As you like it, A comedy by William Shakespeare, First produced at Daly's Theatre december 17 1889 and bere printed from the prompter's copy de As arranged by Augustin Daly, With a few introductory words by William Winter Esq chez Privately Printed For Mr Daly en 1890. en Anglais. Hommage de l'auteur Le livre est illustré d'un frontispice et 4 planches. Le livre mesure 18x29 cm et pèse 0,700 kg (c) pour 207 pages. Reliure d'époque cartonnée. Le livre est en très bon état, 3 chiffres sur la couverture.
Reference : 086
A FEW INTRODUCTORY WORDS. In Shakspere's youthful days the Forest of Arden was close at his hand and there is no doubt that he often wandered in it and that he knew it well. It covered a large tract of country in Warwickshire, six or eight miles northwest of Stratford-upon-Avon, and while that region is cleared now, and beautifully cultivated, and sprinkled over with trim villages and lovely manors, and diversified with many appellations, the general name of Arden cleaves to it still. Many of its great trees, indeed, sturdy and splendid at a vast age, remain in flourishing luxuriance, to indicate what it was ; and if you stand upon the hill near Beaudesert Church—where once the banners of Peter de Mountfort floated from his battlements and gaze over the adjacent plains, your eyes will rest upon one of the sweetest landscapes in all the delicious realm that environs the heart of England. It is idle to suppose that Shakspere was unacquainted with this old woodland and the storied places round about it-with Wroxall Abbey, and the moated grange of Baddesley Clinton, and all the historic spots associated with the wars of Henry the Third, the dark fate of Sir Piers Gaveston the handsome Earl of Cornwall, and the romantic tradi tions of the great house of Warwick. From his earliest boyhood this region must have been his pre-empted field of exploration and adventure, and must have been haunted for him with stately shapes and glorious visions. His mother's name was Mary Arden ; and we may be sure that with her name, to him so beautiful and so sacred, he always associated the freedom and the splendor of that romantic forest. When therefore we read his exquisite comedy of “ As You Like It," and observe, as we cannot help observing, that every flower that blooms, every leaf that trembles, and every breeze that murmurs in it is redolent of his native Warwickshire, surely there is no reason why we should suppose that he intended to surround this purely ideal and fanciful conception with the strange accessories of a scene in France, or that he meant to enforce an iron-bound conventionality of treatment in the illustration of it. There are, to be sure, a few French names in the piece; but so there are a serpent and a lionness, tending to shift the scene to Asia or Africa. The story upon which, to a considerable extent, it was founded-Thomas...
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Génération Plus, 1975. 32,5 x 24,5 cm, non paginé. Broché, couverture légèrement salie, sinon bon état. Originale, non numéroté, attention sans les illustrations de Claude Viallat. Envoi autographe signé de Maurice à Jean-Pierre et Mari Odile [Faye]. Avec dessins. En 1975 Jassaud et Roche travaillèrent ensemble à : As you like it, do it yourself, un texte dont le lecteur doit réaliser lui même l'agencement à partir des éléments imprimés dans le livre et dont les pages ne sont pas numérotées à dessein pour laisser au lecteur l'initiative de l'ordonnancement. Dans les exemplaires de tête, le texte est imprimé sur une page, les illustrations peintes au verso. Les feuilles libres (Do it yourself) doivent être ordonnées par le lecteur (As you like it). Ces illustrations sont de Claude Viallat. Dans ces 30 exemplaires les gouaches originales sont incorporées - l'ensemble constituent un puzzle.
Du Temps 1999 190 pages 24x16x1cm. 1999. Broché. 190 pages.
French édition. Le livre présente des marques/plis de stockage et d'usure sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais reste en bon état d'ensemble. Expédié soigneusement dans un emballage adapté depuis la France
Hansom Books. 1980. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 42 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans le texte. Tampons de bibliothèque sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Contents: Corning to Life (The Nimrod Theatre) John Willett Acts of Love (New York) William A Raidy Adventures at the Gate Ronald Cranham Reviews As You Like It Blood Black and Gold The Browning Version Cymbeline The Devil Himself Dr Faustus Early Days Hamlet Harlequinade The Hothouse A Midsummer Night’s Dream Motherdear Next Time I’ll Sing to You Only in America Private Lives Pygmalion Quantrill in Lawrence Seascape The Shadow of a Gunman Three Sisters Tribute to Evelyn Laye Woyzeck. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Shakespeare W. As you like it. Merry Windsors. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Shekspir U. Kak vam eto ponravitsya. Veselye vindzorskie kumushki.. Series: Family Library. Front Hall. St. Petersburg Vita Nova 2012 496 p. SKUalb941c7f49a4e261de.
Times book club. Non daté. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 133 + 105 + environ 120 pages. Message manuscrit à l'encre, datant de 1916, en page de faux titre du volume 1. Tranches de têtes dorées. Titre, auteur et tomaison dorés au dos. En anglais. Petit in-8. Second plat du volume 1 légèrement abîmé. 2 photos disponibles.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
The works of william shakespeare , in twelve volumes. Sommaire des trois volumes : love's labour's lost, the comedy of errors, the two gentlemen of verona, a midsummer night's dream, much ado about nothing, as you like it, twelfth night, all's well that end well, measure for measure, the tempest, the winter's tale. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon