‎Alan Bennett‎

‎Faber & Faber; Main édition (1 novembre 2012)‎

Reference : lc_88033

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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Companhia de Diamantes de Angola. Serviços Culturais Dundo, Lunda, Angola‎

Reference : 1157990

‎Folclore musical de Angola (Colecção de fitas magnéticas e discos) / Angola folk-music (Collection of magnetic tapes and disks). 1, Povo quioco (Area do Lóvua), Lunda / Chokwe people (Lóvua area) Lunda District. 2, Povo quioco (Area do Camissombo), Lunda / Chokwe people (Camissombo area), Lunda District).‎

‎Lisboa: Diamang, Museu do Dundo, 1961 - 1967 2 vol. gr. in-4 (41,5 x 30 cm), 296-(6) et 306-(8) pages, illustrations en noir et en couleurs, cartes. Reliure d'éd., mors fendu sur 7,5 cm pour le volume 1, autrement très bon état. Companhia de Diamantes de Angola. Serviços Culturais Dundo, Lunda, Angola. Texte portugais et anglais. Sommaire Tome 1: Chokwe People (Lóvua area) - Lunda District: 1 Explanatory notes. 2 Notes on the Chokwe People and its folklore (Lóvua area). 3 Musical instruments used. 4 Photographic documents. 5 Musical analyses of the Lóvua folklore. 6 Wording of Songs and Comments. Tome 2: Chokwe People (Camissombo area): 1 Explanatory notes. 2 Notes on the Chokwe people and its folklore (Camissombo area). 3 Musical Instruments used. 4 Photographic documents. 5 Musical analyses of the Camissombo folklore. 6 Wording of Songs and Comments. De la bibliothèque de l'anthropologue Auguste Guilherme de Mesquitela Lima (cachet et signature).‎

‎Folclore musical de Angola (Colecção de fitas magnéticas e discos) / Angola folk-music (Collection of magnetic tapes and disks). 1, Povo quioco (Area do Lóvua), Lunda / Chokwe people (Lóvua area) Lunda District. 2, Povo quioco (Area do Camissombo), Lunda / Chokwe people (Camissombo area), Lunda District). (Lisboa: Diamang, Museu do Dundo, 1961 - 1967). [M.C.: Afrique noire, Angola, ethnomusicologie, instruments de musique]‎

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‎People's Socialist Review. Volume 1 Volume 2. Workers People. Volume 1 Volume‎

‎People's Socialist Review. Volume 1 Volume 2. Workers People. Volume 1 Volume 2. People's Labor. Volume 1 Volume 7. People's Socialist Library. Volume 1. /Narodno-sotsialisticheskoe obozrenie. Vyp.12. Trudovoy narod. Vyp.12. Narodnyy trud. Vyp. 1 7. Narodno-sotsialisticheskaya biblioteka. Vyp.1. St. Petersburg: N. N. Koblukov's typography. Deloitte's typography. Russian speedprint. 1906-1907 Normal format 18x13.5 cMoscow We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb33c44d41613e2bfd‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

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‎Young people to be taught, old people to be obedient. Bee: A collection for peo‎

‎Young people to be taught, old people to be obedient. Bee: A collection for peoples reading and for use in peoples teaching by St. Nicholas Shcherbina.-5th ed./Molodym lyudyam na pouchene, starym lyudyam na poslushane. Pchela: Sb. dlya nar. chteniya i dlya upotrebleniya pri nar. obuchenii Sost. Nikolay Shcherbina.-5-e izd. Young people to be taught, old people to be obedient. Bee: collection for public reading and consumption by Nikolai Shcherbina.-5th ed. -St. Petersburg: Type I. I. Glazunov, 1877. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-1a0230a2922bbcef.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎S. Appel (ed.);‎

Reference : 37407

‎Gift and its Wages The Land of Israel and the Jewish People in the Spiritual Life of Medieval Russia,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, approx. X+408 pages., 33 b/w ill., 2 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503534381.‎

‎An examination of Old Russia's dichotomous attitude towards the Jews and Jewish culture - the appropriation of the Old Testament and the concept of a 'Chosen' people and land juxtaposed with the subjugation of the Jews. Respect for the Old Testament and its heritage was an integral feature of Russian medieval culture and played a major role in determining Old Russia's value system and its attitude toward past and contemporary events. Jerusalem and the Holy Land were ideals, and the Chosen People and Old Testament heroes were role models and standards for both the past and the present. Yet, in its ongoing effort to be recognized as the 'New Chosen People' within the family of nations, Old Russia rejected 'the Other', that is the descendants of the 'Old Chosen People'. The almost total absence of Jews in Russia throughout the ancient period, along with the central role played by Jewish tradition in the development of its culture, are a contradiction. This book presents the story of this dichotomy during the Old Russian millennium, from its inception to the late seventeenth century. The material is organized chronologically, beginning with the creation of the Kievan state in the far reaches of the Khazar polity in the ninth century, and ending with the great transformation, the reforms of Peter the Great. This is preceded by a survey of two sources that shaped the image of the land and people of Israel in the erudite world of ancient Russia: a description of the Holy Land by Abbot Daniel in the early twelfth century, and the ancient Slavic translation of Josephus?s Wars of the Jews. Languages : English. ‎


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EUR155.00 (€155.00 )

Reference : bd-e700a96e345685fb

‎Dubnov S.M. The Modern History of the Jewish People (1789-1881): (General Histo‎

‎Dubnov S.M. The Modern History of the Jewish People (1789-1881): (General History of the Jewish People, Vol. 5) St. Petersburg: Type. NORTH, 1914/Dubnov S.M. Noveyshaya istoriya evreyskogo naroda (1789-1881): (Vseobshchaya istoriya evreyskogo naroda, t. 5) Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. SEVER, 1914 Dubnov S.M. The Modern History of the Jewish People (1789-1881): (General History of the Jewish People, Vol. 5) St. Petersburg: Type. NORTH, 1914. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-e700a96e345685fb.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
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