Pocket Jeunesse (6/2021)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9782266313964
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, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, v + 299 pages, Size:160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, English, Italian. ISBN 9789492771322.
Summary Le XIXe siècle est connu comme l'époque où l'essor des nationalismes et des langues nationales en Europe a définitivement relégué le latin aux marges du monde social. Or, si le latin connaît alors un indéniable déclin, il n'en demeure pas moins tout un temps une langue importante pour les nations modernes. Le présent volume étudie les manifestations d'une tradition linguistique pluriséculaire qui ne s'est pas éteinte à l'aube de la modernité. Fruit d'une collaboration internationale, il rassemble des contributions portant sur différents pays d'Europe occidentale et centrale. Les auteurs retracent l'histoire du latin au XIXe siècle, s'interrogent aussi bien sur les raisons de son succès que sur celles de son déclin et prêtent une attention particulière aux aspects thématiques et stylistiques des textes. La littérature néo-latine, qui n'est pas indifférente au surgissement des romantismes européens, est passée à la loupe. L'ouvrage met également en évidence l'inflexion que l'inspiration latine antique a pu donner à une oeuvre poétique en langue moderne. TABLE OF CONTENTS Christophe Bertiau, "Le latin, une matière ?bourgeoise?? Sur le déclin du latin dans l'enseignement à l'époque contemporaine" The article refutes the received idea of Latin being a "bourgeois" school subject. It states on the contrary that the political and economic rise of the bourgeoisie accounts for the decline of Latin in secondary education during the last two centuries. Although Latin kept its dominant position in the curriculums throughout the nineteenth century, its supremacy was increasingly challenged by certain exponents of the bourgeoisie, who demanded school learning to be more markedly connected to the professional world. Jan Spoelder, "The decline of Latin as the academic language at Dutch universities and its consequences for education in Latin" In the eighteenth century, Latin lost its status as the universal scholarly language in countries like France, Germany and Britain. However, the Royal Decree of 1815 provided that Latin remained the exclusive academic language in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. More and more tension arose between maintaining classical educational ideals and the with to use the vernacular. Only when the Act on Higher Education was passed in 1876, this meant in practice the end of the mandatory use of Latin at Dutch universities. This new situation also ended the raison d'être of the Latin school, the kind of education that had prepared for university entrance in the towns of the Dutch Republic and the later Kingdom. This type of school was reorganised to meet the altered requirements of the modern time under the name of Gymnasium. This school, with compulsory Greek and Latin, is still flourishing magnificently at the moment. Patrizia Paradisi, "Il latino nelle cerimonie ufficiali del Regno d'Italia, dall'Università di Bologna al Campidoglio a Roma (Gandino, Albini e Pascoli)" Patrizia Paradisi stresses the significance Latin displayed for the official ceremonies of the Kingdom of Italy at the time of Giovanni Battista Gandino, Giuseppe Albini and Giovanni Pascoli. It thus appears how Latin was used to compose speeches, letters, an inscription for a medal, a hymn or a journal on the occasion of various ceremonies. Giacomo Dalla Pietà, "L'evoluzione stilistica del latino all'interno della curia romana nel secolo XIX" Giacomo Dalla Pietà sketches how the Latin style of encyclical letters developed during the nineteenth century. He interprets the adoption of a high style, which was to become increasingly Ciceronian, under the pontificate of Leo XIII as testament to the latter's universalist project and new way of conceiving papacy. ?ime Demo, "Stubborn persistence at the outskirts of the West: Latin in nineteenth-century Croatia" The article gives an insight into the status of Latin in nineteenth-century Croatia. Latin retained there until the mid-century a decided importance as a means of international communication, as a political instrument, as a medium of instruction or as a literary language. However, Croatian tended towards more and more superseding Latin in its uses. As a result, Latin was hardly ever used outside Church and education in the second half of the century. Neven Jovanovi?, "Two gentlemen-translators from nineteenth-century Dubrovnik" The author analyses the Latin translations of Antonio Sivrich and Blasius Ghetaldi, two poets from Dubrovnik. He compares how both translators worked and reflects upon the reasons why they rendered into Latin Italian sonnets and anacreontic poems (Sivrich) or Ivan Gunduli?'s Croatian epos Osman (Ghetaldi). Svorad Zavarský, "?Et meus vere paradisus audit: mandra, poesis?: The poetry of Antonius Faber" Svorad Zavarský presents the work of the neo-Latin poet from Bratislava Antonius