‎Mukherjee, Neel‎

‎Atlantic Books (3/2024)‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9781805461043


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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : alb0122d18a9874ac3f

‎Esther Lynch Piozzi. British symonymy or an Attempt at regulating the choice of‎

‎Esther Lynch Piozzi. British symonymy or an Attempt at regulating the choice of words in family discourse by Hester Lynch Piozzi with additional notes by the editors In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ester Linch Piotstsi. British synonymy or an AttEsther Lynch Piozzi. British symonymy or an Attempt at regulating the choice of words in family discourse by Hester Lynch Piozzi with additional notes by the editors In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ester Linch Piotstsi. British synonymy or an Attempt at regulating the choice of words in familiar conversation by Hester Lynch Piozzi with additional notes by the editorsParis Parsons and Galignani 1804. This book is a guide for English learners describing the peculiarities of words that are often mistaken for synonyms We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb0122d18a9874ac3f‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR899.00 (€899.00 )


Reference : 41242


‎Démonstration de l'intégrabilité des équations différentielles ordinaires. - [THE PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE THEOREM - INTRODUCING THE AXIOM OF CHOICE]‎

‎Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1890. Orig. printed wrappers, no backstrip. A small offsetting to upper left corner of frontwrapper. A small tear to endwrapper repaired. In ""Mathematische Annalen. Gegenwärtig hrsg. von Felix Klein, Walter Dyck, Adolph Mayer, 36. Band, 2. Heft."" Pp. (153-)320. The whole issue (Heft 2) with orig.wrappers. Peano's paper: pp. 182-288.‎

‎First edition and the first appearance of this fundamental paper in which Peano gives the proof of the so-called ""Peano-Existence-Theorem"" and at the same time contains the first explicit statement of ""The axiom of choice"".The Peano-Existence-Theorem, or ""Cauchy-Peano-Theorem"" guarantees the existence of solutions to certain initial value problems. He first published the theorem in 1886 in ""Sull'integrabilita della equazioni differenziali del primo ordine"" in Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 21, with an incorrect proof. The new correct proof appeared in this paper, as offered.""Peano's work in analysis began in 1883 with an article on the integrability of functions. The article of 1890 (the paper offered) contains notions of integrals and areas. Peano wasthe first to show that the first-order differential equation y' = f(x,y) is solvable on the sole assumption that f is continuous. His first proof dates from 1886, but its rigor leaves something to be desired. In 1890 this result was generalized to systems of differential equations using a different method of proof. This work is also notable for containing the first explicit statement of the axiom of choice. Peano rejected the axiom of choice as being outside the ordinary logic used in mathematical proofs."" (Hubert T Kennedy in DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 44952


‎Beweis, dass jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann. (Aus einem an Herrn Hilbert gerichteten Briefe). - [INTRODUCING BOTH ""THE AXIOM OF CHOICE"" AND ""THE WELL-ORDERING THEOREM""]‎

‎Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1904. 8vo. Bound in half cloth with five raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. In ""Mathematische Annalen. Begründet 1868 durch von A. Clebsch und C. Neumann. 59. Band."" Small bar-code pasted on to top left corner of front wrapper. Two library labels pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper and a small stamp to verso of title page. Pp. 514-16.‎

‎First appearence of this fundamental paper in metamathematics and mathematical logic in which he introduced both ""The Axiom of Choice"" and ""his sensational proof of the well-ordering theorem"" (DSB). By this paper Zermelo contributed decisively to the development of set-theory. Zermelo took up the problem, left over by Cantor, of what to do about the comparison of sets that are not well-ordered. ""In 1904 (the paper offered) he proved....that every set can be well-ordered. To make the proof he had to use what is now known as the axiom of choice (Zermelo's axiom), which states that given any collection of nonempty, disjoined sets, it is possible to choose one member from each set and so make up a new set. The axiom of choce, the well-ordering theorem, and the fact that any two sets may be compared as to size, are equivalent principles.""(Morris Kline). A controversy arose around ""The axiom of Choice"", from Bertrand Russell, Tarski, Frege, Hilbert, Brouwer and others, mainly, and of course importent, over how to interpret the words ""choose"" and ""exists"".The issue also contain the following papers of interest:David Hilbert. Über das dirichletsche prinzip. Pp. 161-186.Lie, Sophus. Drei Kapitel aus dem unvollendeten zweiten Bande der Geometrie der Berührungstransformationen. Pp. 193-313.Schoenflies, A. Beitrage zur Theorie der Punktmengen II, Pp. 129-160.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

Reference : bd-f598571c8666aac2

‎On the choice of horse. Dignity of all signs to study the ability of horses for‎

‎On the choice of horse. Dignity of all signs to study the ability of horses for riding, for carriage, for military service, for agriculture, for postal and home riding, and so on./O vybore loshadi. Dostoinstvo vsekh priznakov k issledovaniyu sposobnosti loshadey dlya verkhovoy ezdy, dlya vozki, dlya voennoy sluzhby, dlya selskogo khozyaystva, dlya pochtovoy i domovoy ezdy, i proch. On the choice of horse. Dignity of all attributes for the study of the capacity of horses for riding, for carriage, for military service, for agriculture, for postal and home riding, etc. 1859. 4, 81, 2 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-f598571c8666aac2.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,299.00 (€1,299.00 )

Reference : alba727deda079714ea

‎Yevtushenko E. Poems. A Choice of poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. In Russian (ask‎

‎Yevtushenko E. Poems. A Choice of poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Evtushenko E. Poemy. A Choice of poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. London CULHAM 1978 120 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba727deda079714ea‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,099.00 (€1,099.00 )
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