‎Scott, Katie; Broom, Jenny‎

‎Casterman (9/2020)‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9782203098923


€47.39 (€47.39 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 61400


‎Historia Animalium Sacra In Qua Plerorumque Animalium Praecipuae Proprietates In gratiam Studiosorum Theologiae & Ministrorum.‎

‎Wittenberg, Schurer & Gormann, 1616. 8vo. In contemporary full vellum with triple ruled fillets to boards. Title in contemporary hand to spine. Inner hinges split. Wear and soiling to extremities. Previous owner's name in contemporary to spine. Internally nice and clean. (48), 888, (32) pp.‎

‎Third edition of this interesting and highly popular work offering a theological interpretation of natural history typical of the early 17th century, where natural phenomena were often seen through religious and moral symbolism. Editions appeared in Wittenberg in 1612, 1613, 1616,1621, 1624, 1633, 1642, 1659 and Amsterdam in 1643, 1654, 1665 “In 1612, the protestant theologian Wolfgang Franzius published a book entitled Historia animalium sacra. Franzius (Franz or Frantze, 1564–1628) was Probst [Rural Dean] of Wittenberg and professor of theology at the university. Wittenberg – the city where Luther had initiated the Reformation in 1517 – was still a stronghold for the Reformation, but the Catholic Counter-Reformation was a threatening reality. The Historia animalium sacra was widely read: A long series of editions appeared from 1612 until 1671, and an English translation was published in London in 1670. To later readers, Franzius’s work was presented together with extensive commentaries written by Johannes Cyprianus (1642–1723), professor of physics and later of theology in Leipzig.” (Roggen, Biology and Theology in Franzius’s Historia Animalium Sacra).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )

‎RUYSCH, Frédérick‎

Reference : 17780

‎Thesaurus animalium. - Thesaurus anatomicus.‎

‎Amsterdam, Jansson-Waesberg, 1725-1744.‎

‎ Ensemble de 19 pièces imprimées, illustrées de 57 planches gravées hors-texte, dont de nombreuses dépliantes et deux gravures dans le texte. Les illustrations de ces ouvrages sont remarquables, tout à la fois belles et étranges. On y voit les plus incroyables compositions baroques d'histoire naturelle, qui furent achetées par la suite par le tsar Pierre le Grand. Ruysch a perfectionné la méthode d'injection anatomiqueet l'a utilisé pour préparer des spécimens anatomiques merveilleusement réalistes. Son habileté à préparer des spécimens anatomiques demeure aujourd'hui inégalée. Il a réalisé des centaines de préparations, tant d'organes individuels que de cadavres entiers, et les a exposées dans plusieurs maisons d'Amsterdam ; ce "cabinet anatomique" était devenu une attraction majeure pour les visiteurs étrangers. Tout ce qui a été publié du "Thesaurus animalium". Le "Thesaurus anatomicus" a été a été publié en 10 parties pour la première fois entre 1701 et 1716. Il est publié ici avec deux parties supplémentaires, qui sont ilustrées de 6 planches ("Curae renovata"). Contient : Thesaurus animalium primus. Cum figuris Aeneis. Amsterdam, Jansson-Waesberg, 1744. (28), 20 pp., 7 planches hors-texte. Relié à la suite : - Thesaurus anatomicus primus. 1739. 36 pp., 4 planches hors-texte. - Thesaurus anatomicus secundus. Idem, 1741. 46 pp., 6 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus tertius. Idem, 1744. 36 pp., 4 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus quartus. Idem, 1744. 28 pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus quintus. Idem, 1744. 28 pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus sextus. Idem, 1744. 56 pp., 7 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus septimus. Idem, 1727. 22 pp., 4 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus octavus. Idem, 1727. 32 pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Thesaurus anatomicus nonus. In qua varia, circa corpus humanum notatu digna, occurunt. Idem, 1744. 43, (1) pp., 5 pl. H-t. - Thesaurus magnus & regius qui est decimus thesaurorum anatomicorum. In quo praecipuae corporis humani partes, ceu in statu vivo, nitidissime praeparatae, reservantur. Idem, 1729. (6), 40 pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Curae posteriores, seu thesaurus anatomicus omnium praecedentium maximus. Idem, 1738. (8), 31, (1) pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Curae renovatae, seu, thesaurus anatomicus, post curas posteriores, novus. Idem, 1742. (10), 22 pp., 3 pl. h-t. - Tractatio anatomica, de musculo, in fundo uteri observato, antehac a nemine detecto, cui, accedit depulsionis secundinarum, parturientium foeminarum, instructio. Idem, 1742. (4), 20 pp., 1 pl. h-t. - BOHL, Christoph. Dissertatio epistolica ad Ruyschium de usu novarum cavae propaginum in systemate chylopoeo, ut & de corticis cerebri textura. Idem, 1744. 13, (1) pp. - RUYSCH. Responsio, ad dissertationem epistolicam, viri doctissimi, Joh. Christoph Bohlii... Idem, 1725. 12 pp. (1 gravure in-texte) - HECQUET. Epistola ad D. D. Ruyschiano uteri musculo. Idem, 1727. 8 pp. - VATER, Abraham. Epistola gratulatoria ad Frederic Ruyschium in qua de musculo orbiculari in fundo uteri detecto gratulatur. Idem, 1727. 15, (1) pp., 1 pl. h-t. - RUYSCH. Opusculum anatomicum de fabrica glandularum in corpore humano, continens binas epistolas, quarum prior est Hermann Boerhaave. Leyde, Cornelium Haak, 1751. (2), 81, (1) pp. (1 gravure in-texte). Dos du cartonnage défraîchi, des feuillets brunis. /// In-4 de Cartonnage en papier marbré. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// A collection of 19 printed pieces, illustrated with 57 engraved out-of-text plates, including many folding ones and 2 engravings in-text. The illustrations of these works are outstanding, strange and beautiful. They include the most incredible baroque compositions of natural history, which were later purchased by Tsar Peter the Great. "Ruysch perfected the method of anatomical injection, which he used to illustrated the detailed structure of vascular system and to prepare wonderfully lifelike and durable anatomical specimens. (...) Ruysch skill in preparing anatomical specimens remains unsurpassed even today. He made hundreds of preparations, both of individual organs ad entire corpses, and exhibited them in several houses in Amsterdam; this "anatomic cabinet" became a major attraction for foreign visitors". (Norman). All published of "Thesaurus animalium". The "Thesaurus anatomicus" was first published in 10 parts between 1701 and 1716. It is published here with two additional parts, which are illustrated with 6 plates ("Curae renovata"). Heirs of Hippocrates No. 616 et 617. Norman 1876 et 1875 (other editions). Garrison Morton 389 : "Ruysch, professor of anatomy at Leyden and Amsterdam, is notable for his method of injecting vessels. The recipe for the material used by Ruysch has remained a secret. He gave the first description of bronchial blood vessels and vascular plexuses of the heart, demonstrated the valves of the lymphatics, and made a great number of other importent discoveries in anatomy". Bound in contemporary boards, spine faded, some leaves browned. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET‎