Faber. He affirms that the main interest of A.?Faber's little classical poetry is its originality. This poetry can be seen as a compromise between traditional neo-Latin poetry and the romantic revival. It epitomises quite good the linguistic situation of Hungary at that time, where the national language was more and more often preferred to Latin. Florian Schaffenrath, "Antonio Mazzetti's neo-Latin epic poem on Emperor Ferdinand I (1838)" Florian Schaffenrath tackles a panegyric (gratulatio) addressed by Antonio Mazzetti to Emperor Ferdinand?I and examines its reception. He highlights the enthusiasm this poem motivated by current political affairs elicited, even though Latin verses no longer were in fashion. Antonino Zumbo, "Scrivere una novella romantica in versi latini: il Polymetron di Giovanni Andrea Vinacci" The article deals with the Polymetron, a romantic short story written in Latin verses by Andrea Vinacci. The story displays a Byronian inspiration and is located in the nineteenth-century Italian independence wars. Both these characteristics suggest that far from a mere formal dialogue with the Ancients has neo-Latin literature always attempted to stay in tune with its time. Romain Jalabert, "Des vers latins romantiques, en France" Romain Jalabert shows that a whole part of nineteenth-century French neo-Latin poetry was opened up to Romanticism. Original Latin poems inspired by Romanticism and Latin translations of poems in modern languages were no oddities. Schools played a leading role in this new tendency. Alphonse de Lamartine enjoyed great success as a source of inspiration for Latin poets. Dirk Sacré, "Colonel William Siddons Young (1832-1901) as a Latin poet" Dirk Sacré presents the life and work of the atypical British neo-Latin poet Colonel William Siddons Young (1832-1901). Young was an army officer in the Bengal civil service. Although some Latinists considered him as the greatest living Latin poet, his Latin verses display imperfections and he rapidly fell into oblivion after his death. But because of his atypical profile, he could serve the cause of Latin as a universal language. Through the figure of Young, this article provides us with an overview of the evolution of living Latin in the late nineteenth century. Marie-France David-de Palacio, "Un epigrammaton liber fin-de-sieÌcle: les ?latineries? de Jean Richepin" This contribution demonstrates on the basis of Jean Richepin's "Latineries" how a writer can breath new life into his own poetic language by imitating ancient authors. Whereas the style models on the epigrams of Roman Antiquity, and more specifically of Martial, the content exhibits a "Gallic" character.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 724 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 2 col., 4 tables b/w., Language(s):English, German, French. ISBN 9782503590776.
Summary Dulces ante omnia Musae. Essays on Neo-Latin Poetry in Honour of Dirk Sacré is the very first collection of articles ever to be published about the fascinating phenomenon of Neo-Latin verse composition from its very beginning in Italian Renaissance humanism until its modest but important revival in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - and even beyond. The editors have attracted both young and promising scholars and internationally recognized authorities to write specific case studies which will shed light on the rich diversity of scholarly approaches currently prevailing in the field of Neo-Latin poetical studies, as well as highlight both continuities and discontinuities in the writing and publishing of Latin verses from the fifteenth until the twenty-first centuries. This volume is dedicated to Dirk Sacré, professor emeritus of Neo-Latin at KU Leuven who, apart from writing numerous articles on Neo-Latin poets from Italy and the Low Countries in early modern times, has contributed more than anyone else in exploring the vast territory, until recently largely neglected and uncharted, of modern and late modern Latin verse compositions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedicatio (Joseph Tusiani) Introduction (Jeanine De Landtsheer, Fabio Della Schiava & Toon Van Houdt) Promulsis poetica Sappho Latina (Tuomo Pekkanen) Cicero ad colloquium evocatus (Michael von Albrecht) Chapter 1. Classical Models Nostram tota urbs est ante fenestram. The Satiric Persona in Julius Caesar Scaliger's Otium (Shari Boodts) Bernardino Partenio's Carmen saeculare and His Imitation of Horace (Marc Laureys) Iusta facit versus haec indignatio nostra. Adapting Latin Verse Satire in Early Modern Livonia (Kristi Viiding) Catullus' Phaselus ille and Justus Lipsius's Dog Melissa (Jeanine De Landtsheer) Arat oder Cicero? Die Ergänzungen zu Ciceros Übersetzung im Syntagma Arateorum des Hugo Grotius (1600) (Reinhold F. Glei) A Poor and Proud Schoolteacher: Alfredo Bartoli's Primus Horatii Magister (1937) (Christian Laes) Prandium poeticum primum Quinque haiku Theoderici in honorem composita (Remco Regtuit) Via Appia. Ad Theodoricum Sacré (Michiel Verweij) Chapter 2. Italian Humanist Poetry Quid non cogat amor? Carlo Gonzaga and Lyda's Love