Insight Guides (7/2023)
Reference : SVALIVCN-9781839053405
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[Hans Holbein the younger] - Foister, Susan
Reference : 081025
ISBN : 0300102801
Foister, Susan: Holbein and England. London and New Haven: 2004. 308pp with 54 colour plates, 19 colour and 245 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 29.4x25.5cms. Hans Holbein the Younger earned high acclaim for his work both in the city of Basel and in England for Henry VIII and other patrons. This book explores the full range of the artist's work executed in England and the relation of this work to the visual and material culture of Tudor England.
Hans Holbein the Younger earned high acclaim for his work both in the city of Basel and in England for Henry VIII and other patrons. This book explores the full range of the artist's work executed in England and the relation of this work to the visual and material culture of Tudor England. Text in English
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 231 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:13 b/w, Languages: English, Old English, Latin. ISBN 9782503583846.
Summary In recent years numerous advances in archaeological and historical studies have enhanced our understanding of the form and function of settlements and strongholds in the landscapes of early medieval England. Until now, this groundbreaking work has not been matched in studies of early English literature, where no concerted effort has been made to investigate how these findings can inform our understanding of their representation in texts - and vice versa. This study shows that literary works offer considerable insight into the ways their authors, readers, and other audiences thought and felt about the constructed places and spaces in which they lived their lives. Covering a broad range of evidence from the end of Roman rule to the Conquest, it is the first study of its kind to offer an interdisciplinary account of the relationship between the built environment as it appears in the material record, and in a range of textual productions. Settlements and Strongholds interrogates correlations and disjunctions between the stories found in the soil and in written works of various kinds, focusing on vernacular texts and Latin works that informed their development. It argues for a deeper appreciation of the relationship between imaginative works and the material contexts in which they were created, revealing the parallel development of ideas and concepts that were fundamental in shaping early medieval England. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Abbreviations Chapter 1. Introduction: Texts and Landscapes in Early Medieval England Texts Materials Contexts Chapter 2. Ruin Mythologies The Desolation of Britain Origin Mythologies Roman Buildings in the Exeter Book Elegies Roman Buildings in Andreas Rural Settlements in Early-Saxon England Loci Amoeni in the Vernacular Tradition Conclusion Chapter 3. Settlements Before the 'Viking Age' Rebuilding Christendom in the Ruins of Rome Cosmic Halls in Beowulf and C dmon's Hymn Minster Authority: C dmon in the Historia Ecclesiastica Building the English Church in De Templo Structuring the Everyday in the Exeter Book Elegies W?cs in Old English Poetry? Burhs in Middle-Saxon England Conclusion Chapter 4. Settlements, Strongholds, and the Alfredian Reinvention Reclaiming the Urban Landscape in Andreas The Archaeology of the Burghal Hidage Society, Settlements, and the 'Alfredian' Translations Society, Settlements, and Asser's Vita Alfredi Conclusion Chapter 5. Spiritual Strongholds in Late-Saxon England Bethulia as Burh in the Old English Judith Cities of Good and Evil in Elene, Juliana, and Daniel lfric, Wulfstan, and the Building of Christendom The Anglo-Norman City in Durham Conclusion Chapter 6. Afterword Of Time and the City Earth, Wood, Stone Structures of Community Works Cited Index
1746 Printedand fold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-street. In the vulgar year of Masonry 5746 [1746]. Un volume petit in-4° (149 x 192 mm) de X+[2]+230+[2] pages; les pages 217-22 (cahier Ff) sont en double exemplaire, strictement identiques. Reliure de lépoque en veau marron, encadrement à froid sur les plats et filet doré le long des charnières, dos à nerfs orné de filets, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches mouchetées de rouge (dos anciennement remplacé et coins émoussés). Contenu : - Dédicace de louvrage au Prince de Galles Frédéric-Louis, par James Anderson; bandeau gravé avec les armes du prince, signé John Pine (pages III-VI).- «The author to the reader», et plan de louvrage, le tout daté de «Greter Court, Strand, 4 Nov. 1738» et signé James Anderson (pages VII-X). - «The sanction», i.e. approbation de louvrage par «John Rebis, secretary», «Caernarvon, Grand Master, John Ward, Deputy Grand Master, George Graham [&] Andrew Robinson Grand Wardens» (page 1 sans no).