L'Herne (5/2016)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9782851971852
M. Alexandre Bachmann
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L'INFINI - Littérature/ Philosophie/ Art/ Science/ Politique - revue trimestrielle
Reference : 72059
Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Paperback, XII+552 p., 17 x 24. ISBN 9782503512976.
Indirizzo di saluto di O. Pecere (Rettore dell'Universita di Cassino) M. Riedel; Das Bild des Meisters von Messkirch Begrussungsworte zur Tagung uber Heidegger und das mittelalterliche Denken B. Casper; Das theologisch-scholastische Umfeld und der anti-idolische Grundzug des Denkens des jungen Heidegger S. Poggi; La medievistica tedesca tra Ottocento e Novecento, la mistica e il giovane Heidegger F. Volpi; Alle origini del problema dell'essere, tra Scolastica e modernismo: Franz Brentano e Carl Braig J.-M. Narbonne; Heidegger et le neoplatonisme M. Ruggenini; Veritas e aletheia. La Grecia, Roma e l'origine della metafisica cristiano-medievale F.-W. von Herrmann; Die Confessiones des Heiligen Augustinus im Denken Heideggers E. Mazzarella; Heidegger e la possibilita di una filosofia cristiana A. Fabris; Heidegger e il rapporto tra "sapere" e "fede". Alcuni momenti del confronto con le radici scolastiche A. Speer; Im Horizont der Weisheit: Philosophie als Denken aus dem Anfang bei Martin Heidegger A. Grossmann; Heidegger und Luther J.-F. Courtine; Heidegger et Thomas d'Aquin P. L. Coriando; Das thomanische summum ens in ereignisphanomenologischer Sicht O. Todisco; Carattere oggettivo dell'ente scotista nella lettura di M. Heidegger A. Caputo; Razionalismo e irrazionalismo nell'interpretazione heideggeriana della "Grammatica speculativa" V. Vitiello; Abgeschiedenheit, Gelassenheit, Angst. Tra Eckhart e Heidegger F. Pellecchia; Heidegger e Anselmo di Canterbury G. Strummiello; Got(t)heit: la Deita in Eckhart e Heidegger S. Beck; Mittelalter en vogue. Ein Gedicht Rilkes mit Heidegger gelesen O. Boulnois; Heidegger, l'ontotheologie et les structures medievales de la metaphysique C. Esposito; Heidegger, Suarez e la storia dell'ontologia P. Porro;Heidegger, la filosofia medievale e la medievistica contemporanea. Languages : Italian, French, German.
Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1916. Lex 8vo. Uncut and unopened in the original printed wrappers. A stain to the front wrapper, from the removal of a bookplate on verso, which has also removed some of the advertisement-print to the top of the inside of front wrapper. Apart from this removed book plate the only real flaw that the copy has is a vertical break down the middle of the spine, from opening the block. Otherwise there is just minimal edgewear and slight brownspotting to the title-page. Inscribed by Heidegger ""Vom Verfasser/ M.H."" to top of title-page. (8), 245 pp.
The scarce first edition, extremely rare presentation-copy, of Heidegger's Habilitationsschrift, in which he introduces his ""Hermeneutik der Fakticität"". In 1913 Heidegger was given a Ph.D. for his work ""Die Lehre vom Urtheil im Psychologismus"". Already in 1915 he had written his Habilitation on Duns Scotus, which was published the following year, in 1916. These two works, together with a few articles from the same period, constitute the beginning of Heidegger's path towards the question of being - the subject because of which he later became the most famous philosopher of the 20th century, establishing the philosophy that has dominated Western thinking ever since. Heidegger's Habilitation was supervised by Heinrich Rickert, and as the title indicates, it dealt with the categories of theory of meaning of Duns Scotus. The work, around which the dissertation revolved, was the ""Grammatica Speculativa"", which was then ascribed to Duns Scotus but which is now considered a work by Thomas von Erfurt. The ""Grammatica Speculativa"" is a work about types of ways of expressions in language and the corresponding ontological categories. Heidegger's interest in this shows an early interest in the relationship between language and being. Here, he attempts to unite a Medieval signification theory with neo-Kantian logical theory and the intentionality of Husserl, which was then in the beginning of its influence. It is generally accepted that Heidegger already in his Habilitation anticipates his seminal account of Dasein later fully developed in ""Sein und Zeit"". Though Heidegger's Habilitation has been overlooked for many years, it is now widely believed that there is a very direct connection between Scotus, Thomas of Erfurt, Husserl and Heidegger, leading the young Heidegger directly towards his ""hermeneutical intuition"" and being closely connected to the ideas that he develops fully in ""Sein und Zeit"".The work itself is very rare in the first printing, and when seen, it is often in bad condition and/or lacking the wrappers. Inscribed copies are of the utmost scarcity.
Société des Etudes Germaniques - Didier. 1977. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. Paginé de 254 à 361.. . . . Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Sommaire: MARTIN HEIDEGGER, 1889-1976. Travail et «Gelassenheit» chez Heidegger, par P. Aubenque. Martin Heidegger : Unterwegs zur Dichtung, par G. Baumann. Le chemin de Heidegger, par J. Beaufret. Heidegger et l’essence de la technique, par M. Haar. Le penseur en son atelier, par D. Janicaud. Notes : Paracelsus redivivus, par B. Gorceix. Une nouvelle synthèse sur Kafka, par D. Iehl... Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Dated ""Freiburg i Brsg. 6. März 1958"". 1/2 page 4to. Heidegger thanks Giustiniani for a very nice evening in his house together with his Italian students. He furthermore thanks him for an admittance card to the Italian national museaum and asks G. to thank the Government Department for it as well. Heidegger, who was not fond of travelling, hopes to be able to visit soon, since he has long wished to visit Italy.
The letter is for the Italian Freiburger colleague, Vito R. Giustiniani (1916 - 1998). Enclosed it the carbon copy of the letter written by Giustiniani to Heidegger on ""5.3.1958"", in which he thanks him in very warm tones for having visited him and spent time with his students, and in which he tells him about the entrance card for the national Italian museum and the excavations, which the Italian Ministery of Teching has made for Heidegger and his wife.