‎McGuire, Richard‎

‎Pantheon Schocken Books (12/2014)‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9780375406508


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5 book(s) with the same title

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‎Here they are here are extraterrestrial creatures In Russian (ask us if in doub‎

‎Here they are here are extraterrestrial creatures In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vot oni vot nezemnye sozdaniya. E6‎

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‎Héré, Emmanuel‎

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‎Recueil Des Plans Élévations et Coupes Tant Géométrales Qu'en Perspectives Des Châteaux Jardins et Dépendances Que Le Roi De Pologne Occupe En Lorraine,[.] Le Tout dédié à Sa majesté Par E. Héré Son Premier Architecte ‎

‎Léonce Laget, Paris 1979 In-plano, chemise de toile écrue à rabat souples, titrée sur le premier plat et au dos, 83 planches, dont les titres, dédicaces et frontispices, en trois parties. Superbe réimpression, au format, de l'ouvrage d' Emmanuel Héré publié de 1750 à 1753, tirée à 300 exemplaires numéroté, Augmentée de textes de M. l'abbé Jacques Choux Conservateur au Musée Lorrain de Nancy et de Jean Rocard, Architecte des Monuments Historiques‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

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‎Paul Mijksenaar Piet Westendrop ‎

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‎Open Here The Art of Instructional Design‎

‎New York, Stewart, Tabori & Chang Inc , 1999 Softcover, 144 pp, 16x254x254 mm, 835,00 gram, illustrated, in English, in good condition ISBN 1556709625.‎

‎Open Here: The Art of Instructional Design displays an entertaining array of the most ingenious, stupid, beautiful, and horrible visual solutions that instruction designers and illustrators have invented to help us handle modern technology and everyday products. These works of art show us how to floss out teeth properly, where to insert the printer cartridge, which button to press to transfer a phone call, how to use chopsticks, how to open a milk carton, and how to exit the plane in case of an emergency landing. Open Here also includes a diverse sampling of images: the finest cut-away drawing of a truck's diesel engine, a revealing expanded view of a model airplane, and detailed full-color photographs of a sewing machine in a 19th-century manual. Open Here also includes an overview of the basic elements of visual instructions: the baffling yet remarkable drawings, cartoons and symbols that tell us where to cut, where to twist, how to repeat, and also how not to do all of the above.‎


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EUR12.50 (€12.50 )

‎ T. van Bueren (ed.)‎

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‎Care for the Here and the Hereafter. Memoria, Art and Ritual in the Middle Ages‎

‎, Brepols, 2005 Paperback 332 p., 127 b/w ill. + 18 colour ill. + + ills., 240 x 280 mm,. ISBN 9782503515083.‎

‎Truus van Bueren, Care for the Here and the Hereafter: a Multitude of Possibilities; Samuel K. Cohn, Jr., Triumph over Plague: Culture and Memory after the Black Death; Truus van Bueren and Otto Gerhard Oexle, Das Imaginarium der Sukzession: Uber Sukzessionsbilder und ihren Kontext; Brigitte B?ggild Johannsen, Genealogical Representation in Gendered Perspective: on a Lost Royal Mausoleum from Early Sixteenth-Century Denmark; Jeroen Stumpel, The Case of the Missing Cross: Thoughts on the Context and Meaning of the Nassau Monuments in Breda; Volker Schier, Memorials Sung and Unsung: Liturgical Remembrance and its History; Corine Schleif, Forgotten Roles of Women as Donors: Sister Katerina Lemmel?s Negotiated Exchanges in the Care for the Here and the Hereafter; Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Utrecht Canons, Death and Funeral Regulations; Llewellyn C.J.J. Bogaers, Commemoration in a Utrecht Collegiate Church: Burial and Memorial Culture in St. Peter?s (1054-1784); Louise van Tongerloo, Grablegung und Totengedenken bei Pilgerbruderschaften in Utrecht, mit einer Neuinterpretation von Scorels und Mors Bildnisreihen von Jerusalemfahrern; Bini Biemans and Truus van Bueren, A Veritable Treasure Trove: the Memorial Book of St. Nicholas?s Convent in Utrecht and Its Art Donations; Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Remembrance and Memoria: the Descriptions of Four Churches Compared; Julian Gardner, Epilogue: ?From hence your memory death cannot take?; About the authors and editors, Indexes. ‎


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‎DISQUE VINYLE 33T : CAT STEVENS - Here Comes My Wife, Granny, Matthew And Son, Here Comes My Baby, Lovely City, I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun, I Love My Dog, Kitty, The First Cut Is The Deepest, A Bad Night, School Is Out, Where Are You‎

‎DECCA. 1970. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Pochette en couleurs. Here Comes My Wife, Granny, Matthew And Son, Here Comes My Baby, Lovely City, I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun, I Love My Dog, Kitty, The First Cut Is The Deepest, A Bad Night, School Is Out, Where Are You.. . . . Classification : 410-33 Tours‎

‎Disque n° 210 005. Classification : 410-33 Tours‎


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