‎Jean-Philippe Toussaint‎
‎Les émotions‎

‎MINUIT (10 septembre 2020)‎

Reference : lc_84708

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€11.00 (€11.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 26208

ISBN : 2842923375

‎Médiévales - La chair des émotions - Médiévales (61/2011) : "La chair des émotions"Sommaire : Une histoire des émotions incarnée - Damien Boquet et Piroska NagyPrêcher les émotions incarnées. évêques, mendiants et leurs publics dans l'Antiquité tardive - Dionysos StathakopoulosLapsus corporis et performatif : fonctions des gestes somatiques dans lexpression des émotions dans la littérature altimédiévale - Nira PancerLes communautés émotionnelles et le corps - Barbara H. Rosenwein Évaluation émotionnelle dun crime dhonneur au couvent gilbertin de Watton (v. 1165) - Damien BoquetLa narration des émotions et la réactivité du destinataire dans les Contes de Canterbury de Geoffrey Chaucer - Guillemette BolensVultus velatus ou la figuration positive de la tristesse dans l'iconographie de la fin du Moyen Âge - Robert Marcouxtoucher et être touché : gestes de conciliation et émotions dans les duels judiciaires - klaus OschemaDu vilain au paysan sur la scène littéraire du XIII - M.t. LorcinLes avatars d l'inquisiteur ou la fonction de juge ecclésiastique à la fin du moyen-age - L. Silvestre‎

‎ Presses universitaires de Vincennes, collection "médiévales", 2012 - In-8, 155 x 220 mm - 218 pages - Neuf - Envoi rapide et soigné ‎

‎Présentation de l'éditeur : Les émotions ont une histoire... Les textes réunis dans ce dossier interrogent la nature des liens entre émotion et corps au Moyen Âge, leurs modalités dexpression, de mise en scène et de signification.Tous le font en intégrant les réflexions qui rendent possible aujourdhui une histoire des émotions. Il peut sagir de restituer les émotions éprouvées par les lépreux ou celles que suscitait leur spectacle, ou de cerner des gestes somatiques entre le corps trahissant lémotion. On peut aussi sattacher à comprendre un discours tentant de rationaliser dun point de vue moral les émotions dune communauté de nonnes pour légitimer un acte dune violence inouïe. Il peut aussi être question de saisir les multiples représentations iconographiques de la tristesse. Lhistorien peut être amené à analyser les gestes de toucher apportant la conciliation dans le duel judiciaire.Cette pluralité dapproches donne une idée suggestive de la manière dappréhender laffectivité dans lhistoire.Ce numéro de Médiévales offre un panorama varié dun courant historiographique international en plein renouvellement : lhistoire des émotions, ou encore de laffectivité. - Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148 ‎

A l's.p.rance - Brest

Phone number : 06 81 23 31 48

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 44682


‎Esquisse d'une Théorie des Émotions. - [PRESENTATION-COPY]‎

‎Hermann & Cie, 1939. Royal 8vo. Bound uncut with the original printed wrappers (""Actualités scientifiques et industrielles"", no. 838. Essais philosophiques II, Publiés par Cavaillès), also the backstrip (mounted with a little loss). in an exquisite, beautiful black morocco binding with gilt horizontal and vertical lettering to spine. Beautiful silvered paper over boards. Housed in an exquisite silvered marbled paper slip-case with black morocco edges. Binding signed to bottom of inside of front board: ""C. et J-P. Miguet"". Near mint copy. 52 pp.‎

‎First printing, presentation-copy, of Sartre's highly important early philosophical work, which is recognized as the best introduction to his ""L'Étre et le Néant"" (1943). The work was only printed as it is here, as no. 838 of Cavaillè's ""Actualités scientifiques et industrielles"", and only appeared in a new (not revised) edition in 1960. The large presentation-inscription reads as thus : "" A Olivier Briot/ en la remerciant de "" Les lignes "" qui j'ai/ beaucoup aimé/ JP Sartre "".""L'Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions "" ("" Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions""), although now considered one of Sartre's most important works, was originally written as the first part and introduction to a greater work on psychological phenomenology that was supposed to be entitled ""La Psyché"". The great psychological project was abandoned due to Sartre's eagerness to finish ""Le Mur"". ""L'Esquisse"" thus remains the only part of the work ever published, and perhaps exactly because of its introductory character, it has come to have the effect on modern philosophical thought that it has. Due to being at the same time accessible and rigourous, the work is considered the best introduction to Sartre's fundamental philosophical ideas, an almost indispensible presentation of and introduction to ""L'Étre et le Néant"", which appeared four years later. ""L'Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions "" is a phenomenological essay on emotion, in which Sartre ettempts to present a phenomenological psychology, treating emotion as a "" phenomenon "" and placing it within the realm of signification. The primary presentation of his own phenomenological analysis is essantial to all his later philosophy.""Although written fairly early in his career, in 1939, Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions is considered to be one of Jean-Paul Sartre's most important pieces of writing. It not only anticipates but argues many of the ideas to be found in his famous Being and Nothingness. By subjecting the emotion theories of his day to critical analysis, Sartre opened up the world of psychology to new and creative ways of interpreting feelings. Emotions are intentional and strategic ways of coping with difficult situations. We choose to utilize them, we control them, and not the other way around, as has been posited elsewhere. Emotions are not fixed"" they have no essence and indeed are subject to rapid fluctuations and about-turns. For its witty approach alone, Sartre's Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions can be enjoyed at length. It is a dazzling journey to one of the more intriguing theories of our time."" (Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions, 2nd Edition, By Jean-Paul Sartre, Published October 12th 2001 by Routledge - 80 pages, Series: Routledge Classics)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK22,000.00 (€2,950.68 )

