‎Harter, Jim‎

‎Dover Publications Inc. (3/2003)‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9780486402642


€68.87 (€68.87 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : BG356675


‎Herbarium of 48 sheets with one to six plants on them, in marbled portfolio. All plants were found in Tours (France) or in the vicinity of Tours.‎

‎1961 Herbarium of 48 thick sheets (27.5 x 38 cm) with one to six plants on them, in marbled portfolio (30 x 45 cm). All plants were collected in Tours (France) or in the vicinity of Tours in 1961. The plants and labels are attached with scotch tape. A few plants and labels are loose. One or two plants missing. Labels are giving French name, Latin name, collecting data and locality.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Red. P.S.CHikov‎

Reference : lom-MS000315

‎Atlas of areas and resources of medicinal plants of the USSR. - Moscow: 1983‎

‎In Russian. Short description: Atlas of areas and resources of medicinal plants of the USSR. - Moscow: GUGK, 1983. - 340 p.: ill. Atlas of habitats and resources of medicinal plants of the USSR - the work of a large team of florists, botanical geographers and resource scientists. The atlas reflects the knowledge of the resources of medicinal plants of the USSR, approximately as of 1970. It consists of two sections: the atlas itself (maps of areas and resources of medicinal plants) and a text part containing descriptions of plants, characteristics of their areas and drawings. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000315‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎PAXTON Joseph‎

Reference : 154269



‎ Orr and Smith, London, 1834-1849. In-8 p. (mm. 228x158), 16 volumi, bella legatura coeva in pieno vitellino (primi 9 voll. con dorso lievem. sbiadito), fregi floreali a secco e ricca cornice dorata ai piatti, dorso a cordoni con decorazioni e titolo oro ai riquadri, tagli dorati, pp. complessive 4.790. Magnifica raccolta completa di 717 tavole finemente colorate a mano d'epoca (di cui 27 a doppia pagina o ripiegate), protette da velina, disegnate e incise da F.W. Smith o disegnate e litografate da S. Holden (bellissime le sue orchidee), tutte dettagliatamente descritte; 6 tavole a colori o in tinta che raffigurano progettazioni di giardini, oltre a numerose silografie nel testo eseguite da C.J. Flemin(g) e O. Jewitt. "Edizione originale" di una delle opere più belle sui fiori da giardino e la loro coltivazione.Pubblicato in monthly parts of which 12 made up a volume. The parts were issued near the first of each month, each has a roman numeral giving the number of the part at the foot of its first page, while garden operations for the month of issue are described on its last pages (Cfr. Stafleu & Cowan,Taxonomic literature,IV,7554) - Nissen,2351. Dall'introduzione del 1° vol. (1834), Paxton commenta: From time immemorial Flowering Plants have been objects of especial care and delight; but probably at no period was there a greater interest exhibited, than at the present. Botanical collections are to be found in almost every part of the globe.. In consequence of these great numbers of new plants are annually introduced.. This regular annual increase, added to the stock already in this country (nearly thirty thousand).Each Number of the "Magazine of Botany" will contain four engravings of plants, of the natural size, beautifully coloured from original drawings. The letter-press will be illustrated by numerous wood-cuts of plans of flower gardens, elevations of gardens, structures, utensils and instruments necessary for florists and others who take delight in the cultivations of flowers: and also of figures representing the practical operations necessary for the proper management and full development of their several beauties; without which figures it is hardly possible to render intelligible the peculiar and requisite mode of operation. The text will comprise Botanical descriptions of plants figured; the time of their introduction; the best mode of culture; and every other particular essential to their perfect growth. Each number will also contain a Calendar of the work to be done in each month in the flower garden, including descriptions of all kinds of insects which infest flowers, with the most efficient methods for destroying them, or preventing their depredations; together with such other information as is requisite for the successful propagation of plants.Durante il periodo della pubblicazione della presente opera Joseph Paxton svolse gran parte del suo importante lavoro come sovrintendente dei giardini di Chatsworth, la residenza principale del Duca di Devonshire. "Tra il 1832 e il 1836 sovrintese alla costruzione della stufa, della serra e delle case delle orchidee, alla formazione del magnifico arboreto e alla realizzazione di molte strade immobiliari. Nel 1836 iniziò la costruzione della grande serra, alta trecento piedi di lunghezza, che fu completata nel 1840, e costituì per certi aspetti il modello per il Grande edificio espositivo del 1851. Tra il 1839 e il 1841 Paxton rimodellò il villaggio di Edensor, vicino a Chatsworth, e la sua ultima grande opera costruttiva furono le fontane. Nel 1849 riuscì a far fiorire per la prima volta in Europa la ninfea Victoria regia'".Sir Joseph Paxton (1803-1865), giardiniere, architetto, ingegnere e membro del Parlamento inglese. Appassionato coltivatore di piante esotiche (e della banana Cavendish) iniziò la sua attività di architetto attraverso il lavoro di sistemazione di giardini e costruzione di serre alle quali, dal 1828, apportò varii miglioramenti perfezionando le strutture miste ferro-vetro. Nel 1850 gli fu affidato l'incarico di costruire l'opera a cui è rimasta legata essenzialmente la sua fama: il "Palazzo di Cristallo" per l'Esposizione internazionale di Londra in Hyde Park. Per l'occasione P. studiò una gigantesca serra (circa 120 metri di larghezza e 562 di lunghezza) coperta da volte a botte di varie altezze. Il complesso, interamente costruito con pezzi prefabbricati, fu poi smontato e ricostruito a Sydenham con lievi modifiche. P. progettò inoltre numerose ville e scuole attenendosi ai canoni dell'architettura tradizionale; divenne capo giardiniere del Duca di Devonshire a Chatsworth e per tutta la vita fu coinvolto nell'arte del giardinaggio. Fu pure editore di riviste e testi botanici e con John Lindley, noto botanico inglese, pubblicò Paxton's Flower Garden (così Diz. Treccani online).Molto ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR7,500.00 (€7,500.00 )

