the Huns. 6. Lamb G. Genghis Khan. Sovereign of the world. 7. Douglas D. Wilhelm the Conqueror. Viking on the English throne. 8. Baker George. Augustus. First Emperor of Rome. 9. Grant Michael Michael. Herod the Great. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb817b6c3cb4ff65d7