London: J.J. Stockdale, 1813
Reference : 1746
An Anti-Catholic pamphlet, printed by J.J. Stockdale. An examination of the Claims of Roman Catholics, particularly those in Ireland, and concluding that "Too much is already conceded to the Papists." The initials W.L.J. appear in ink to the top of the title page. There are some annotations in ink throughout the text. These are in a contemporary hand, and appear to be proofing corrections - changing the grammar, correcting errors, and altering some footnotes. Perhaps this copy was being prepared for a second publication? If so, it came to nothing, as Copac cites only two holdings of this issue, with no others cited.Good clean, but with no wrappers (if any). This was once part of a larger work, and has been removed from this - but was published alone (with price, printers details and colophon here). There is a touch of darkening to the outside pages. Internally clean, with the annotations as described above. This work was published anonymously, and there is no reference on Copac or in bibliographies of anonymous literature to any author. However, the name Richard Mence Esq. is written in a contemporary hand alongside the stated "Country Gentleman" This would certainly fit well. Richard Mence was a Barrister, at Middle Temple, who went on to write about the Law of Libel. He was active in writing at this time, and his dedication in the Law of Libel, was to those who oppose "Disloyal and Seditious Principles" These almost certainly included Catholic Emancipation. With his awareness of Libel laws, he was perhaps wise to remain anonymous! 49 [i]. pp
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