- planche gravée avec deux figures: lune représentant Hiram montrant le plan du temple au roi Salomon, dessin du frère J[ame]s Thornhill Esq. gravé par John Pine; lautre, anonyme, portant les armes et titres du marquis de Carnarvon, grand-maître en 1738 (page 2 sans no).- «The Constitutions Part I: The History of Masonry from the creation throughout the known earth; till true old architecture was demolishd by the Goths and at last revived in Italy », en sept chapitres: I. From the creation to Grand Master Nimrod, II. From Nimrod to Grand Master Solomon, III. From Solomon to Grand Master Cyrus, IV. From Cyrus to Grand Master Seleucus Nicator, V. From Seleucus to Grand Master Augustus Caesar, VI. From Augustus till the havock of the Goths, VII. The revival of old architecture, or the Augustans Stile»(pages 1-54). - «The Constitutions part II: The History of Masonry in Britain, from Julius Caesar, till the union of the crowns, 1603», en sept chapitres: I. From Julius Caesar to the first arrival of the Saxons in Britain, II. From the first arrival of the Saxons, to William the Conqueror, III. Masonry in England from William the Conqueror to King Henry IV, IV. Masonry in England from Henry IV to the Royal Tewdors, V. Masonry in England from King Henry VII till the union of the crowns, A. D. 1603, VI. Masonry in Scotland till the union of the crowns, VII. Masonry in Irland till Grand Master Kingston A. D. 1730» (pages 55-96). - «The Constitutions part III: The History of Masonry in Britain, grom the union of the crowns to the times» en sept chapitres: I. The Augustan stile in Britain, from the union of the crowns 1603, till the Restoration 1660, II. From the Restoration 1660, till the Revolution 1688, III. From the Revolution to Grand Master Montagu 1721, IV. From Grand Master the Duke of Montagu to Grand Master Richmond, V. From Grand Master Richmond to Grand Master Norfolk, VI. From Grand Master Norfolk to Grand Master Craufurd, VII. From Grand Master Craufurd to the present G. Master Caermarthen [biffé et remplacé par: Carnarvan]» (pages 97-142).- «The Old charges of the Free and Accepted Masons, collected by the author from their old records, at the command of the Grand Master the present Duke of Montagu. Approved by the Grand Lodge, and ordered to be printed in the first edition of the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en six articles : «I. Of God and religion , II. Of the Civil magistrate supreme and subordinate, III. Concerning lodges, IV. Of Masters, wardens, fellows, and prentices, V, Of the Management of the craft in working », VI. Concerning Masons behaviour, [soit] 1) In the Lodge before closing, 2) After the Lodge is closed and the Brethren not gone, 3) At meeting without strangers, but not in a formed Lodge, 4) In presence of strangers not Masons, 5) At home and in your neighbourhood, 6) Towards a foreign Brother or stranger, VII. Concerning Law-suits. The ancient manner of constituting a Lodge (pages 143-151).- « The general Regulations of the Free and Accepted Masons. Compiled first by Brother George Payne [] A. D. 1720, []. Next by order of the Duke of Montagu when Grand Master, the author James Anderson []and the Grand Lodge having revisd ans approvd them, order em to be printed in the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en 39 articles traitant de lorganisation interne de lordre (pages 152-176), suivis de «New regulations» jusquen 1736 (pages 176-178).- «The Constitutions of the Committee of Masons charity first proposed at the Grand Lodge on 21 Nov. 1724» (pages 178-184).- «A list of the Lodges in and about London and Westminster» (pages 184-190).- «Deputations of several Grand Masters, to Wales, the country of England, and foreign parts» (pages 190-198). « The approbation of this Book of the Constitutions» par les dignitaires de la Grande Loge, datée du «25th January 1737/8 in the vulgar, year of Masonry 1737/8» (page 199). - « The Masters song [] by the author of this book[Anderson]», en 6 couplets (pages 200-201).- « The Wardens song [] by the author of this book [Anderson]» en 2 couplets (page 202).- « The Fellow-craft song, by Brother Charles De La Fay Esq » en 6 couplets (pages 203-204). - « The Enterd Prentices song, by Brother Mr. Matthew Birkhead » en 7 couplets (page 204-206).- «The Deputy Grand Masters song», en 7 couplets (pages 206-207).- «The Grand Wardens song, by Brother Oates», en 4 couplets (pages 207-208).- «The Treasurers song» en 4 couplets (page 209).- «The Secretarys song» en 4 couplets (page 210).- «The Sword-bearers song» en 4 couplets (pages 211-212).- «An ode to the Free Masons» en 2 couplets (page 212).- «An ode an Masonry, by Brother J. Bancks» en 12 couplets (pages 213-215).- «A defence of Masonry, publishd A. D. 1730, occasiond by a pamphlet calld Masonry dissected» (pages 216-226). - «Brother Euclids letter to the author against unjust cavils» (pages 226-228).- liste des Frères et des Loges qui ont «encouragé» lauteur (pages 229-230).- «Corrigenda» (page 1 sans no).- Catalogue des libraires Caesar Ward et Richard Chandler (page 2 sans no).
