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‎TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE OU PRINCIPES DE PHYSIQUE fondés sur les connaissances les plus certaines, tant anciennes que modernes et confirmés par l'expérience. P., Bossange, 1803, 3 VOLUMES in 8, T.1 : (2), 103pp., 352pp., T.2 : (2), 419pp., T.3 : (2), 476pp., (1-errata et avis au relieur), 46 PLANCHES dépliantes ; Quatrième édition REVUE, CORRIGEE ET AUGMENTEE --- ELEMENS OU PRINCIPES PHYSICO-CHYMIQUES destinés à servir de suite aux Principes de physique. P., Bossange, 1800, (2), 14pp., 412pp., 6 PLANCHES dépliantes ; UN VOLUME ; EDITION ORIGINALE ---- SOIT 4 VOLUMES IN 8 RELIES EN RELIURES UNIFORMES‎

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‎---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- Quatrième éditon REVUE, CORRIGEE ET AUGMENTEE pour le TRAITÉ ÉLÉMENTAIRE OU PRINCIPES DE PHYSIQUE ; EDITION ORIGINALE pour les ELEMENS OU PRINCIPES PHYSICO-CHYMIQUES ---- "J.M. BRISSON was professor of physics in the Collège de Navarre, Ecole Centrale and Lycée Bonaparte. Having undergone an involuntary adjustment in his activities, Brisson carried on two successive careers, a sort one as a naturalist and Réaumur's collaborator and a longer one as Nollet's disciple and the disseminator of the ideas of experimental physics. His rather considerable influence was due to his teaching and his works which were an excellent means of spreading the scientific knowledge of the time. He collaborated with Baumé, Macquer and Lavoisier in experiments on the combustion fo diamonds". (Cole & DSB II pp. 473/475)**903/L2"J.M. Brisson was professor of physics in the Collège de Navarre, Ecole Centrale and Lycée Bonaparte. Having undergone an involuntary adjustment in his activities, Brisson carried on two successive careers, a sort one as a naturalist and Réaumur's collaborator and a longer one as Nollet's disciple and the disseminator of the ideas of experimental physics. His rather considerable influence was due to his teaching and his works which were an excellent means of spreading the scientific knowledge of the time. He collaborated with Baumé, Macquer and Lavoisier in experiments on the combustion fo diamonds". (Cole & DSB II pp. 473/475)**903/L2‎

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