Addictives (4/2024)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9782371266452
M. Alexandre Bachmann
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Reference : bd-b9a39c9b528efca0
Uriel Dakosta. On the Death of the Soul. An Example of Human Life. Academia 1934./Uriel Dakosta. O smertnosti dushi. Primer chelovecheskoy zhizni. Academia 1934g. Uriel Dakosta. On the Death of the Soul. An Example of Human Life. Academia 1934. SKUbd-b9a39c9b528efca0.
Reference : alb94c1242e38398a16
Tchaepin Ivan. Teaching about life in general and human life in particular as a subject on which medical science is established. Experience in converging medical concepts about man with the indoctrination of holy faith and sound philosophy. Part II. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Zatsepin Ivan. Uchenie o zhizni voobshche i o zhizni cheloveka v osobennosti kak takom predmete na kotorom utverzhdaetsya vrachebnaya nauka. Opyt sblizheniya meditsinskikh ponyatiy o cheloveke so vnusheniyami svyatoy very i zdravoy filosofii. Chast II.Second edition with changes and additions. Moscow. Printing house of V. Kirilovs speedprint. 1845. 176 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb94c1242e38398a16
Reference : alb81bd5486922194ec
Shubinsky V. Daniel Kharms. Human life is in the wind. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Shubinskiy V. Daniil Kharms.Zhizn cheloveka na vetru.. Series: Life Descriptions. St. Petersburg. Vita Nova. 2008. 560s. SKUalb81bd5486922194ec.
London, John Murray, 1819. 100 pages. (17,5x10,5 Cm). Plein veau marbré. Dos lisse orné. Bordure dorée encadrant les plats. Charnières légèrement frottées. Réimpression parue la même année que l'originale de cette œuvre du célèbre poète anglais Samuel Rogers. A la suite du poème "Human Life" se trouvent "Lines written at Paestum, March 4 1815" (pp. 83-94) et "The Boy of Egremond" (pp. 95-100). Bel exemplaire imprimé sur fort papier vélin.
Reference : alb4744165e4e55dd70
Yengalychev P.N. On the continuation of human life or Home Therapy which consists of: means to achieve a healthy joyful and deep old age to protect health by the most reliable means and to use diseases of all kinds with indications of causes and medicines. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Engalychev P. N. O prodolzhenii chelovecheskoy zhizni ili Domashniy lechebnik zaklyuchayushchiy v sebe: sredstva kak dostigat' zdorovoy veseloy i glubokoy starosti predokhranyat' zdorov'e nadezhneyshimi sredstvami i pol'zovat' bolezni vsyakogo roda s pokazaniem prichin i lekarstv. Composed of the best domestic and foreign writers by Prince Parfeniy Yengalychev in 7 parts 4 volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 of the Holy See. Dependence of booksellers by brothers I. and S. Loskutov 1848. 246 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4744165e4e55dd70