‎Magnus, K. Van der Stighelen (eds.)‎

Reference : 52041

‎Facts and Feelings, Retracing Emotions of Artists, 1600-1800.‎

‎, , 2015 Softcover, IV+228 pages ., 75 b/w ill., 4 b/w tables, 210 x 297 mm. Languages: English. ISBN 9782503554860.‎

‎This interdisciplinary volume is a unique combination of the history of early modern emotions and art history, bringing together case studies which provide us with new insights on early modern artists and their emotional lives, often based on archival and literary sources. The history of emotions has gained more and more scholarly attention, evidenced by an ?affective turn? or ?emotional turn? in historical research. Many publications have appeared, and internationally oriented research centres and conferences have been set up and organized. This volume brings the importance of a clear understanding of historical feelings into the research area of art historians. Even though the depiction of emotions is an important discipline in its own right, in this volume the concept of the artist and his or her own personal feelings, often in connection with the creation of a work of art, is prioritised. Although it is argued that a painter had to be able to feel emotions in order to depict them correctly, the articles brought together in this volume focus primarily on the traces of artist?s emotions (?feelings?) that can be derived from archival documents, secondary sources, and paintings (?facts?). Each author has tried in his or her own way to elucidate both the written and visual expressions of an artist?s (personal) emotions. Hannelore Magnus is a full-time PhD. fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO) at the same Research Unit of KU Leuven. She prepares a doctoral dissertation on fashion, dance and courting in the oeuvre of the Antwerp genre painter Hieronymus Janssens (1624-1693). Katlijne Van der Stighelen is full professor Early Modern Art History at KU Leuven. Her main research and publication topics are 17th-century Flemish art in general and portraiture in particular as well as woman artists. She is currently investigating aspects of technological imaging in collaboration with the University of Antwerp (Department of Chemistry) and is preparing a monograph on Michaelina Woutiers, an artist from Mons who lived in Brussels in the second half of the 17th century. Review ?This volume provides a rich and thought-provoking inquiry into how the established practice of the case study can continue to maintain its value in the age of ?big data.? (Stephanie S. Dickey, in College Art Association Reviews, 44, 2017)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 24168


‎BE, Stichting Kunstboek, 2010 Illustrated cardboard cover in colour, 245 x 330mm., 160pp., profound color illustration. ISBN 9789058563217.‎

‎Bloemen, met hun verbazende diversiteit, kleuren en vormen, zijn de perfecte manier om het hele spectrum van passies uit te drukken. In deze publicatie staan gevoelens van affectie, liefde, tederheid, passie en romantiek centraal. Deze emoties - nu eens dramatisch, dan weer lichthartig - resulteren in levendige en kleurrijke florale ontwerpen. In combinatie met Life3's gave om gevoelens en sfeer op te roepen door het gebruik van schitterende en passende achtergronden bij hun composities, wordt dit boek een echt kunstwerk dat ongetwijfeld eenieders passie en verbeelding zal beroeren. De drie designers van Life3 geven opnieuw het beste van zichzelf in deze publicatie. Ze blijven trouw aan hun eigen stijl maar zijn tezelfdertijd innoverend en origineel. Ze willen niet alleen inspireren, maar ook hun creativiteit, trendy concepten en ervaringen delen met collega's en liefhebbers van florale kunst over de hele wereld. After the successful 'Emotions', 'Wedding Emotions' and 'Christmas Emotions', Life3's florists Per Benjamin, Tomas De Bruyne and Max van de Sluis will surprise the floral world with a fourth book in this series: 'Passionate Emotions'. No better tools to translate the whole spectrum of life's passions and pleasures than flowers, with their stunning diversity, colours and shapes. This beautiful album explores feelings of affection, love, tenderness, passion and romance. All these lovely emotions - sometimes dramatic, sometimes light-hearted - result in vibrant and colourful floral designs. Combined with Life3's special flair to create moods and atmospheres by using stunning and suiting backdrops to their compositions, this makes up for a book that is a true work of art and will undoubtedly stir anyone's passion and imagination. The three designers of Life3 give their best in this splendid edition, staying faithful to their own style and at the same time ever so innovating and original. Life3 not only inspires, but wants to share their creativity, trendy concepts and expertise with colleagues and flower enthusiasts all over the world. English edition, new.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.90 (€59.90 )


Reference : R320131708


‎3e millénaire n°95 printemps 2010 - Vivre ses émotions pouvons nous les connaître pour en être libre ? - Que contrôlez vous ? - méditation et émotion vers la vie intégrale - disparition des émotions - cessez de ruminer - être en paix avec ses émotions...‎

‎3e millénaire. 2010. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 94 pages - quelques illustrations en couleurs et en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎

‎Sommaire : Que contrôlez vous ? - méditation et émotion vers la vie intégrale - disparition des émotions - cessez de ruminer - être en paix avec ses émotions - la grande transmutation sacrée selon la bouddhisme tibétain - contracture et contraction de l'âme selon Hubert Benoit - la beauté dans l'art toucher le coeur - et si nous déposions les armes - l'émotion dans la tradition indienne - l'esthétique du transpersonnel etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

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