Reference : alb60c7e3f275da9744

‎Warlich V.K. Russian medicinal plants. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Varlikh V‎

‎Warlich V.K. Russian medicinal plants. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Varlikh V.K. Russkie lekarstvennye rasteniya. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).1912. Atlas and Botanical Description with Indications of the Medical Application Action Collection and Culture of these Plants. The main objective of the author of the Atlas-Warlich Voldemar Karlovic (1869-1923) a Russian botanist specialist in medicinal plants bacteriologist was to provide pharmacists and medical professionals with a not very expensive but as complete and user-friendly guide for the study of medicinal plants. The Atlas will be useful not only to its target audience but also to students and to a greater extent to farmers and farmers for whom the cultivation and collection of wild medicinal plants can be a relevant income item We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb60c7e3f275da9744‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR2,799.00 (€2,799.00 )

Reference : alb01070e3e54ca9b2e

‎Gesderfer M. Room gardening. Care selection and reproduction of indoor plants.‎

‎Gesderfer M. Room gardening. Care selection and reproduction of indoor plants. Adapting rooms for plant culture. A practical guide for amateur gardeners. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gesderfer M. Komnatnoe sadovodstvo. Ukhod za komnatnymi rasteniyami ikh vybor i razmnozhenie. Prisposoblenie komnat dlya kultury v nikh rasteniy. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlya lyubiteley i sadovodov. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Translation with many additions and changes for Russia A. Semyonov. With tables in the text and the 16th section of the Table. St. Petersburg 1898 p. 4. p. + 626 + IV p. GENERAL INFORMATION. Plant placement in rooms. Weapons and projectiles. Land. Seedling and seedling. Artificial reproduction of indoor plants. Planting and transplantation. Plant maintenance after transplantation. Water watering. Fertilization of potted plants. Trimming. Cleaning. Vrachi.Diseases. Ventilation. Room plants in summer. On the balcony and outdoor window sill We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb01070e3e54ca9b2e‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR3,699.00 (€3,699.00 )
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