Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782124657759


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5 book(s) with the same title

‎SERCU, Lies.‎

Reference : 26185

‎Acquiring intercultural communicative competence from textbooks. The case of Flemish adolescent pupils learning German.‎

‎Leuven, Universitaire Pers, 2000 Paperback, English, original editor's jacket, 16x24 cm., 426 pp. ‎

‎Studia Paedagogica : 28. This book investigates whether and to what extent foreign language textbooks can contribute to promoting adolescent pupils' acquisition of intercultural communicative competence. It gives a full scientific account of a research project carried out amongst Flemish learners of German. The focus of the research was on the relationships between the culture teaching approaches adopted in textbooks and the pupils' learning of culture. Although the sub-title refers to a particular group of pupils learning a particular language, the study has more general bearing and constitutes a substantial contribution to the literature, and in particular empirical research, on the development of intercultural competence in and through foreign language education. The composition of the volume reflects the affective, cognitive and contact dimensions of the culture learning process. It also gives space to the theoretical platform on which the research was built, and to the research methodology adopted. Chapter 1 sets out to contextualise and define the research topic. It clarifies the study's position within the field of culture-and-language learning-and-teaching theory, practice and research. It also situates the investigation into the specific context of teaching and learning foreign languages-and-cultures in Flanders. In chapter 2 the theoretical framework informing the study is developed. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the techniques of data collection and analysis employed, of the kinds of data collected, and of the chronology of data collection. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide an interpretative description and analysis of the investigation's key concepts. Chapters 4 and 5 focus on the pupils' culture learning processes and analyse relationships between attitude, contact and perception data. In chapter 6 the culture teaching approaches adopted in the investigated textbook series are described and evaluated with regard to their potential for promoting the pupils' learning of culture. Chapter 7, finally, provides a summary overview of the study's main findings and presents the main conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence presented in earlier chapters. It estimates the value of the study's research methodology and theoretical framework. It also reflects on how the research findings can find application and implementation. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.50 (€28.50 )

‎Kristeller Paul Oskar Mahoney Edward P‎

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‎Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning: Three Essays‎

‎Columbia University Press 1992 210 pages 14 732x1 27x22 606cm. 1992. Broché. 210 pages.‎

‎Très Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎Raf Van Rooy, Pierre Van Hecke, Toon Van Hal (eds)‎

Reference : 64434

‎Trilingual Learning. The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000-1700)‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 426 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:7 b/w, 5 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503601069.‎

‎Summary In 1517, the Brabant city of Louvain witnessed the foundation of the Collegium Trilingue (Three Language College). Funded by means of the legacy of the humanist and diplomat Jerome of Busleyden (d. 1517) and steered by guiding spirit Erasmus of Rotterdam, this institute offered courses in the three so-called sacred languages Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, which students could attend for free. However, this kind of initiative was not unique to Louvain in the early 16th century. In a time span of barely twenty years, Greek and Hebrew were also offered in Alcal de Henares (near Madrid), Wittenberg, and Paris, among other places. It would not take long before these 'sacred' languages were also on the educational agenda at universities throughout the whole of Europe. The present volume examines the general context in which such polyglot institutes emerged and thrived, as well as the learning and teaching practices observed in these institutes and universities. Devoting special attention to the study of the continuity, or rather the discontinuity, between the 16th-century establishment of language chairs and the late medieval interest in these languages, it brings together fifteen selected papers exploring various aspects of these multilingual undertakings, focusing on their pedagogical and scholarly dimensions. Most of the contributions were presented at the 2017 LECTIO conference The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew, and 'Oriental' Languages on Scholarship, Science, and Society in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, which was organized at the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Louvain Collegium Trilingue. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Trilingual Learning in Context (Raf Van Rooy, Pierre Van Hecke & Toon Van Hal) Part I. Greek and Hebrew: Borders and Landmarks Greek Studies in Renaissance Italy: Protagonists, Centers, and Areas of Impact (Luigi-Alberto Sanchi) Hebrew Students and Teachers across Borders in the Renaissance (Saverio Campanini) Part II. New Foundations: Institutes, Methods, Manuals Institutionalizing Trilingual Learning: The Foundation of Hebrew and Greek Chairs at European Universities in the Early Sixteenth Century (Toon Van Hal) Francisco Jim nez de Cisneros and the Greeks at the Collegium and University of San Ildefonso (1495-1517) (Benito Rial Costas) Chr tien Wechel (c. 1495-1554) and Greek Printing in Paris: Education, Networks, and Questions of Orthodoxy (Natasha Constantinidou) In Rutger Rescius' Classroom at the Leuven Collegium Trilingue (1543-1544): His Study Program and Didactic Method (Raf Van Rooy) Reading Vergil through Homer: The Role of the Greek Language in Petrus Nannius' Deuterologiae sive Spicilegia (Xander Feys) Part III. Knowledge in Practice: Greek and Hebrew in Active Use Teaching Greek and Hebrew in Early Modern Estonia (Janika P ll & Anu P ldsam) Greek among Other Academic Disciplines: The Case of a Handwritten Greek Oration from Sixteenth-Century Lithuania (Tomas Veteikis) Part IV. Bridging Traditions: Jewish and Classical Philology Greek in the Arukh of Nathan b. Jehiel (Ayelet Wenger) The Ma?barot of 'Immanu'el of Rome and the Classical Tradition (Vito Andrea Mariggi ) Part V. Trilingual Learning and Beyond: Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic in Theology, Philosophy, and Law Melanchthon as Advocate of Trilingual Humanism (Ralph Keen) Nec quidquam feliciter sit quod accuratione cum Alcorano certare queat: Latin Translations of the Qur??n as Teaching Material for Arabic Learners in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Europe (Katarzyna K. Starczewska) Hebrew as the Original Philosophic Language in the Writings of Medieval Jewish Scholars (Abraham Melamed) De la jurisprudence de Reuchlin aux artes d' rasme. La consolidation de la culture gr co-romaine (Laurent Waelkens)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

