Jérusalem, Hasefer, 1923. In-folio, non paginé, percaline beige de l'éditeur, frise dorée en encadrement sur les plates, fleuron doré et argenté sur un plat, petit cartouche noir à l'autre, dos long orné de frises argentées et fleurons noirs (manques au dos, taches au cartonnage).
Reference : 21165
Jolie édition du Cantique des cantiques illustrée par Zeew Raban. La page de droite comprend le texte en hébreu dans un encadrement dans le goût des anciens manuscrits enluminés hébraïques, en regard se trouve la traduction en anglais et entre les deux, des serpentes illustrées. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
L'Ancienne Librairie
M. Alban Caussé
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75018 Paris
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conforme aux règles du SLAM
Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, VIII+256 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503518060.
This volume contains the first critical edition of the latest of the three medieval French adaptations of the Song of Songs. There are three medieval French adaptations of the Song of Songs, each reflecting a distinct exegetical tradition. The latest of these three, here edited for the first time (from BNF fr. 14966), adopts the tropological interpretation according to which the Song depicts the relationship of the individual soul with God. The mystical, contemplative approach owes much to Bernard of Clairvaux, William of St Thierry, and Thomas the Cistercian, and this Cistercian tradition also has close links with the Beguines, a connection which receives detailed exploration in the editor's extensive Introduction. Writing in the late-thirteenth century in north-eastern France, the author of the Cantiques is aware of such an association and not only engages in the familiar procedures of allegorization, but, more originally, inserts into his commentary eight lyrics which are modelled on known secular chansons which receive full attention from the editor. Within the text, which covers Song 1. 1 to Song 3. 11 in 2544 octosyllables arranged in eight-line stanzas, speeches are assigned to Sponsus, Sponsa, Magister, and Religio. The Cantiques Salemon is the work of a poet rather than of a theologian, reflecting many elements associated with 'la courtoisie mystique', which in turn is characteristic of writing for the Beguines. The editor provides a detailed summary of the text, full glossary and notes as well as an account of the language. To these is added a study of the poet's principal literary techniques, involving both the varied processes of translation and the elaboration of a network of links between stanzas together with the imprint of a personal, lyric quality on the whole. Languages : English, Middle French.
London, John Bellamie, 1650. 4to. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and triple ruled fillets to boards. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Upper front hinge split and spine-ends with a few tears. Inner hinges split. Boards slightly soiled. Both font free end-paper with annotations in contemporary hand. Internally with occassional light marginal browning but generally nice and clean. (14), 374, (2), 32, 35-58, 61-76, 83-234, 239-334 pp.
First edition of Trapp’s commentary and interpretation on three books from the Old Testament of the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs.
Reference : 40599aaf
London, Folio Society, 1967, in-4°, frontispiece + 22 p. + 5 engravings reproductions + 1 ll, orig. clothbound, slipcase,
The illustrations were engraved in 1949 for a small limited edition of ‘The Song of Songs’, published by the Collectors' Book Club.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, (1985). Orig. full cloth. VIII,454 pp.
London, John Bellamie, 1627 - 1626. Folio (340 x 235 mm). In contemporary full calf with six raised bands and ruled fillets to boards. With considerable wear to extremities, scratches to boards, hinges split in lower and upper compoartment, corners bumped with loss of leather. Leather on lower part of front boards partly detached. Inner hinges split. General title-page detached and with loss of paper (and one letter) in inner margin. Ex-libris (S. Philip Sydenham) pasted on to verso of front board. Blank with considerable wear and partly detached. Previous owner's name and annotations in contemporary hand to front free end-paper (Thomas Burton, 1637 (thomas Burton, MP for Westmorland). Seven parts with seperate title-pages. Internally nice and clean. (10), 172, 156, 184, 206, (2), 168, (24), (2), 189, (7), 59 pp.
Rare first collected edition of Ainsworth's bible commentaries. Henry Ainsworth (1571–1622) was an English Nonconformist clergyman and scholar. He led the Ancient Church, a Brownist or English Separatist congregation in Amsterdam alongside Francis Johnson from 1597, and after their split led his own congregation. His translations of and commentaries on the Hebrew scriptures were influential for centuries.