Catalogue of the Renowned Collection of Silversmith's Work Swaythling
"Swaythling, Samuel Montagu, Baron; Christie, Manson & Woods Swaythling. Catalogue of the Renowned Collection of Silversmith's Work Formed By the Right Hon. Montagu, First Lord Swaythling, Being a Part of the Swaythling Heirlooms. London, Christie, Manson and Woods, 1924. 44 pp. plus 19 black and white plates, including frontispiece of illustrations. In English. Prices realized with buyer names, written neatly in fountain pen beside each item for sale in this beautifully illustrated auction catalogue. Continuation of title: ""The bulk of the collection has for many years been exhibited on loan at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington."" Sale was May 6, 1924. Good condition."