Reference : alba72d2ca55f7c0baf

‎Hayes Horowitz. Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course. Learning‎

‎Hayes Horowitz. Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course. Learning the art of circuitry. A practical course. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Hayes Horowitz Kheys Khorovits. Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course. Izuchaem iskusstvo skhemotekhniki. Prakticheskiy kurs.Cambridge University Press 2016. 1150 p.. SKUalba72d2ca55f7c0baf.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Tsukada (Yasuzo) and Agranoff (Bernard W.), ed.‎

Reference : Cyb-2772


‎Neurobiological Basis of Learning and Memory - The Second Taniguchi Symposium of Brain Sciences‎

‎John Wiley and Sons - A Wiley Medical Publication Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's binding, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 270 pages‎

‎many figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Participants, Preface, Contents, x, Text, 260 pages - J. Hamori : Plasticity during neuronal differentiation : An experimental morphological study of developing synapses and of neuronal networks - N. Mizuno, A. Konishi, Y. Nakamura, S. Nomura, K. Itoh and T. Sugimoto : Influence of deafferentiation on the synaptic organization in the inferior olivary nucleus : A quantitative electron microscopic study in the cat - P. Andersen and H. Wigström : Possible mechanism for long-lasting potentiation of hippocampal synaptic transmission - Y. Miyashita : Mechanisms of cerebellar motor learning - K. Toyama : Neuronal mechanisms of visual cortical plasticity - H.B. Barlow : Theories of cortical function and measurements of its performance - Jun Tanji : Neuronal activity in the cortical supplementary motor area associated with the development of the preparatory motor set for sensory-triggered responses - E.E. Fetz : Functional relations between primate motor cortex cells and forelimb muscles, coactivation and cross-correlation patterns - M. Watanabe : Prefrontal unit activity and delayed conditional discrimination - B.W. Agranoff : Biochemical events mediating the formation of short-term and long-term memory - S. Kohsaka and Y. Tsukada : Neurochemical correlates of discriminative learning disabilities in experimental phenylketonuric rats and in postnatally undernourished rats - T.H. Murakami : Microtubules and memory : Effects of vinblastine on avoidance training - S.P.R. Rose : Neurochemical correlates of early learning in the chick - A. Oliverio : Genetic and environmental factors in relation to behavioral rigidity and plasticity - H. Kuribara, T. Hayashi, K. Ohashi and S. Tadoroko : Methodological problems in observing learning and memory by operant conditioning in rats - S/ Watanabe : Visual discrimination studies in pigeons - Index no dust-jacket, else fine copy, no markings (a track a ink on the margin of 1 page)‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )
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