Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782067192454


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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Jeremy Armstrong, Aaron Rhodes-Schroder (eds)‎

Reference : 64323

‎Adoption, Adaption, and Innovation in Pre-Roman Italy. Paradigms for Cultural Change‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 282 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:60 b/w, 84 col., 8 tables b/w., 10 maps b/w, 5 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602325.‎

‎Summary The ancient Mediterranean basin was once thought to be populated by large, monolithic, cultural-political entities. In this conception, 'the Greeks', 'the Romans', and other stable and homogenous cultures interacted and vied for supremacy like early modern states or empires. Today, however, thanks largely to an ever-increasing archaeological record, critical and sensitive approaches to the literary evidence, and the impact and application of new theoretical approaches, the ancient Mediterranean region is instead argued to be full of dynamic microcultures organized in a fluid set of overlapping networks. While this atomization of culture has resulted in more interesting and accurate micro-histories, it has also challenged how we understand cultural interaction and change. This volume draws on this new understanding of cultural identity and contact to address the themes of adoption, adaption, and innovation in Pre-Roman Italy from the 9th-3rd centuries BCE. The contributors to this volume build upon recent paradigm shifts in research that challenge traditional Hellenocentric models and work to establish a new set of frameworks for approaching the tangled question of how 'indigenous' and 'foreign' features relate to one another in the material record. Using focused case-studies, ranging from the role played by mobile populations in transferring ideas and technologies to the different ways in which 'foreign' artistic elements were used by Italian peoples, the volume explores what the ? now commonly accepted ? connectedness of a wider Mediterranean world meant for the people of Italy in practical terms, and offers new models for how concepts and ideas were transmitted, reinterpreted, repurposed, and re-appropriated in early Italy to fit within their local context. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Abbreviations 1. Rethinking Cultural (Ex)Change in Pre-Roman Italy Jeremy Armstrong and Aaron Rhodes-Schroder 2. The Paradox of Innovation in Conservative Societies: Cultural Self-Consistency and Bricolage in Iron Age Central Italy Nicola Terrenato 3. Mixing Up Mediterranean Innovation: The Case of Viticulture and Wine Franco De Angelis 4. The World has Changed: Insularity and Tyrrhenian Connectivity during the Corsican Iron Ages Marine Lechenault and Kewin Peche-Quilichini 5. Folding Meaning in an Object: The Ficoroni Cista and the Heterarchy of Art in Early Italy John North Hopkins 6. Virtue in Variety: Contrasting Temple Design in Etruscan Italy Charlotte R. Potts 7. The Demon Is in the Detail: Greek Pottery in Etruscan Funerary Contexts Aaron Rhodes-Schroder 8. Local Choices in a Networked World: Funerary Practices at Crustumerium (Lazio) during the Long Seventh Century BCE Peter Attema, Barbara Belelli Marchesini, and Matthijs Catsman 9. From the Ground Up: Constructing Monumental Buildings in Archaic Central Italy Amanda K. Pavlick 10. The Archaic Countryside Revisited: A Ceramic Approach to the Study of Archaic Rural Infill in Latium Vetus Gijs Tol 11. Ritual Connectivity in Adriatic Italy Camilla Norman 12. Face to Face: Isolated Heads in South Italian and Etruscan Visual Culture Keely Elizabeth Heuer 13. Feasting Transformed: Commensal Identity Expression and Social Transformation in Iron Age and Archaic Western Sicily William M. Balco 14. The Deep Past of Magna Graecia's Pottery Traditions: Adoption and Adaptation at Timpone della Motta and in the Sibaritide (Northern Calabria, Italy) between the Middle Bronze Age and the Archaic Period Peter Attema, Carmelo Colelli, Martin Guggisberg, Francesca Ippolito, Jan Kindberg Jacobsen, Gloria Mittica, Wieke de Neef, and Sine Grove Saxkj r Index‎


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EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎T. L. Meganck (Redacteur), S. van Sprang (Redacteur)‎

Reference : 62416

‎Bruegel and Italy - Bruegel & l'Italia / Bruegel and Italy Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26?28 September 2019‎

‎, Peeters Publishers, 2023 softcover, XIV-221 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9789042950306.‎

‎Pieter Bruegel the Elder is best known for his peasant and winter scenes, archetypal images of the Low Countries, but his masterpieces always manage to transcend the local. A defining element in his hybrid landscapes are the Alpine rock formations he observed on his way to or return from Italy. Bruegel travelled to the peninsula around 1552, and his sojourn lasted about two years. Though remarkably little of his artistic production in Italy has been preserved, later compositions demonstrate that Bruegel must have journeyed to Rome, and then as far as Naples and Messina. The purpose of this book is to reassess Bruegel?s encounter with Italy within a broad cultural-historical context and in light of recent scholarship. Communication between Italy and the Low Countries was intense during Bruegel?s time, as were artistic, political, and economic relations. While Italo-Netherlandish ties interconnected Bruegel?s world on multiple levels, Bruegel?s relationship with Italy has mostly been viewed from the perspective of his individual travels. It has often been observed that, unlike many of his fellow artist-travellers, no copies after antique or modern Italian artworks by his hand are known, and that the impact of Bruegel?s encounter with Italy is not immediately evident from his work. Bruegel and Italy/Bruegel e l?Italia rephrases this question: Why, then, Bruegel did travel to Italy? To formulate potential answers, its authors look not only at the master and his work but also consider the cultural and artistic exchange between Italy and the Low Countries before, during, and following Bruegel?s Italian travels. In doing so, they trace the conditions, traditions, and networks that shaped and motivated Bruegel?s dialogue with Italy, opening new avenues in the study of this notoriously under-documented master.‎


