‎Grebe, Anja; Lessing, Erich; Pomarede, Vincent‎
‎The Louvre‎

‎Black Dog and Leventhal (3/2020)‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9780762470648


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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Bronwen Saunders ; Holger Steinemann‎

Reference : 62370

‎ DOUARD VUILLARD : In the Louvre - Paintings for a Basel Villa /// Im Louvre - Bilder fur eine Basler villa. ‎

‎, Hirmer Verlag (Thames), 2021 Paperback, 200 pages / seiten, ENG / GER, 285 x 215 x 20 mm, NEW / NEU, illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783777437590.‎

‎In 1921/22 +douard Vuillard created a cycle of six paintings for the entrance hall of the Villa Bauer in Basel. Four large-format pictures show exhibition rooms in the Louvre from Antiquity to French Rococo painting. Two overdoors provide an intimate insight into the artist s art collection. The cycle of paintings is of outstanding quality as regards both content and form, but it to date has seldom been examined and exhibited. It was created immediately after the end of the First World War and the re-opening of the Louvre. Vuillard s Louvre pictures are a humanist manifesto for the social importance and responsibility of museums as places that preserve the evidence of human creativity for future generations. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.50 (€45.50 )

‎Author: Marie-Laure Bernadac (Musee du Louvre) Jean-Pierre Criqui (Centre Pompidou) ‎

Reference : 35258

‎Wim Delvoye au Louvre. / Wim Delvoye at the Louvre‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2012 Hardback, 300x240mm, 96p, 60 colour illustrations, English/ French edition. . ISBN 9789061530619.‎

‎Het boek bij de tentoonstelling geeft een beeld van de uitzonderlijke ontmoeting tussen de collecties van het Musee du Louvre en de wereld van een van de protagonisten van de hedendaagse kunst. De catalogus getuigt van het huidige onderzoek van Wim Delvoye rond de beeldhouwkunst van de negentiende eeuw en de digitale reproductieprocedes. De lezer kan zien hoe een reusachtige getorste pijl, genaamd Suppo, onder de piramide van het Louvre wordt ge nstalleerd. Vanaf het ontwerp tot de installatie van de werken in situ, biedt dit boek een parcours doorheen de zowel stilistische als technische waagstukken van de Belgische kunstenaar. Het rijkelijk ge llustreerd boek bevat een essay van Jean-Pierre Criqui, hoofdredacteur van de Cahiers du Musee national d'art moderne en een gesprek tussen Marie-Laure Bernadac, verantwoordelijke voor de hedendaagse kunst in het Musee du Louvre, en de kunstenaar. Musee du Louvre, Paris Expo: 31/05/2012 - 17/09/2012 L'ouvrage qui accompagne l'exposition du Louvre Paris dresse le portrait d'une rencontre in dite entre les collections du mus e du Louvre et l'univers de l'un des inventeurs de l'art contemporain. Le catalogue t moigne des recherches actuelles de Wim Delvoye sur la sculpture du XIXe si cle et les proc d s informatiques de reproduction. Le lecteur d couvrira galement les moments forts de la mise en place de l'immense fl che torsad e, intitul e Suppo, sous la pyramide du Louvre. De la conception l'installation des ?uvres in situ, un parcours travers les audaces stylistiques autant que techniques du plasticien belge.‎


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‎Les merveilles du louvre. Album of the Louvre in French Volume 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Les merveilles du louvre. Albom Luvr na frantsuzskom yazyke 2 toma HACHETTE 1959. SKUalbbbfe76bb8e138866.‎

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‎O. HARPER Prudence, ARUZ Joan, TALLON Françoise. ‎

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‎The Royal City of Susa. Ancient Near Eastern Treasures in the Louvre.‎

‎<meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">The ancient city of Susa (biblical Shushan) lay at the edge of the Iranian plateau, not far from the great cities of Mesopotamia. A strategically located and vital center, Susa absorbed diverse influences and underwent great political fluctuations during the several thousand years of its history. When French archaeologists began to excavate its site in the nineteenth century, the astonishing abundance of finds greatly expanded our understanding of the ancient Near East. The artifacts were taken to Paris through diplomatic agreement and became a centerpiece of the Louvre's great collection of Near Eastern antiquities. These works are rarely loaned, but a remarkable selection that includes many undisputed masterpieces, brought to The Metropolitan Museum of Art for exhibition, is presented in this comprehensive publication.</span> New York, 1992 The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Abrams 316p., 62 figures, 195 objets décrits et photographiés, broché. 22,5 X 28,5 ‎


Antinoë - Brest

Phone number : 02 98 80 52 48

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )

‎O. HARPER Prudence, ARUZ Joan, TALLON Françoise. ‎

Reference : 28470

‎The Royal City of Susa. Ancient Near Eastern Treasures in the Louvre.‎

‎<meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">The ancient city of Susa (biblical Shushan) lay at the edge of the Iranian plateau, not far from the great cities of Mesopotamia. A strategically located and vital center, Susa absorbed diverse influences and underwent great political fluctuations during the several thousand years of its history. When French archaeologists began to excavate its site in the nineteenth century, the astonishing abundance of finds greatly expanded our understanding of the ancient Near East. The artifacts were taken to Paris through diplomatic agreement and became a centerpiece of the Louvre's great collection of Near Eastern antiquities. These works are rarely loaned, but a remarkable selection that includes many undisputed masterpieces, brought to The Metropolitan Museum of Art for exhibition, is presented in this comprehensive publication.</span> New York, 1992 The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Abrams 316p., 62 figures, 195 objets décrits et photographiés, relié toile sous jaquette. 22,5 X 28,5 ‎


Antinoë - Brest

Phone number : 02 98 80 52 48

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