Paris, Le Jay, 1770 ; in-12, 310 pp. + 308 pp. + 2 frontispices, reliés plein-veau, dos lisse orné. Les 2 volumes. Edward (Edouard) Young, poète romantique anglais de la première moitié du XVIIIème siècle, inaugura le genre sombre du romantisme. "Les Nuits" furent tout de suite un succès et furent traduites dans la plupart des langues européennes, en très peu de temps. Bon état.
Reference : B4362
Librairie Alphabets
M. Philippe Henry
06 87 32 55 92
Conforme à la vente par correspondance.
Bound in 5 uniform cont. full mottled calf, richly gilt backs. Top of spines a little worn.
4to. Orig. wrappers in orig printed portfolio with ties. Portfolio a lilltle worn at hinges. Uncut. No 387 of 360 ""sur vélin blanc Montgolfier d'Annonay"" (numb. 71-430), a total of 430. With 26 etchings by Dignimont. The frontispiece is coloured.
Bound uncut with all orig. wrappers in full calf, gilt back, richly gilt covers (René Kieffer). no 307 of 1050 ""sur vélin de Rives"", a total of 1150 copies.
Paris, Lejay, 1769. 8vo. Cont. full mottled calf. Top and bottom of spine a little frayed. Richly gilt back. Corners bumped. 2 engr. frontisp. LXV,(3),255-(4),280 pp. On good paper, a few brownspots, clean.
Brunet V:1509. First French edition.
Paris, Henri Laurens, (s.a.) (ca.1930). 4to. Bound uncut with the orig. front-cover in a full leather bd. In a case of marbled cardboard. Inner hinges have been reinforced, otherwise good condition. Richly illustr., partly coloured.