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EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Alessandra Petrocchi, Joshua Brown (eds)‎

Reference : 64410

‎Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 433 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:6 b/w, 8 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503601816.‎

‎Summary Although much work has been done in the field of Renaissance Studies, at present there is no book which offers a comparative overview of the linguistic interaction between Renaissance Italy and the wider world. The present volume is intended to fill this void, representing the first-ever collection of essays that deal with multiple types of language contact and cross-cultural exchanges in and with respect to Renaissance Italy (1300?1600). We bring diverse disciplinary perspectives together: literary scholars, historians, and linguists with different regional expertise; we argue for multilingualism and language contact as products of a period of dynamic change which cannot be fully grasped through a single framework. The contributions present a variety of case-studies by often cross-fertilising their approaches with other disciplinary lenses. This book aims to provide a comprehensive picture of a truly global Renaissance Italy where languages, textual traditions, and systems of knowledge from different geographical areas either combined or clashed. It takes a fresh approach to the history of late medieval and early modern Italy by focusing on East/West linguistic and cultural encounters, transmission of ideas and texts, multilingualism in literature (various genres and various forms of multilingualism), translation practices, reception/adaptation of new knowledge, transculturalism and literary exchanges, and the relationship between languages and language varieties. TABLE OF CONTENTS Languages and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy ? ALESSANDRA PETROCCHI and JOSHUA BROWN Multilingual Printing ? BRIAN RICHARDSON Communicating in Different Vernaculars: Italo-Romance Intercomprehension in Historical Perspective ? ALESSANDRO CARLUCCI Untraced Polymorphy and Vernaculars in Contact in Renaissance Italy ? JOSHUA BROWN Medieval and Renaissance Venice: Language Contact at Home and Abroad ? RONNIE FERGUSON Latin, Sicilian, and the Adoption of Italian in Malta ? JOSEPH M. BRINCAT Trusting Vernacular Languages in the Italian Renaissance ? ANDREA RIZZI Language Contact between French and Italian in the Sixteenth Century: Evidence from the Diplomatic Letters of Georges dArmagnac ? JENELLE THOMAS The Impact of Aragonese and Castilian Dominations on the Language and Literature of Sardinia ? IMMACOLATA PINTO Libri alienigeni: Evidence of Anglo-Italian Language Contact from the Fifteenth-Century Port of Southampton ? MEGAN TIDDEMAN The Influence of French on Sixteenth-Century Italian ? THOMAS SCHARINGER Ethiopia and Ethiopian Languages in Renaissance Italy ? SAMANTHA KELLY Ascanio Persio and the Greekness of Italian ? HAN LAMERS Hebrew Literature in Italy (1300-1600) ? FABRIZIO LELLI Language Contacts and Contact Languages in Renaissance Naples: From the moresche to Lo cunto de li cunti ? CAROLINA STROMBOLI‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Erin Benay‎

Reference : 64953

‎Italy by Way of India. Translating Art and Devotion in the Early Modern World‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, iv + 202 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:120 col., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9781912554775.‎

‎Summary The return of a saint's body to its rightful resting place was an event of civic and spiritual significance retold in Medieval sources and substantiated by artistic commissions. Legends of Saint Thomas Apostle, for instance, claimed that the martyred saint had been miraculously transported from India to Italy during the thirteenth century. However, Saint Thomas's purported resting place in Ortona, Italy did not become a major stopping point on pilgrimage or exploration routes, nor did this event punctuate frescoed life cycles or become a subject for Renaissance altarpieces as one would expect. Instead, the site of the apostle's burial in Chennai, India has flourished as a terminus of religious pilgrimage, where a multifaceted visual tradition emerged, and where a vibrant local cult of 'Thomas Christians' remains to this day. An unlikely destination on the edge of the 'known' world thus became a surprising source of early modern Christian piety. By studying the art and texts associated with this little-known cult, this book disrupts assumptions about how knowledge of Asia took shape during the Renaissance and challenges art historical paradigms in which art was crafted by locals merely to be exported, collected, and consumed by curious European patrons. In so doing, Italy by Way of India proposes that we redefine the parameters of early modern visual culture to account for the ways that global mobility and the circulation of objects profoundly influence how cultures see and know each other as well as themselves. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS INTRODUCTION Translating Saints An Apostle in India CHAPTER I. SAINT THOMAS AND THE MAKING OF CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTHERN INDIA Re-situating Christianity in India Thomas, Builder of Churches The Cross and the Lotus Dar?an in the Church The Reform of Thomas Christianity in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries CHAPTER II. INDIAN CHRISTIAN ART IN THE AGE OF COLONIALISM Devotional Objects in Churches Devotional Objects for Domestic Use CHAPTER III. POSSESSING INDIA Indian Things in Italy Shopping in India Putting Saint Thomas on the Map Bringing Saint Thomas's India to Florence Experiencing Indian Objects in the Medici Collections CHAPTER IV. AN INDIAN SAINT IN ITALY The Deaths of Saint Thomas First Translation Mistranslation CONCLUSION NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY‎


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EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Brown Alison‎

Reference : 100126865


‎Language and Images of Renaissance Italy‎

‎Clarendon press 1995 338 pages 13 97x2 54x21 84cm. 1995. Cartonné jaquette. 338 pages.‎

‎Très Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue avec sa jaquette‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

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