RARE REEMISSION DE LA SECONDE EDITION (1738) des Constitutions dAnderson sous une page de titre renouvelée. ce texte fondateur de la maçonnerie spéculative moderne fut rédigé en 1721-1722 par James Anderson (ca 1678-1739) - peut-être avec le concours de John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744), mais la chose est aujourdhui contestée - à linitiative de John, 2eme duc de Montagu (1690-1749), grand-maître de la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster, afin de réguler des pratiques traditionnelles mais mal fixées. Si les Constitutions de 1723 ont été rédigées à lexpresse demande du groupement des loges créé en 1717, les Constitutions de 1738 relèvent dune initiative propre dAnderson, qui prit de grandes libertés doctrinales par rapport au texte primitif; de ce fait cette version ne fut jamais été reconnue comme officielle par la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster «et il a fallu plusieurs mises en vente avec de nouvelles pages de titre et frontispices pour en achever de vendre le stock» (Philippe Langlet: Les Constitutions de 1723 et leurs traductions en français). Ajoutons que la réémission de 1746 ne présente pas de frontispice du tout.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XXVI 573 p., 49 b/w ill., 11 b/w tables, 15 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503532080.
Dedicated as a memorial to the great historian of England and the Continent in the eighth century, Wilhelm Levison, this book provides the widest and most in-depth exploration to date of relations between England and the Continent during an equally crucial period, the tenth century. The volume, which comes out of a sustained collaboration between English and Continental universities, contains thematically arranged essays by established leading specialists and also by younger scholars. By building on the approaches used by Levison as well as other methods that have been developed in the decades since his death, these essays tackle a broad range of questions: What routeways and modes of contact linked England with the Continent? How similar were attitudes to rulership and dynastic strategies? How did the law, the working of government, and the organization and culture of the church differ between England and the Continent? How was the past seen and represented on the two sides of the English Channel? In answering these questions, this volume offers news ways of exploring the links and developing the comparison between England and the Continent in the century after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, a formative period for the development of Europe. Studies in the Early Middle Ages (SEM 37). Languages: English, Old English, Old Norse. New.
Réunion de 5 affiches, en noir de format 75,5x55,5 cm. 1) Bournemouth on the south cost. Photographie de DIXON SCOTT. Printed in ENGLAND for the Bournemouth corporation and the travel association Pall Mal east, (1930) (deux déchirures restaurées, dans la partie supérieure) 2) Lincoln Cathedral central tower & the vicars court. Photographie de DIXON SCOTT. Printed in ENGLAND for the lincoln corporation and the travel association Pall Mal east, (1930) 3) BATH roman Bath and Abbey. Photo by Herbert LAMBERT Printed in ENGLAND for the Bath corporation and the travel association Pall Mal east, (1930) 4) LANCASHIRE affiche de Ralph MOTT. Printed in ENGLAND for the Lancashire industrial development concil and the travel association Pall Mal east, (1920 ?) 5) BLACKPOOL Playground of the world photos by J DIXON SCOTT Printed in ENGLAND for the BLACKPOOL corporation and the travel association Pall Mal east, (1930) l’ensemble