Hugues de Latude - Villefranche de Lauragais

Phone number : 06 09 57 17 07

EUR6,500.00 (€6,500.00 )

‎Aristoteles, Pieter Beullens, Fernand Bossier (eds)‎

Reference : 65347

‎historia animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka, Pars altera: lib. VI-X‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xlii + 364 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Language(s):Latin, English. ISBN 9782503586656.‎

‎Summary This book forms the complement to the first volume published in 2000. The preface contains some remarks about the transmission of the text as a supplement to the first volume. Then follow the critical edition of books 6-10, and the indices for the whole text. The complete edition gives access to the longest and most important work from Aristotle's zoology, De historia animalium, in the Latin translation by William of Moerbeke. This version was part of the standard university curriculum in the late-medieval West. The bilingual indices give access to the richness of the translator's vocabulary and provide an indispensable tool for the study of his translation method. Except for De partibus animalium, all of Moerbeke's translations from the Aristotelian zoological corpus are now available in critical editions.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

Reference : alb8259e656d7cee587

‎Pallas P.S. De reliquiis animalium exoticorum per Asiam borealem repertis comple‎

‎Pallas P.S. De reliquiis animalium exoticorum per Asiam borealem repertis complementum On the remains of exotic animals found in North Asia supplement In Latin (ask us if in doubt)/Pallas P.S. De reliquiis animalium exoticorum per Asiam borealem repertis complementum Ob ostankakh ekzoticheskikh zhivotnykh naydennykh v Severnoy Azii dopolnenie. In Latin Petropoli 1773 579-609 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8259e656d7cee587‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR599.00 (€599.00 )

‎JONSTON (Jan).‎

Reference : 15808


‎Theatrum Universale Omnium Animalium Quadrupedum.‎

‎Heilbronn, Eckebrecht, Lannoy, 1755. In-folio à deux colonnes de (16) pp. dont le frontispice, 236-(6) pp., 79 (sur 80) planches numérotées.Theatrum Universale Omnium Animalium Insectorum (- de Serpentibus). Heilbronn, Eckebrecht, 1757. In-folio de (12)-212-(4) pp., 28 planches numérotées, 55-(3) p., 12 planches numérotées.2 pièces reliées en 1 vol. in-folio, basane marbrée, dos orné à nerfs, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque). ‎

‎Nouvelle édition des trois parties du Theatrum Animalium de Jonston consacrées aux Quadupèdes, aux Insectes et aux Serpents - publié une première fois en 1650 en six parties (les trois autres étant consacrées aux oiseaux, poissons et cétacés, et animaux "exsangues"). Jan Jonston (1603-1675), naturaliste et précepteur de Bogouslav Leszczynski, fut un grand compilateur d'oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et s'inspira largement des oeuvres de Pline l'Ancien, d'Aristote, d'Oppien, d'Aldrovande et de Gessner. Le Theatrum Universale est une des premières encyclopédies modernes d'histoire naturelle. 2 titres en rouge et noir, 1 frontispice gravé Historiae naturalis de quadrupetibus libri et 79 (sur LXXX) planches représentant des animaux réels et mythologiques pour la partie Quadrupèdes, XXVIII planches pour les Insectes et XII planches pour les Serpents, le tout superbement gravé pour la première édition par Matthäus Merian (1593-1650). La planche XXXVIII (rhinocéros) manque.Coupes, coiffes et coins frottés, mors du second plat fendu en tête. Provenance : bibliothèque du Marquis de Vichy avec ex-libris armorié.Nissen, ZBI 2139. ‎


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