Story in Filelfo's Sphortias (Jeroen De Keyser) Two Enigmatic Epigrams in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, ms. Lat. quarto 469 (Ide François) Poesia goliardica pavese. Maffeo Vegio e la Prosopopea del secchio (Fabio Della Schiava) Poésie et politique dans deux Carmina d'Ercole Strozzi (Béatrice Charlet-Mesdijan) Basilius Zanchius, Poemata 5.1. Eine poetische Trauerklage auf Giovanni Pontano (Heinz Hofmann) Le eruzioni dell'Etna nella poesia latina dei moderni (Giuseppe Marcellino) Prandium poeticum secundum In laudem sancti Ambrosii (Fidelis Raedle) Grammatica (Fidelis Raedle) Chapter 3. Humanist Poetry from the Low Countries Neo-Latin Poetry in the Album amicorum of Hubert Audejans (Gilbert Tournoy) ?A Refined and Fragrant Garland?. A Poem by Philip Rubens in Honour of Justus Lipsius's Seneca (Jan Papy & Jeanine De Landtsheer) A Taste of Honey: Daniel Heinsius's Lusus ad apiculas for Justus Lipsius (Harm-Jan van Dam) The First Lyrical Choral Ode of Heinsius's Herodes infanticida (1632) and the Classics (Jan Bloemendal) A Plea for Rehabilitation. Nicolas Heinsius's Funeral Poem on Hugo Grotius (Henk Nellen) Autumn 1643 - a Smooth Shift of Generations? Poems by Caspar Barlaeus and Caspar Kinschotius on a Portrait of Jacobus Maestertius (Marcus de Schepper) Prandium poeticum tertium Carmen de duobus Theodericis (Curtius Smolak) Chapter 4. Humanist Poetry Outside Italy and the Low Countries Private Poetry: An Unknown certamen of Conrad Celtis and Its Context (Farkas Gábor Kiss) Musen, die Parthenicae des Baptista Mantuanus und Bibelparaphrase in der Musithias des Johannes Tuberinus (Walther Ludwig) Le choix des mètres dans les Epigrammata d'Agrippa d'Aubigné (Genève, BPU, ms. Tronchin 158) (Jean-Louis Charlet) La fama como poeta de Antonio Agustín (1517-1586) con un estudio de los dísticos Iurisconsultos non esse alienos a Musis ad Ioannem fratrem (Juan Francisco Alcina Rovira) Liminary Poems in the First Volume of Jerónimo de Almonacir's Commentaria in Canticum canticorum Salomonis (Joaquín Pascual Barea) Spes mea Christus: Elizabeth Jane Weston's Religious Poetry (Brenda M. Hosington) Mozarts erstes Opernlibretto. Rufinus Widl OSB: Apollo et Hyacinthus (Wilfried Stroh) Prandium poeticum quartum Dircaea Carmina (David Money) Chapter 5. Jesuit Poetry Sidronius Hosschius, poète de l'hypotypose (Colette Nativel) L'épode 15 de Jacob Balde, entre vision picturale et peinture visionnaire (Ralph Dekoninck & Aline Smeesters) Heroism in the Horatian Lyric Tradition: A Turning Point in Jakob Balde's Poetics (Stefan Tilg) From School Exercise and Affixio to Devotional Emblem Book: The Latin Poems of Typus mundi (1627) (Toon Van Houdt & Marc Van Vaeck) Die Metamorphoses Styriae (Graz, 1722) des Ludwig Debiel SJ (Florian Schaffenrath) Subterranean Subtexts: Allegory and the Jesuit Suppression in Landívar's Rusticatio Mexicana (Bologna, 1782) (Yasmin Haskell) Prandium poeticum quintum In laudem Theoderici Sacré rude gloriose donati (Fidelis Raedle) Valedictio (Fidelis Raedle) Chapter 6. Latin Poetry from the Late Eighteenth Century Onwards Augusteische Klassik und katholische Werbung. Zu Gedichten Cölestin Leuthners O.S.B. (Ode 15, Elegia 3) (Kurt Smolak) James Parke's Ars piscatoria, or The Art of Fishing, according to an Early Nineteenth-Century Cambridge Poet (Ingrid A. R. De Smet) Des poèmes manuscrits de collégiens sur le sacre de Charles X en 1825 (Romain Jalabert) Musae Pompeianae. The Reception of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Neo-Latin Literature (19th-20th Centuries) (Nicholas De Sutter) A Schoolboy's Exercises. Joseph Alfred Bradney's Latin Compositions at Harrow (1877) (Tom Deneire) Joseph Tusiani nel Certamen Hoeufftianum 1959 (Emilio Bandiera) Prandium poeticum sextum Praetereuntis vitae testimonia (Maurus Pisini) Crustula Verba gratulatoria (Sigrides C. Albert) Laudes et grates (Victorius Ciarrocchi) Ut Selestadienses olim Erasmum celebraverunt, ita nunc Argentoratenses Theodoricum celebrare volunt (Gerardus Freyburger & Anna Maria Chevallier) In laudem Theoderici Sacré (Milena Minkova) Colloquium Elysium (Giancarlo Rossi) Theodoricus (Robertus Spataro) De Theoderico Sacré (Terentius Tunberg) Index manuscriptorum Index nominum Illustrations Tabula gratulatoria
Leuven, University Press, 2008 Paperback, original editor's jacket, original wrappers, 24x16 cm.418 pp. Engels/Frans/Duits/Spaans ISBN 9789058676924.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, published annually, is the leading journal in the field of medieval, Renaissance, and modern Latin. As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neologisms).
Dirk Sacre, Gilbert Tournoy, Monique Mund-Dopchie, Jan Papy, Lambert Isebaert (eds)
Reference : 32346
, upl, 2011 paperback, 442 p., English/French/German/Italian . ISBN 9789058678843.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, published annually, is the leading journal in the field of Renaissance and modern Latin. As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Series: Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 60
, Bruxelles, Brepols 1961, 1304pp., 19cm., toile, bon état, T22268