Oxymore (8/2024)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9782385610562
M. Alexandre Bachmann
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Paris 1765 Veuve David Full-Leather
Discours Sur L'histoire universelle, a Monseigneur Le dauphin: Pour Expliquer La Fuite De La religion, & Les Changemens Des empires. Nouvelle edition. Première partie, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'à l'empire de Charlemagne. Deuxième partie, suite de l'histoire universelle. Cuire avec dos doré.
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
1978 Fonds Mercator Hardcover As New
Les tresors de Turquie L'Anatolie des premiers empires Byzance les siecles de l'Islam cartonnage avec jacquette sous etui, 33,5 x 27,5 cm, 252 pp, petits chirure dans le jacquette, bon etat
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2019 Hardback, 404 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:115 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9781909400634.
Summary The creation and dissolution of empires has been a constant feature of human history from ancient times through the present day. Establishing new identities and new power relationships, empires also irrevocably altered social structures and the material culture on which those social structures were partly based. The political activities of empires are materially reflected in the movement of objects from periphery to center (and vice versa) and in the formation and display of collections which represent the potential for the production and the dissemination of knowledge. Imperial collecting practices tell stories that are complementary to and go beyond the classical sources of official history, the statistics of social history and even the narratives of collective or individual oral history. Building on previous work on European and Colonial object histories, this collection of essays-for the first time-approaches the subject of collecting and empires from a global and inclusive comparative perspective by addressing selection of the greatest empires the world has known from Han China to Hellenistic Greece to Aztec Mexico to the Third Reich. TABLE OF CONTENTS Collection and Power in the Near Eastern World - Alain Schnapp The Biopolitics of Collecting: Empires of Mesopotamia - Zainab Bahrani Princely Treasures and Imperial Expansion in Western Han China (second/first century bc) - Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens Collecting like Caesar: The Pornography and Paideia of Amassing Artefacts in and after the Roman Empire - Caroline Vout From a Culture of the Intimate to a Culture of the Remote. A Latin Epigram Collection between two Universal Powers: Papal Rome and the Holy Roman Empire - Nadia Cannata & Maia Wellington Gahtan The Mexica Empire: Memory, Identity, and Collectionism - Enrique Florescano Jahangir's Hazelnut and Shah Jahan's Chini Khana: The Collections of the Mughal Emperors - Ebba Koch Global Aspects of Habsburg Imperial Collecting - Thomas Da Costa Kaufmann Collecting in the Dutch Colonial Empire, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries - Michael North The Musée Napoléon as an Imperial Louvre - Dominique Poulot The Object Flows of Empire: Cross-Cultural Collecting in Early Colonial India - Tapati Guha-Thakurta The Other Victoria and Albert Museum: Royal Souvenirs, Victorian Science and the Itineraries of Empire at the Swiss Cottage Museum, Osborne House - Ruth B. Phillips The (Still)Birth of the Ottoman 'Museum': A Critical Reassessment - Edhem Eldem The Ruin and Restoration of the Russian Art Empire - Katia Dianina Collecting and the 'Visual Evidence of Events': Exemplary reflections on Berlin between the Imperial and Post-Imperial Age - Eva Maria Troelenberg Looted Art, Booty Art, 'Degenerate Art': Aspects of Art Collecting in the Third Reich - Christoph Zuschlag The (De)Colonized Object: Museums and the Other in France since 1960 - Daniel J. Sherman Signs of Empire: Islamic Art Museums from European Imperialism to the Global Empire of Capital - Wendy Shaw Afterword. The Imperial Style of Collecting - Krzysztof Pomian
Le Monde. 2015. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 98 pages - nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte sur plusieurs colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
"Sommaire : La vision impériale est une projection occidentale - Histoires d'empires - Entretien avec Jane Burbank et Frederick Cooper ""Pour durer, les empires doivent transformer leur politique"" - dix mots pour un empire - Le Bagdadbahn, l'illusoire destin impérial allemand - Napoléon, l'universalisme en étandard - Le Prince de Metternich, restaurateur autrichien - Haïlé Sélassié, le roi des rois - Zoom, sacrée démesure - Les Mongols, conquérants éphémères - Ibn Khaldun, théoricien des empires - Rêves d'empires... Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues"
Paris, G. Clouzier et F. Promé, 1669. 1669 1 vol. in-8° (178 x 118 mm.) de : [8] ff. (Titre, Dédicace, Au lecteur, Table), 317 pp., [3] pp. (Privilège, Errata, Achevé dimprimer). Plein vélin dépoque, dos lisse.
Rare édition originale de cette cosmographie universelle, contemporaine des Atlas de Sanson dAbeville par Jourdain. Ce dernier fait ici une large description dun très grand nombre de pays du globe à travers leur cosmographie, discipline qui correspondait, à lépoque, à la fois à lactuelle géologie, géographie et astronomie. Il y est ainsi question des « limites et grandeurs des empires », de « plusieurs chemins terrestres » mais aussi dun peu dhistoire avec « Un abrégé des naissances, vies et morts des fondateurs des grands empires » ou encore le climat. Tous les continents sont abordés : LEurope, LAsie, LAfrique, LAmérique du Nord et du Sud mais aussi la Terre Australe. Rare exemplaire de cosmographie universelle très complet dans sa reliure dépoque. 1 vol. 8vo.(178 x 118 mm.) of: [8] ff. (Title, Dedication, To the reader, Table), 317 pp., [3] pp. (Privilege, Errata, Completed to print).Contemp. Velum. Rare original edition of this universal cosmography, contemporary Sanson dAbevilles Atlas of by Jourdain. The work gives a large description of many countries in the world through their cosmography, a discipline that corresponded, at the time, to both geology, geography and astronomy. It discusses the "limits and magnitudes of empires", "many land paths" but also a bit of history with "A summary of births, lives and deaths of the founders of great empires" or climate. All continents are covered: Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America but also the Southern Land. Copy of universal cosmography very complete in its period binding.
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