Soleil productions (5/2019)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9782302076402
M. Alexandre Bachmann
Passage du Rond Point 4
1205 Genève
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Folda, Jaroslav: The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land 1098-1187. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. 672pp with 23 colour plates and 20 colour, 13 monochrome plates and 669 monochrome illustrations, very good condition. Hardback. 28.5x22cms. A well-researched and documented survey of the art and architecture produced for the Crusaders in Syria-Palestine in the 11-12th centuries. Stylistic & iconographic developments in frescoes, mosaics, metalwork, sculpture, coins and seals are assessed. Bibliography, indeces of names and manuscripts.
A well-researched and documented survey of the art and architecture produced for the Crusaders in Syria-Palestine in the 11-12th centuries. Stylistic & iconographic developments in frescoes, mosaics, metalwork, sculpture, coins and seals are assessed. Bibliography, indeces of names and manuscripts. Text in English
Reference : albc35173dcca0c6308
Senkevich G. Crusaders. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Senkevich G. Krestonostsy. Translated from Polish. Moscow: AST Astrel 2009. 730 p. SKUalbc35173dcca0c6308.
Reference : alb4b772e0f317a8185
Evgeny Korshunov. Double operation. Crusaders. Kill the sheikh. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Evgeniy Korshunov. Dvoynaya operatsiya. Krestonostsy. Ubit' sheykha. Series: Library of Adventure and Science Fiction. Hyperborean. A New Book. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4b772e0f317a8185
Brussels, Silvana - Bozar Books, 2012 HARDCOVER, 287x230mm, 240p, 120 colour illustrations, English/ French/ Dutch edition. New. ISBN 9788836623709.
Chypre se situe a l'extreme est de la mer Mediterranee, au carrefour de trois continents : l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Afrique. Autrefois, l'ile etait a la fois une pomme de discorde et un refuge pour l'Est byzantin, l'Occident latin et le monde arabe. Apres sa conquete par Richard Coeur de Lion, les Lusignans, les Venitiens, les Ottomans et les Britanniques se sont succede au pouvoir. Mapping Cyprus (1192-2012) se penche sur l'ile tant convoitee de Chypre a travers les yeux des artistes, ecrivains, pelerins et voyageurs europeens. Notamment la periode franque de Lusignan pendant les croisades est illustree par des personnages de legende comme la princesse Melusine. C'est l'illumination d'un episode de l'histoire de l'Europe qui frappe les imaginations et qui etait aussi determinante pour l'identite de Chypre, entree en 2004 dans l'Union europeenne et qui en assumera la Presidence en 2012. Musique, mots, multimedia et art contemporain donnent vie a une suite d'icones et autres tresors artistiques. L'exposition explore cette plaque tournante des cultures, avec tous les conflits et echanges qui la caracterisent. Le present de l'ile divisee est egalement mis sous les projecteurs. Cyprus ligt in de uiterst oostelijke uithoek van de Middellandse Zee. Drie continenten komen er samen: Europa, Azie en Afrika. Het eiland vormde een twistappel en een toevluchtsoord voor het Byzantijnse Oosten, het Latijnse Westen en de Arabische wereld. Na de verovering door Richard Leeuwenhart hadden de Lusignans, Venetianen, Ottomanen en Britten afwisselend de macht in handen. Mapping Cyprus (1192- 2012) bekijkt de begeerde bruid Cyprus door de ogen van Europese kunstenaars, schrijvers, pelgrims en reizigers. Vooral de Frankische Lusignan periode ten tijde van de kruisvaarders wordt belicht, met fabelachtige figuren als de prinses Melusine. Een illuminatie dus van een tot de verbeelding sprekend stukje Europese geschiedenis en sterk bepalend voor de identiteit van Cyprus dat in 2004 toetrad tot de Europese Unie en in 2012 het Voorzitterschap op zich neemt. Een reeks iconen en andere kunstschatten komt tot leven in samenspraak met muziek, woord, multimedia en hedendaagse kunst. De tentoonstelling dringt diep door in het knooppunt van culturen, met alle conflicten en uitwisselingen van dien. Tegelijk komt het heden van dit verdeelde eiland in het vizier. Cyprus is situated in the far eastern extremity of the Mediterranean Sea, where the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa are neighbours. The island has been both a bone of contention and a place of refuge for the Byzantine East, the Latin West, and the Arab world. After its conquest by Richard the Lionheart, power there was held at different times by the Lusignan dynasty, the Venetians, the Ottomans, and the British. Mapping Cyprus (1192-2012) looks at the coveted land of Cyprus through the eyes of European artists, writers, pilgrims, and travellers. Above all light is shed on the Frankish Lusignan period at the time of the crusaders and such fabled figures as Princess Melusyne.An illumination therefore of an evocative period of European history that was very determining for the identity of Cyprus that joined the European Union in 2004 and will be holding the EU presidency in 2012. A series of icons and other art treasures are brought to life in a dialogue with music, words, multimedia presentations, and contemporary art. The exhibition takes an in-depth look at this crossroads of cultures and at the conflicts and exchanges that have shaped it, while also focusing on today's divided island.
Reference : albdf8b8e0ae16a5507
Matuzova V. I. Nazarova E. L. Crusaders and Rus. Late 12th century-1270: texts. Series: Ancient Sources on the History of Eastern Europe. M. Indrik 2002 488 p. SKUalbdf8b8e0ae16a5507.